
Screaming at The Pitcher

Jabari Franklin is 19 human years old, the last son of Duchess of Austral, ruler of all the Werewolf's down the Eastern Seaboard and he give NO FUCKS! He'd rather live as human boy; going to college chasing girls and playing basketball. Whatever to Werewolf stuff! Jabari defied all the rules by falling in lust/love with Briggy a human girl (his pet); that caused problems between him and his mother pack but Jabari gave NO FUCKS! Then, an ancient enemy showed up and started killing Werewolves & Werebears and Jabari gets caught in the cross hairs. Leaving his mother, the Duchess, to beg for assistant from the human she hated the most, her son's pet Briggy.

Nickthefilmchick · Fantasi
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17 Chs

CHAPTER EIGHT **Mastermind**

Vandy wasn't expecting his parents to fly to Delaware right before his birthday knowing his fiancé Lynn was flying in without her chaperones from Canada to go hunting with him. His fiancé's family did not allow her to be alone to Vandy as they held her to a high standard, Lynn knew it was because her sister was a whore. A whore who never walked the streets, but still a harlot still the same she was the reason her parents were so strict on her.

Vandy Franklin and his younger brother Jabari strutted around St. Matthew with their women on theis arms proudly and the whole town noticed the foreigner and the pet. Through the eyes of the local Lynn was a foreigner and Briggy was a pet. Why did these two get the Dutchess' Penny's remaining sons? How did that happen?

Penny's boys were bullies on the basketball court they shoveled their dominance in every teams face every game. Without their mother Penny to ring them in, the Franklin boys were doing the same to St. Matthew spreading their love for these girl all over purposely shoveling their scents in everyone's noses.

Then they ran into Tall Hawk, the Tribal the leader who knew about their family line he knew who had the gene and who was a homo sapiens in their small town. Tall Hawk hated to see Werewolf boys messing around with human girls he called it despiteful using human girls for sex and not telling them they were beast. He only respected Vandy because he was not like them he only liked his own kind, not the flesh of humans unlike Jabari.

"Evening Tall Hawk." Vandy nodded to the elder leader.

Tall Hawk looked at each of them settling his eyes on Briggy. Something wrong he thought she gave him the chills. What are you? He asked her in his Native tongue knowing she could understand him but Jabari ushered Briggy into the store ignoring Tall Hawk.

"Have a good night." Vandy said making up for his brothers rudeness.

"No." The tall elder said and walked away.

Lynn pulled him away. "The people in your town are spooky."

"You think so?"

'Owe I need ice cream."

"You're a model how can you eat ice cream?"

Tall Hawk sat in his old pick up truck and watched them leave the store, he took pictures of Briggy as she walked back to the truck with the Franklin boys and he asked again. What are you?

Vandy and Lynn sat out on the porch all night and listened to the country talk, Vandy attempted to teach his City girl the language of the local creatures. She was laying back in Vandy's long strong arms watching bugs light up the evening.

"What is that?" Lynn pointed to one.

"The Lighting Bug? Ya'll gotta have them in Canada."

"What makes it glow like that? Do they bite?" Vandy laughed at her. "Don't fucking laughing Vandy, I'm serious tell me!"

Bam! The front door bust open with Jabari in a dead run straight across the lawn he ran so fast he instantly became a massive Grey Werewolf all his clothes went flying as he kept on running. Vandy and Lynn both jumped to their feet and ran out on the lawn to see where he was going.

Lynn jumped up. "Did you fucking see that?"

"Was that my brother?" Vandy grabbed his truck keys. "Let's go! Let's go."

"Go? Where? Where's he going?" Lynn ran behind him to the truck. "We going to following him, you think we can catch him?"

"Yeah, yeah c'mon."

Briggy stood in her kitchen frozen with her phone to her ear -shook as Tall Hawk stood outside her window in full war paint pushing his index finger to his lips telling her to 'shh'. She was on the phone with Jabari coming into the kitchen when she saw that man outside her window. Briggy screamed she was home alone and she needed Jabari's help and he came a running.

Tall Hawk was still on the side of her house as Jabari came running up growling approaching him slowly backing him away leaving the 73 year old unsure of what to do. He'd never faced a Werewolf without no full moon and Jabari was frightening him.

"I'm not here to hurt her." He told the young wolf as he voice showed no fear. "But death is coming Jabari Franklin and I hope she is ready."

Vandy pulled up to the house slamming it in park and ran out of his truck looking for his brother, looking for him in Were form. Lynn ran the other way spotting him with Tall Hawk corned against a wall. "Here! Their over here!"

