
Screaming at The Pitcher

Jabari Franklin is 19 human years old, the last son of Duchess of Austral, ruler of all the Werewolf's down the Eastern Seaboard and he give NO FUCKS! He'd rather live as human boy; going to college chasing girls and playing basketball. Whatever to Werewolf stuff! Jabari defied all the rules by falling in lust/love with Briggy a human girl (his pet); that caused problems between him and his mother pack but Jabari gave NO FUCKS! Then, an ancient enemy showed up and started killing Werewolves & Werebears and Jabari gets caught in the cross hairs. Leaving his mother, the Duchess, to beg for assistant from the human she hated the most, her son's pet Briggy.

Nickthefilmchick · Fantasi
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17 Chs

CHAPTER FOUR **Battleship**

The parking lot of Somer Community College was packed, every space was taken. Briggy drove in circles for ten minutes. Why are so many people here? Why did'nt I do this on-line? She asked herself as she got out her Jeep and walked across the parking lot.

"Damn who is you?"

A caramel colored dude driving a Cadillac looking like a 70s pimp: with a diamond pinky ring, gold teeth and big curls all over his head asked her. He was trying to get her attention as he followed her along in his car.

Briggy stopped walking, "Go away? Stop following me, its creepy!" This mofo is parking lot pimping at the college, she thought.

The driver smiled, showing his yellow mouth of all Gold teeth, then sniffed at her. He was checking her aroma. Briggy got a strange chill up her spine so she rushed into the building. He sniffed the air behind her for the scent of another male wolf, he didnt smell one and that gave him encouragement.

Briggy stood in the registration line for an hour. She looked sleepy by the time she got to the registration clerk. Not from round here? The older black woman asked her. Me either child, Im from Indiana and it takes some getting used to down here.


"A little advice. the woman from Indiana smiled. Don't run around that city you in. She looked down at the paper. St. Matthew, right? Not at night dont go out at night. Youre pretty, so youll have a strong beau in no time. Before them elements eat you up out in St. Matthew, and they do eat."

Briggy smiled at her bashfully and leaned over batting her eyes. I have no idea what youre talking about.

"Believe what you see, too. It is all real baby." The registration clerk grabbed Briggys wrist and held her in place. "I mean it, watch yourself out there in St. Matthew, buy all your jewelry in silver. Sterling!"

This was weird behavior even in the South, she thought. Briggy looked around to see if other students noticed the clerk holding on to her. A few did and the clerk let her arm go. WTF? Between the pimp in the parking lot and this women; Briggy was freaked out a bit.

"They got good hearing too!" the clerk printed out a paper and gave it to her. "Pray and not in a church way."

What the Hell?

Briggy finished up quickly and crept back into the parking hoping Mr. Where You From was gone. That one didnt have that Southern charm everyone talked about. The parking lot pimping guy was aggressive, scarry almost, had Briggy checking her review mirror all the way home.

Briggy pulled in her driveway, grabbed her purse and saw no house keys. What? She dumped her purse out and still no keys. In her head, she could see them sitting in her bedroom where she left them. The sun outside was blazing at one in the afternoon, and she sat there sweating, cursing at herself.

Jabari tapped on her window, Briggy jumped he startled her. Seeing Jabari she got hot and her pussy jumped. WTF! She knew nothing of Werewolf magnetism, but it existed. Jabari wolf side it made him irresistible to human girls, but that's not what this was.

Briggy shook her head, telling her inside lust "no" just as she was having thoughts about licking down his thighs. She hopped out of her jeep in her strapless sundress, sweat crawling down her cleavage no underwear, breast jiggling anywhere. Jabari did not know where to put his eyes first, her pretty face or her glistening breast. He stayed on her eyes.

"Look who's back", Briggy said admittedly happy.

"Why you miss me?" Jabari stood closer to see if she still smell of Honey Combs. Good, she smelled the same.

"Yes, boy I did." She told the truth, he did not excepted that. "When does your ass go back for next semester? A week? A few days?" Briggy moved up closer to him, so close that he could completely see down her dress, and she knew it. She jiggled so his could see them bounce.

"The third week in August. But you got a car, you can visit me any day."

"Visit you? Boy, you're just a teenager. I had to enroll in school too, so I'll be studying not thinking about you." She lied straight to his face and he smelled the lie.

"Yes you will! You can't lie to me, my nose is a lie detector machine."

"What else can that nose smell?"

Jabari laughed at her because he knew Briggy would be his girlfriend. His human age of 19 meant not one thing, their physical attraction was too great that's why she was allowing him glances down her dress, but Jabari was still looking her straight in the eyes.

"Yo, why you sitting out here, it's hot?"

"I locked myself out of the house." Briggy looked up at the large Victoria tri-story home.

