
Seal The Witch's Magic (English)

I hope you enjoy my fiction story! *Not a system novel *The protagonists lives in southeast asia **** Riro and Nalia. The two of them were Yinhir and Yanghir, mages with dangerous special powers. The similarities between them make Riro and Nalia close. After going through a series of events, they are against the organization that is after them, namely Red Goat.

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1 Chs

Arc 1 | Ch 1 – Meet

The night sky looks beautiful because of the stars that adorn it. However, the city below looks scary because many buildings are destroyed and flames are everywhere.

There are many corpses in this place.

However, many people are still alive.

One of the survivors is a young man named Riro who is now standing with full wounds.

"No, no, no ...!"

Riro was taken aback by what he saw. The red-haired girl lay limp with blood on her chest.

Riro ran and sat beside the girl. Then he lifted her body with his right arm.

"Don't die, Nalia!"

Riro was crying. The look on his face showed worry and sadness. His cheeks were wet and tears fell down Nalia's cheeks.

"If you die ... I'm not sure I can go on with my life. Please ... don't leave me. We must live happily together!"

With her right hand, Nalia touched the brown haired boy's cheek and wiped his tears

The girl also had tears in her eyes, just like Riro. She also felt sad that his life might not be long. However, she tried his best to smile.

"Perhaps, this is hard for you ... but you have to let me go. With injuries this severe, there's no way I'd survive."

"No...! Don't say that! You have to live! Fight! Don't give up!"

"Sorry ...."

The girl's arm lost strength. She no longer touched Riro's cheek. Nalia's eyes looked blank and her breath stopped.

At that moment, Riro felt great sadness and pain in his heart.


That night, a man hugged the corpse of the

woman he loved while crying.


Back to the past, before the incident happened.

"Hey, Riro, wake up!"

Riro, who was sleeping, was woken up by the blow from the teacher's worksheet. Spontaneously the boy immediately woke up and was surprised to see the teacher's face.

The friends around him laughed out loud because of Riro's reaction. Riro responded by scratching his head and apologizing while smiling awkwardly.

"Did you hear what am I explained earlier, Riro?"

"Em... that's... eum...." Riro's eyes were all over the place. He tried to avoid his teacher's gaze.

A few seconds later, a notification sound rang out.

"The time has shown 14.00. The last lesson for the day has ended. Students are welcome to return to their respective homes."

After hearing that, the students cheered together, "HORREEEE!"

Riro was relieved and looked at his teacher's face. "Hehehe, class is over, Sir."

"Hah ... okay. For now you escape Riro. Next time don't fall asleep."

"Hahaha, yes sir."

Riro also put his school equipment into the bag. After that he picked his up and walked out of the classroom.

As he was almost at the school gate, someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, do you want to play game at my house today?"

The one who asked was a blue-haired man with bangs covering the left side of his face. He is Riro's best friend.

"Not yet, Wahyu. Today I want to focus on push rank." Riro refused his friend's invitation.

"Oh, nevermind."

The boy separated from Riro after exiting the school gate. Riro turned right, while he was the other way around.

"Huh ... my stomach is hungry. Stop by the bakery first."

Riro decided to stop by his favorite bakery first. One of the breads sold in the shop is bread filled with chicken. Riro liked it so much, that's why he subscribed to the shop.

Riro hopes the stock is still there. The breads was selling very well, so he had to hurry.

"I have to hurry. Don't let the stock of chicken bread run out." Riro quickened his footsteps.


When he almost reached to bakery, suddenly a man in a black jacket came from the front and hit Riro's right shoulder until he fell.

"Ouch! What the hel!?"

Riro looked back, he saw the back of the person who hit him. That person ran away from Riro just like that. He didn't even look back at all.

"Damn it!" Riro cursed. "After hitting people he just ran away! Did he not feel anything when he hit me? It's so annoying!"

When Riro was about to get up, suddenly his attention was stolen by a book with a black cover in front of him.

Riro was confused and took the book.

"This ... belongs to the person from earlier right?"

Riro stood up and looked at a few pages in the book. He was surprised after knowing the contents.

"I-Impossible … this … really exists?" The boy widened his eyes in surprise.

Riro looked around, then he closed the book. The man put the black book into his bag immediately.

Riro then resumed his journey. The bakery is near. Within a few minutes he finally arrived.

Riro entered the shop and greeted the seller with a big smile. Riro and the peddler faced the storefront in their midst.

"Hello, Yudi!"

"Oh, Riro. After school huh? How are you?"

"I'm quite tired and sleepy, but I'm fine. How about you?"

"Hahaha. Thank goodness. I'm fine too. Please choose the bread you like."


The bakery is currently deserted. So Riro can buy without waiting in line. However, the man did not immediately buy chicken bread, he took a look first. Maybe there is an interesting new bread.

Riro is not alone, there are other customers who are looking at the bread in the window. The customer was a girl with red hair in a ponytail style. He wore a long-sleeved gray woolen shirt. While the bottom is long black pants.

Meanwhile, Riro himself wears an Indonesian high school uniform in a black coat.

'Nothing is interesting. Yes, I'll just buy chicken bread,' Riro thought.

Riro also pointed to his favorite chicken bread which now only had one left. But at the same time, the red-haired girl also pointed at the same bread.

"I bought this one. Eh?"

They both spoke at the same time. Spontaneously they looked at each other.

Riro looked at the girl's purple irises. The girl looked at Riro's blue irises.

After a few seconds they stood up straight and looked at the seller.

"I bought it first," they said in unison. The two teenagers looked at each other again. This time with an annoyed expression.

Yudi laughed awkwardly and tried to separate them both.

"Never mind, you guys just share. Pay jointly."

Inevitably they also pay jointly and decided to eat the bread together. Riro took money out of his pocket and paid, the girl did the same.

The two finally got the bread they wanted. Riro went out with the bread. The red-haired girl followed closely behind.

Riro and the girl sat on a bench in front of the shop, near the entrance. After that Riro split the bread and gave half to the ponytail girl.

The two of them ate bread together while watching the passing vehicles. The atmosphere was awkward because the two of them weren't talking to each other.

'This girl looks cold. She doesn't seem like the type to get along easily. But ... if I look closely, she looks graceful. Her face is pretty too.' Riro glanced at the girl beside him while commenting inwardly.

Uncomfortable with the awkward atmosphere, Riro decided to start a conversation.

"My name is Riro Abinara. What's your name?"

The girl turned around, and answered Riro's question.

"My name is Nalia."