
Chapter 43: Coal Digger (Part 1)

Once everyone had accepted the fact that Ryan was just built different from other kids. Things soon normalized, and shooting resumed.

Time passed quickly, and it was soon time for Ryan to head out.

Ryan - "All right, Marcus, it was good to see you in person."

Marcus - "Likewise."

As Ryan was about to exit, he heard a shout from Marcus, stopping him in his footsteps.

Marcus - "Ryan, wait. How about we do a group photo? After all, who knows if you will ever visit again."

Ryan - "All right."

All the crew on set gathered, and a group photo was taken.

Ryan - "All right then, I will get going. By the way, don't forget to tag me."

Marcus - "Tag you?"

Ryan suddenly remembered that Facebook only put tagging into use in 2010.

Ryan - "I mean, like, write my name in the post."

Marcus - "Oh, for sure."

Ryan - "All right then, bye."

Ryan said bye to Marcus and exited the set with his uncle John.

While in the car, Ryan couldn't help but remember how often he used to use Instagram and decided to find the creator's info to invest in.

As he opened, he was about to ask the system. He found a notification float up.

[System Update In Process]

Ryan was left speechless by this sudden development. He also started wondering what new would be added to the system and what triggered this sudden update.

Ryan's questions were soon answered as the update lasted only five minutes.

[System is back online.]

Ryan - "What's going on, system? Why did you suddenly upgrade? Also, what more can you even add?"

[Don't worry host system will answer all your queries .]

[What triggered the update is that you started learning a new skill called Directing while you were on set.]

The system then explained all the new features to Ryan. (Won't mention details to avoid water)

Ryan - "So how many points does entering learning mode cost? Also, how long is the cool down."

[One point is consumed per second in the learning mode. The cooldown is a week-long.]

Ryan - "I see. How much faster is my learning again?"

[You learn ten times faster than your normal speed.]

Ryan - "So it is indeed worth the cost. Does it only work for skills?"

[No, you can use it to learn anything but remember you will always be limited by your talent.]

Ryan - "So I can't just miraculously become a learning god and start building spaceships."

"I guess it makes sense after all. This is a script system, after all."

Ryan soon reached home, and the day came to a close.

Time passed quickly, changing days faster than how fast some Harem Protagonists get a new girl.

It is now officially Wednesday, and it's plot day.

At the Jay household, Gloria is seen reading the newspaper. In contrast, Manny is seen eating breakfast and drinking coffee by the kitchen counter.

Jay suddenly enters the kitchen and starts talking while walking in.

Jay - "Let's go, buddy, school time. Oh, and Gloria, if you want to get together with the girls later. I can just, you know, watch the football game or something."

Manny - "That means he wants to watch a football game."

Jay heads towards Manny and speaks, "I am not talking to you. What are you drinking coffee for anyway?"

Manny - "It's my culture. I am Colombian."

Gloria smiles while reading her newspaper.

Jay - "Oh yeah, what part of Columbia are those french toaster sticks from?"

Gloria - "Jay, I am not so sure about the game. The whole family is coming over for the barbecue."

Jay - "Is that today?"

Manny - "Si"

Jay - "It's the Ohio State game."

Gloria - "So everyone gonna watch."

Jay - "I don't wanna watch the game with people who don't know the game people talk."

Manny - "You talk in my football games."

Jay - "For one thing, it's called soccer. Your team scored two goals all season. I am not taking a big risk."

"Besides, I had Ryan coming over for the game. What about him?"

Gloria - "I guess he will have to join us for the barbecue."

Manny - "Wait, does Ryan even know American football?"

Jay - "Of course he does."

Jay then starts walking towards the counter next to the fridge. He picks up a coffee pot and finds it almost empty.

Jay - "How much of this did you drink?"

Manny shouts, "Give me a break. I have to climb a rope today."

Manny then proceeds to drink his coffee.

Meanwhile, at the Dunphy Household

Alex is seen having breakfast at the dining table. Haley enters and sits down at the kitchen counter with her school bag.

Haley - "Can I have forty dollars for lunch?"

Claire, who was opening the fridge looking for milk, asked, "Forty dollars?"

Haley - "I also need a book for school."

Claire, who had walked back to the kitchen counter and finished pouring a glass of milk, asks, "What book?"

Haley sighs and replies, "I want a dress."

Claire - "Do you have any idea what a bad liar you are?"

Alex - "I would be more worried that she couldn't come up with a single book title."

Haley is left speechless at that burn and turns back in shock.

Phil suddenly enters the kitchen and heads to grab the newspaper.

Phil - "Claire, is it confirmed Ryan won't be coming for the barbecue today?"

Claire - "Yeah, he apparently has another prior commitment."

Phil - "Oh, okay. Come on, Luke, we are getting late."

Luke arrives with his shirt entirely backward.

Claire - "There's a first... Inside out and backward."

"At least it isn't zipped into his..."

Claire then looks and finds Luke's zip open with his green shirt tucked out of the zip.

Claire - "Oh, there it is."

Commentary starts

Phil and Claire are seated on the living room couch, talking to the camera.

Phil - "There is book smart, and then there is street smart."

Claire interrupts Phil and says, "Yeah, and then there is Luke."

Phil continues, "He's just curious, that's all. He's got this almost scientific mind with a thirst for knowledge."

"He's like this little Einstein. People ask, "why?" while Luke asks, "Why not?" Aren't I right, honey?"

Claire - "And I ask why a lot."