"You can't break into your own house yet? Girl, we used to come in this house all the time."

"So, your ass know how to get in?

He put out his hand for payment. "Pay me and I'll get you in."

"Pay you?" Briggy figured those cute breast jiggles were enough, Jabari did not.

"You gotta pay a Locksmith right? Pay me."

Briggy jiggled in place, again coming closer to him this time, so close her hard nipples touched him first. Jabaris sensitive skin felt them softly and forgot about the payment request.

"Do I have to give you money?" It was a sexual request, unspoken but known.

"Naw, you don't gotta. C'mon." Jabari walked to the back of the house and Briggy followed. Jabari climbed up drainpipe on the side of the house up to the back porch. He reached his arm down and pulled her up pretending to struggle like a human boy would d; knowing his strength was 5 times greater. They walked across the aging back porch to a small window facing the garage, Jabari pushed the pane down and the window popped opened.

"Go climb in," he told her. "Since, it is your house I'm not breaking and entering." Briggy stepped into the window and realized she was in her own bedroom climbing through the window no one could get open.

"Don't you come creeping through my window Mr. Franklin! Since you know how to break in my shit!" They climbed through the window and landed on her bed; Jabari landed up on top of her.

"Damn what is this? This is a bed? This your room?" Jabari did'nt know what the house looked like with furniture in it. Jabari took his shot, kissing her deeply, with his tongue almost down her throat. He took full advantage of his position in between her legs and to pressed and wiggled against her, moving up and down.

He was not surprised when Briggy to kissed him back, yet her grabbing the back of his head and moving with him, that did surprise him. They got heavy, rubbing roughly the only barrier between then were thin summer clothes.

Briggy stopped him. "This is a felony, we gotta stop." She wiggle out from under Jabaris body, but he held her in place.

No human girl had ever stopped him. This was new. "Why we gotta stop? Look at me." He softy gave her commands. "I'm 19 and this ain't no felony, you're not my 40 year old teacher."

"But you're a whole freshman."

"I"m a fucking sophomore. What? You ain't feeling me like that? You don't like the way I kiss you? You don't even know yet the thangs I want to kiss on you Miss Chicago."

Jabari had a long tongue, because he was a Werewolf; it came naturally he licked around her plump brown lips to tip of her nose and Briggys body shook. He kisses felt different, he touches felt different everything about him, just felt different.

Jabari kissed her mouth again, looking in her eyes pressing himself between her legs. "Let me play with her, okay." Jabari softly asked while walking his fingers up her thighs. "Just for a little bit," he said, sliding three fingers inside her panties Briggy gasped and melted. "Owe, I think she like me." He slowly fingered her in and out as Briggy's mind left her entire body as she came in his hand.

Quickly, Briggy felt embarrassed because of the whole act; five minutes ago she was objection, now she was pulsating, and her legs were shaking. She tried to wiggle away him again, but again Jabari held her in place.

"C'mer here, where you going?" Jabaris Southern accent dripped sincerity. "Why you always running from me?"

Briggy slid off her bed: down on her knees, palms flat on the floor for stability because her still could not hold her as they legs were still quivering. She crawled across the room and Jabari straight lost it, lust rush him all over again. The act of seeing her on all fours, his natural state of being made him chase her, crawling. He took her by the waist, sitting her back in his lap.

"You're just 24 that's only five years."

"I just met you a few weeks ago Jabari, I'm not having sex with you."

He licked back of her neck, he'd left his scent on her by what he'd just done. Now all the St. Matthew wolf boys would know who got her to cum first; Jabari Franklin wins, again. Jabari whispered in her ear, "I don't need sex from you. I want you to be my pet..pretty girl, girlfriend."

Briggy stood up, backed herself against the nearest wall to steadied herself. She wasn't listening to him, she could'nt believe he got her to cum that fast, with his 19-year-old boy fingers. This was embarrassing for her. Jabari crawled up to her, on his knees, pressing his nose in the beautiful cinnamon spot of her body. He starred up at her, with his large round eyes.

"You smell like cereal, Honey Combs. Do you taste like it too?"

Jabari put his head under her dress, licking up her thighs with his long tongue. Savoring the smell off her skin, pulling her thong to the side and licking her there and Briggy saw stars. Knock knock, someone was at her door and Jabari popped his head out, lips and nose all wet.

Jabari looked afraid, like a 14-year-old that got caught-in-the-act. Briggys head was still swimming, she was confused about her surroundings. Jabari stood up in her face, he licked the tip of her nose, and the knocking came again.l

"Aye, don't see nobody while I'm at school." He demanded of her.

"School? What?" She was still foggy and tingling all over not ready for decision making.

"Brigette, Briggy, there's a young man here to see you." Drew said through the door and knocked again.

