
Sealed omnipotency

Takudzwa_Muperi1 · Lainnya
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

Author: I will edit this chapter tomorrow to fix things that don't make sense and make some things understandable.


"Welcome 'me!".

Alex heard a voice similar to his when he took 3 steps inside. He turned and looked at the source of the voice and saw a small baby defying the laws of gravity, floating in the air.

What surprised him the most was the baby's face. The baby looked like a smaller version of himself, the only difference being their eyes.

While Alex's eyes were of a silver color matching his hair, the baby's eyes were a golden in color. The aura surrounding the baby was that of an almighty being. Alex felt like an ant standing before a true God.

"w-who are y-you?", Alex asked after mustering all the courage he had but the answer the baby gave made him dumbfounded,

"I am you" The baby answered with a smile making Alex see the toothless gum inside his small mouth.


Alex was truly speechless, not only by the answer given by the baby but also the fact that the baby could talk without teeth


The baby seeing the dumbfounded expression on Alex's face decided to talk, "When I was born, I was different from every living existence in all existing worlds and will probably be one of my kind in all of eternity. Do you know why I am different?", The baby said the last sentence looking directly into Alexander's eyes.

Alex turned his gaze 3 seconds after the baby looked into his eyes. For some reason, he felt like he was unworthy of looking the baby in the eyes.

" w-why? ", with a stuttering voice Alex asked.

"When a baby is born, they will live their lives with neither intelligence nor awareness until they reach a certain age at which they acquire the both abilities. Each and every one of newborns always has a weakness. One might have power but a limited amount of it and a limited lifespan, the other might have long life and but still, his power will always have a limit

But, I am different. When I was born I had everything. I could think like no other and had power that surpasses anything that was alive, that is alive and that is to live giving me room for infinite possibilities and I also have a limitless lifespan. What do you think a bearer of these qualities is called? "


Alex gulped and tried to think of a suitable answer to give but in the end he couldn't think of anything .All he could say was" a terrifying being "

"wrong answer, A being with such qualities has only one suiting name which is," the baby paused and smiled "OMNIPOTENT"

Alex was shocked 'does such a being exist'. He has always known that, there were powerful beings in the world who could do a lot of things with their vast power but still, there were limits to what they could do. Never even in his dreams had he imagined the existence of af an 'OMNIPOTENT BEING' who could do limitless things. 'truly terrifying'

"After i was born, I knew that my life was gonna be boring and if my power gets out of control even slightly everything in existence was gonna be devoured by it. So, to avoid boredom and the destruction of everything, I planted a life core in my body and left it living while I went to find an adventure that would make my life 'not boring'.

After searching countless worlds for long, I finally arrived at a blue planet called earth and I found it interesting but still, I knew that boredom was gonna knock on my door if I lived life with my memories, so I created created this world you see here and the woman along with other creatures and gave them some orders,"

Alex was listening attentively and also asking himself some questions like 'if this guy created this world and the woman outside as he says then why did the she say that he was the one who created her.... Could it be that I..." Alex shook his head when he thought of a certain possibility and continued to listen to what the baby was saying.

" After I completed the creation of this world, I locked some features of it so that I would unlock them when I return hehe. I then entered the womb of a woman who I saw begging for a child to please her husband at a church. The woman treated me good and loved me with all her being when I was born until the day she died",the baby gave Alex a meaningful smile but Alex wanted to hear the continuation of the story, "The what happened?" He asked.

The baby rolled his eyes, "After that I got married to my pure, innocent wife and had three beautiful female children or at least I thought it was true"the baby sighed and looked at Alex and asked" Do you get what I mean now? "

Alex shook his head and veïns seemed to appear on the baby's face but Alex took no notice of it and continued to look at the baby with an innocent face.

The baby shook his head" One day I got back from work and found out that she was cheating on me with my best friend and the children I thought were mine weren't"the baby then looked at Alex "Now do you you gerrit? "

Alex thought of something and shouted, "Our stories are the same, we were both chucked"

The baby's fists which were ready to punch Alex if he had given a wrong answer released and the veins on his small head disappeared

"not quite the answer I was hoping for but it still passes" said the baby, "You and I are one, we are the same person but I'm just a fragment you left to see everything and then tell you about it and also warn you about the dangers of your power since you sealed your omniscient mind"

Alex was shocked but not to the point of going crazy like any normal person would.He was about to ask a question but the baby beat him to it, "sorry, can't answer anything else. You'll understand once you fully unlock the seal on you mind and do remember that you shouldn't force-break it otherwise the worlds will go 'boom' along with it. Although you can recreate it or reverse time, the same thing will happen as long as you don't have full control over your power. You will kill your loving family more than a hundred times which is bad so I recommend you not do anything stupid..... Oops, my time has run out"

Alex shivered when he heard the words from the baby. Would he want the world along with his family destroyed, the answer is no. He couldn't live with the guilt of murdering them once let alone a thousand times or more. So he decided to listen although it was unbelievable.

"So what do I do to control the power?" Alex asked. Although it was unbelievable and might be a lie, he still had to know just incase it was true.

"All you have to do is follow the missions given by the system. Although it is annoying, it is also an ally you created for yourself... This world is continuously growing each passing second and has has unlimited mana and magic supplied by you so you can also bring your women and friends to make them strong *wink*", After saying that, the baby turned into a small ball of light and entered Alex's body.

After it entered his body, he felt strong and a lot of information flooded his mind. He looked at his hands in awe and wanted to test his power but something else happened.

Everything turned white and the next second he found himself on a bed in his room back at the Geisar House.
