

Got reincarnated into the world of Dandadan as a highschool student the day the main characters of the manga obtain their powers, adamant about obtaining some yokai powers myself I look for a ghost hot spot and I find just that. Maybe a little too hot. [|-------------|] Warning, Dandadan is not finished, and updates come out quite slowly, so if I ever catch up to the manga I will probably start making stuff up.

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1 Chs

New World

[|-|Chapter 1: New World|-|]

Opening his eyes the boy who should be Yagi Motoyasu grows shocked at his surrounding not being what they were just moments ago, he franticly looks around what seems to be a Japanese highschool classroom.

He closes his eyes and takes multiple deep breaths to calm himself and tries to remember how he got there.

Nothing comes to mind, he just remembers studying for an up coming test at his highschool. 'Ok dont freak out, I dont want to look crazy if this isn't a dream' he recites over and over in his head.

Taking another deep breath he decides to address the memories that dont belong in his head, a life in a normal seeming Japan as a 15 year old senior high student.

And outcast, a loner but he wasn't messed with alot because of his decent looks and his ability to fight back bullies with his quick witted tongue, that more often than not makes the bullies look stupid.

He is a half Japanese half Indian student raised in a orphanage after he was abandoned by his mother, he now loves on his own working part time jobs to get by.

The now Yagi notices memories of multiple students he remembers, Momo Ayase, Ken Takakura, Kinta Sakata and that popular pink haired girl.

They all resemble and act like how they did in a particular manga he read before finding himself in what is now his body.

'Wait dont tell me-!' he turns around and finally acknowledges the snickering from behind him.

He see's multiple doochie looking guys throwing paper balls at a very familiar looking student, the one and only Okarun.

Yagi observes as the students mutter something before placing a big ass magnet in paper and prepare to throw it at Ken, Yagi contemplates helping him but decides other wise as not to ruin the plot.

He watches as Momo Ayase one of his favorite female leads comes to Ken's rescue. Yagi closes his gaping moth and looks away to avoid them thinking his some creep.

'Holy fucking shit, there's no way I'm in this word!' He thinks excitedly watching Momo leave with Ken following close behind to initiate the encounter that will enable them to save earth.

'But I've only read like 3 chapters, shit!' He mentally curses, he only ever had a chance to read the first couple of chapters, he did read some of the wiki so he does know of all the characters who become allies but he doesn't know the scenarios leading up to those events.

So he just prays he manages to preserve those or else the earth is screwed from whatever is coming.

Yagi not wanting to miss out on the action immediately starts thinking of a way to gain a super natural power, he could try and awaken psychic powers but he dismisses that thought since there is only a chance you have dormant powers.

He considers becoming a shaman or exorcist and gaining the favor of a spirit god but also dismisses that for the range of usable abilities are limited to that gods domain.

He lands on becoming cursed with a spirit, either become like Jiji and have no control of his body when certain conditions are met or like Ken and somehow remove the spirits consciousness while keeping its power for access at any time.

Deciding on his plan of action he whips out his phone and instantly goes on the internet looking for any mysterious incidents that could be the result of a spirit.

He knows for a fact what he is indulging in is extremely dangerous, he could be killed extremely easily if the spirit he encounters decides not to curse him and just murders him right on the spot.

But he pushes that thought out head, what's the point of his new life if he doesn't get to have at least a single supernatural encounter, even if it gets him killed.

Continuing his search online on unsolved cases in the area he quickly stumbles on a recent case of a whole research center burning to the ground in a single night for apparently no reason.

After being investigated thoroughly there was no evidence of it being an electrical fire or arson. But there was a death at the facility a couple years prior that involved a baby animal dying a gruesome fiery death.

And every year after on the day the subject died a part of the facility would catch fire and eventually just 10 years ago the whole place was burnt to the ground.

The building was mostly concrete so some of its structure survived but many died and the facility was shut down but the owner refused to allow for re construction or demolition.

'That is very sus, every year on the same day a fire breaks out and that date corresponds with the death of an undisclosed baby creature who died in a fire.' Yagi grins from ear to ear and decides that's tha place he's going.

And its actually quite close to the abandoned hospital where Momo was kidnapped by aliens and accidentally awakened her dormant psychic powers. So maybe he can interfere with that ordeal and integrate into the plot.

Yagi puts his phone away and prepares to slog through the rest of that day, he also muses he is the same age from when he was in his world.

The day slowly goes on, the three hours left before he could go home and prepare felt like 10, but finally the bell rings and his teacher wishes them good bye.

He picks up his bag and throws it over his shoulder and quickly leaves, he notes Okarun(Ken) and Momo briefly exchanging numbers as a way to communicate as they go through each other challenges.

Okarun is to explore an abandoned tunnel since he does not believe in ghosts, where he gets cursed by a speed demon and eventually over comes her control of his body.

And Momo is to explore an abandoned hospital for she does not believe in aliens where she gets kidnapped and a procedure they perform meant to cause pleasure allowing them to rape her more effectively backfires terribly awakening her powers she inherited from her grandma.

The spirit who possessed Okarun then uses its ability to travel through any thing electronic uses Momo's phone to get to her in an attempt to kill her.

The spirit along with Momo manage to dispatch the aliens and she is almost killed when she discovers she can temporarily keep the possession at bay with her newly acquired powers.