The hairs on the back of Jabaris neck stood up, he searched Briggys face for answers. He was feeling hurt inside, betrayed by her already. Betrayed? How could she betray him? He'd just met her, Jabari could'nt understand his own emotions. Why did he feel anything for a pet? He leaned back on her dresser with his eyes still questioning her as she opened the door.

"There's a what?" Briggy was confused.

Drew was surprised to see North Carolinas Mr. Basketball, standing there with his stepdaughter. Her bedroom carried a faint smell of passion yet interrupted, and Drew knew he'd stopped something by knocking.

Briggy looked annoyed and Jabari looked anxious, making Drew want to flee this emontional scene. "Who is it? I don't know no 'young men' here, unless it's his brother. Drew this is Jabar."

Drew was quickly shaking Jabaris hand, smiling. "Jabari Franklin, how you doing?"

"Did you ask his name? Is it Vandy?"

Drew knew all about Penny's boys. "Vandy Franklin? Naw, it ain't Vandy Franklin out there. I think he said something like Tommy, Johnny. He's down there in the living room, maybe you should go see what he wants."

Instant Briggy got angry, she mind went to urban drama flashbacks from her past. "What? Man, who the fuck is... Jabari do you know a Tommy or a Johnny?"

"Oh yeah, I do." Jabari knew it was Tommy Ali, another werewolf boy from a strong pack.

Briggy stomped out her bedroom to greet a stranger, in her living room. Jabari came behind her, his werewolf anger growing, more and more. Drew stopped him in the doorway and pointed down.

"Maybe you should fix yourself before going down there."

Jabari looked down at his basketball shorts and saw his erection was poking out, he did'nt care.

"Nope." He walked out the room. He didnt fix anything, Jabari wanted Tommy Ali to see he was already there. This was his ceral bowl.

In the living room stood the parking lot pimp from earlier today, he was a short man but extremely well built with a nice face, but his eyes were half closed. Tommy Ali thought he looked like the greatest gift to the human women standing there with his gold teeth: long black hair, and diamond rings.

But, when Briggy came in out the hall she was instantly annoyed. This bastard followed me? She thought. Was he the warning from the old woman at the school? How the fuck does he know where I live?

"Hello again Ms. Pretty. You left this at the school." The pimp looking boy smiled and handed something out to her.

Briggy was confused as he held her ipad out to her, she did not noticed it missing. "How the fuck did you get my ipad? Who are you?"

"Yeah, I ain't to tell you my name earlier. It's Tommy and my sister works at the school. She asked me to return it." He smiled proudly and handed the iPad back making sure Briggy saw his manicured nails. Tommy Ali could then smell a male Werewolf on her now, she did not have that scent before, he was too late.

"Thanks, I guess. Yo' how did you know where I lived? Did your sister tell you that too? How? I didn't tell you me name bro?"

Jabari came in and the mood all changed, Jabari got aggressive. "Why you over here dog?"

Tommy stepped back as Jabari he was smelling. He felt ambushed by the young ruler, so he threw up his hand. "Damn Jay, I thought I was doing a good deed returning her little iPad thing. Bruh, I didn't know she was your girl."

"I'm no..." Jabari cut her off

"She good!" Jabari stepped in front of Briggy confidently, talking the iPad from her hand while guiding Tommy to the front door. "It's cool Tommy, thanks for returning it, next time, my dude, you don't have to be so kind."

Tommy quick stepped out of the house with Jabari coming out behind him. "How's your grandfather Samuel?" Tommy asked he did not want any trouble from the Franklin family.

"He's good." Sounded like a growl than human words, Jabari was more upset and it showed.

"Tell your brothers, I said what's up." Tommy walked over to his car started it and drove off. He did not look back at the young Werewolf, that would be a gesture of aggression, and Tommy didn't want no smoke with The Franklins.

Jabari stood on the porch and watched Tommys drive away. He had the treasure that all the wolf boys of St. Matthew wanted, Briggy was his pet. Jabari needed her to fall in love with him before he went back to school in August. He knew it would be easy, no human girl resisted him, none. Briggy would prove to be different.

"Drew!" Briggy screamed to her stepfather, as Jabari came back inside. "What the fuck Drew? Why are you letting strangers in the house? If we were back home in Chicago, you would have never let him in. Never! ' Drew came and stood next to Jabari as Briggy yelled at him. "We don't know him! He's a stalker and you just opened the door. He looked crazy! Did you see his outfit? Like a laid off pimp. Creepy ass, and they just gave him my address and shit. The fuck kinda school is that! Lord, I need a joint! Got damn short da pimp visiting and shit."

Her reaction surprised Jabari because he thought she'd be flattered by Tommys gesture. Plenty of the human girls in St. Matthew wanted the attention from the Ali boys, too. They liked to spend money on chicks like a hip-hop song, and the girls liked that. Yet, Briggy was angry and felt intruded upon.

