


sahra_sahra · Fantasi
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2 Chs

chapter -2

Chapter 2: The first meet


The marriage ceremony was in second week of December.

So on a fine sunny morning, we started for my Mom's aunt's house in village.

The bus left the city and was running among the green fields. I was sitting by the side of the window and somehow I was trying to dig into my head, how Suchismita would look like. She used to play with me in my childhood days, gave me warmth in cold nights.

I was engrossed in my thoughts, my mom nudged me.

---"Baduria is near. We will be getting down in the next stop."

After we got down, my mom told me that we have to walk some two to three kilometers to reach their home.

I asked whether there were rickshaws or not.

My dad wisely told me ---"Beta, village airs are full of oxygen. We are near to the earth and nature, so we should take a walk."

Ok, Dad's words, no one can deny him.

During the way, my mom told me stories of Suchismita, how she used to play and love me very much. After hearing all those stories I was very eager to see that lady.

After sometime we reached mom's aunt's house.

The house was a big one. Mom's uncle was a big farmer, but he passed away long ago. The eldest brother, Sumanto, took the reins of their dilapidated family and educated all his brothers and sisters. He himself could not study further and kept on farming.


As we entered the huge house, every where I could feel people running and enjoying the ceremony.

I was a total unknown person in that crowd. My mom introduced me with her aunt; I bowed down and touched her feet. Then she introduced me with everyone of that family. But Suchismita was nowhere in sight. I felt hesitated to ask for her, I thought it would be unwise. My mom asked Meghna Aunty about Suchismita. She answered, that Suchismita might be somewhere doing something mischief with her friends. She was the youngest of all so she was always naughty and mischievous from childhood days.

I was looking at my aunt Meghna while my mom was chatting with her; she was a beautiful lady in her mid thirties, round face, dark black long hair, and big black eyes. She wore a yellow saree with red border, which made her skin even glow. From her side, I could see the bulge of her bosoms. She possessed shapely twin mass of soft flesh on her chest. Her waist lines quiet a shaped one, I won't say that it was like a model figure, but I could assume her waist line to be good enough and then her broad hips and bottoms, well round shapely I suppose, covered in yellow saree but gave her structure a beautiful shape to imagine. I was caressing her all over with the corner of my eye.

Suddenly a bunch of girls passed from the side with all laughing and carrying some flowers and Meghna aunty called up one of the girls --- "Suchismita, come here, Ulupi di is searching for you."

Out of the bunch, a sweet girl in her early twenties came forward. Her face was gleaming with bright smile of thousand volts.

She bowed down to touch my mom's feet and my mom embraced her, held her chin and gave a kiss on her forehead.

Mom ---"Paree (Suchismita's pet name), you have grown up to be a beautiful lady."

I was eyeing this beautiful girl; she was dressed in a pink gorgeous sleeveless salwar suit which suited very well on her figure. Her hair was long and tied in a bun on her nape. There was jasmine flowers tied to her tresses which gave a sweet smell. Her skin colour was creamy white and soft. The winter rays of the sun gleamed on her skin. Her face was of oval shaped and smooth skin. When she smiled, it dimpled on her cheeks that made her smile and face more beautiful. I was taken aback by her beauty. Her slender arms and legs bereft of any hair were smooth like satin.

She gave me a queer look --- "This might be Abhimanyu, your son."

Mom nodded affirmatively --- "You remember, in child hood days you used to play with him, take him along with you everywhere you went."

She pointed at me and said --- "Ohh, so Abhimanyu has grown up a big boy."

As she smiled looking at me, the words that emanated from those rosy red lips felt like honey in my ears.

She then said --- "Ok, Ulupi di, I am in a bit hurry, I will catch you later."

Then she looked at me and said --- "Hi, Abhimanyu, you can call me Paree as my loved ones call me. I will surely catch you later. I have lots of works to do."

Meghna aunty smiled at her --- "You are doing nothing, except mischief."

On hearing that, Paree (now onwards let us call Suchismita as Paree) --- "Ohh, my darling sister-n-law it is our time to enjoy."

Saying so, she giggled away and got mixed up in the crowd of the marriage.

The sweet smell of those jasmine flowers lingered in my nostrils.

Then my mom and dad and Meghna also went away, asking me that I should mix up and enjoy.

But I was new to everyone; I did not know where to go or what to do.

My mom and dad were nowhere in sight, they got mixed up in the crowd and was chatting or doing something elsewhere.

I went upstairs, with a cup of coffee. Leisurely taking a brisk walk to look around the house. It seemed everyone was busy of doing nothing.

I walked up to the roof and stood at one corner, beholding the beauty of the village and nature.

Downstairs I saw that very bunch of girls in the open space in front of the house.

Paree was looking like a princess in her pink salwar suit, surrounded by her maidens.

From top, I looked intently at her, devouring her beauty. She was a proud owner of an hourglass figure. Her well shaped arms, smooth glowing skin. Her chest was adorned with a pair of perfect shaped melons, not too big neither too small. I was trying to imagine, what it would feel like, if she cuddles me like old days.


Her hind globes were also shapely and round. Full of flesh, but as her salwar cupped her figure; I could imagine that there was not an ounce of unnecessary flesh around her figure anywhere. From the top of third floor, I could not gather much of her beauty. Only that, I was feeling to have my crush of my own mashi.

Nothing to be done for the whole afternoon, I felt.

After some time the girls passed away, from the courtyard to somewhere out of my sight.