"I'm sorry baby girl." Drew felt irrespondsible. "You alright over there? Hell, I thought you would bust a blood vessel."

Briggy took a deep breath Jabari watched her anger dissipate. "I'm just saying, you know how I am about my privacy. I don't like unannounced visitor. I will introduce you to the people I want to see, like Jabari. I introduced you to him, right? this is Drew."

Drew laughed a bit, "Yes, yes you did." He turned to Jabari. "So, you're going back to North Carolina huh? And your brother is up there in Boston College, right?"

Briggy cut him off. "There is no way we are going to stand here and talk sports. No, we are not." Briggy started to walk upstairs to her bedroom. " Mr. Basketball, teenager, would you follow me please?"

Jabari looked at Drew. "Don't look at me. You better do what she said, go!" He tilted his head motioning for Jabari to move along. "I listen to the other one, you listen to that one."

"I'm right behind you beautiful."

Briggy was an assertive woman, like his mother Penny, and Jabari liked it. He liked the ways she told him what to do. Jabari was starting to understand; why his father followed his mother the way he did. But, Briggy was not his kind, he couldn't like her the same way.

Be careful Jabari. He heard a voice speaking to him as followed her back to her bedroom. Be careful. Fuck that, he thought.

"{You watch animee? Briggy turned on her tv, she was still feeling ashamed of their sexual contact, due to his age, however she was so drawn to him, she did not want him to leave. M"y mom is making beef stew tonight you can stay and eat."

"Can your moms cook?" Jabari did care he knew he was staying regardless.

"Her beef stew is good." Briggy gave him a side eye and giggled. "Were just gonna stick with the stew, okay, then I'll drop your fine ass off after."

"I'm good with that." Jabari laid back on her bed and checked his phone. "You don't help your moms cook? Didn't you say she had a stroke or something?"

Briggy stood up having a mini toddle fit. "Fuck, stop making me feel guilty Jabari first for coming in your hands and now for not helping with dinner. Damn it!" Briggy swung her door open. "Ma I'm coming to help cut the potatoes and you can come too."

"No, I'm good I'm a country boy, I help enough. I'ma watch anime and chill till you get back." Actually, he wanted to mark her clothes throw his pheromones all over her room. So tomorrow, every wolf boy would know he was with her.

It was late when Jabari got dropped off home he crept into the bedroom to finding Vandy playing video games, his room glowing with graphics from the 55inch TV. The two brothers had an inseparable bound. Vandy even slept in Jabaris room, when he was not there; and, Jabari slept in Vandy's room when he was not there.

No one ever questioned why.

"Where you coming from?" Vandy asked without his eye leaving the screen. "You smell like Sapain."

"Over, Briggys. Did momma cook?" Jabari pulled her shirt over his head his stomach muscles looked like a drawing. "Bruh, Guess who the fuck came over there, to Briggys house. Tommy Ali bitch ass?

"Oh, word? Is Briggy your girl? You fucked her yet? Because everybody talking about her. Till you mark that; all them wolves go come."

"Naw, not yet but putting my tongue in it got her to cum on it, and my fingers. So my scent is on her."

"Will that be enough? You know pets roam when their masters away, get out the yard."

Vandy knew how important it was to put a collar on a pet, like you would a dog. His little brother was going to have to do more than make her cum with her fingers and tongue. People were talking about Briggy all over St. Matthews, Jabari had to do better.

"Nooo, Vandy she licked my tip. Oh my god!" Jabari kicked his pants across the room and get in the bed. Did mom cook?

"She sucked your dick? Yo' that boss, boy." Vandy thought it was good news. He still starred at his video game.

"Naw, just the tip."

"How many of them have you been with? Vandy asked his younger brother himself, a 21-year-old-virgin was waiting for marriage.

"Five or six, maybe seven. Fool don't judge me, I know what humans are used for and I use condoms."

"Every time?" Vandy had caution in voice, he was always looking for Jabari.

"Yeah, every time dog." Jabari was not lying about that.

"What about them bitches at school? Man, man c'mon I know how them groupies be. They show up at my dorm room and even them sired off girls, them too."

"I don't mess with girls up there, them sired off chick to scared I'm going to report them to the council."

Vandy warned his brother. 'Your dick go fall off you keep messing with them homo sapiens like that."

"Vandy dog forreal I'm good, good I'm just go chill with her. C'mon even momma like Briggy. She told me that Briggy would choose me, and she was right. She ain't mess with none of them wolves while I was at camp and that was before I ate her pussy." Jabari threw the cover over his head. "You just worry bout Lynn. Cause bro, you don't even if your dick work!"

"But my claws and fangs do!"