Vandy ran up, "Jay, calm down! What you go do? Attack his old ass in her yard?" Vandy was mad and equally shocked that Jabari could turn himself into a wolf. "Shake that shit off and control yourself! What is you doing? I'ma tell moms."

Jabari looked back and forth between Vandy and Tall Hawk he dropped his ears to surrender, he had not thought this through. He shook his coat hard and transformed back into the lovesick 19 year old, standing there naked. Lynn laughed and turned around because the only man she wanted to see nude was Vandy but getting a glance of her future brother-in-law dick made her blush and wonder.

"Bae give him your clothes." Lynn was still giggling. "I mean he's nude and standing there.

Vandy took off his shirt and tossed it at him, then his shorts leaving Vandy in his long underwear and shoes. Lynn popped him on his bottom. "You got a nice ass Franklin." Lynn was attempting to make lite of the situation but Vandy was still mad.

Jabari quickly put on his brothers clothes and went for Tall Hawk again. "Why the fuck you over here with that shit on your face? Huh? What the fuck? You came over here in war paint?" Tall Hawk carefully looked Jabari up and down ignoring his questions, he patted Vandy on the shoulder before slowly walking back to his truck enraging the young Franklin boy more. "Yo old man what the fuck?" Jabari followed Tall Hawk aggressively but Vandy stopped him.

"Jabari stop, leave him alone."

"Good boy!" Tall Hawk said to Jabari.

"Fuck you Tall Hawk don't come over here again." Jabari warned him.

"But why did you come over here?" Lynn asked, "Did you do it to scare her to get his wolf out?"


"Bro com'on I'm standing here in my underwear because of you so, yeah. Why are you over here? You got on war paint Tall Hawk what's up? What if they came outside or called the cops?"

Tall Hawk pointed to the house.. "You put your scent on her a bite I think. Protector her even when she hates you, protect her or day mares will come."

"Listen to me motherfucker…" Jabari pointed.

Lynn reviewed what she'd just heard. "He bit her?"

Tall Hawk stopped walking, "I don't listen to boys I am a man, so you listen to me Werewolf boy. Protect her like you did tonight." He pointed up. "It's no full tonight moon how did you shift like that? And why did it happen for her?" Tall Hawk got in his pick up truck gave them a slow nod and drove away.

Lynn questioned next. "How the hell did you change like that Jabari? Can you do that too boo?"

Vandy walked up and pointed in Jabari's face. "What was you go do? Attack him? Huh? Bite him, what? And how the fuck you just run and change like that?"

Jabari looked down and stretched out his arms like they had answers. "I ain't know I could do that, I was going so fast it got hot and bam I just wolfed out. I think my clothes on the lawn and shit. Shit crazy huh, don't tell ma."

"You wildin' Jabari, Lynn babe get in the truck." Vandy pushes Jabari in his chest. "You're in love with her dumb ass, that's why you changed."

Vandy walked back to his truck drained tired of the drama yet knowing that Tall Hawk showing up at this girls house meant something. Jabari would be in serious trouble if his mother found out and he could not have that. He would not speak of this night again Vandy wanted to sleep it off, he dropped his head on the stirring wheel.

"Your brother bit a human girl? But I thought…" Vandy shook his head no to her he did not want to talk anymore about Jabari Franklin. Lynn looked at Vandy's long legs wearing just his underwear and gym shoes. "Bae is that your dick?" She grabbed him down there. "Oh my God, this is off the rails huge. We are going to have such good wolf sex. I don't want human sex first either, you got that! We are Werewolf's our first time will be the natural way."

"Lynn let go that hurt." He was still angry and no sexual reaction to Lynn holding him. "He is in love, fuck this is so wrong."

"Things can be worst he just in love with a human, ha' my sister's a Baron."

"Jabari is taking shit too far, he turned himself to a real and ran to a girls house, through the streets."

"No that far though."

"As a Werewolf Lynn. Ring camera's, porch camera's, driveway camera's everywhere."

Lynn understood Vandy's point and she thought of Jabari's act as enduring, loving and romantic. "Your brother likes Briggy and she adores him too, you saw them together and you saw that Tall guy how scary he looked. Ugh! All those lines on his face and Jabari went to protect her. Would you protect me?"

Vandy stopped everything gentle grabbed her face and turned it to him. "With my whole fucking life. Do you understand me Lynn, with my whole fucking life." He made her dark cheeks blush.

"Babe came I touch your human unit again?"

"My dick?"

"Yeah." Lynn stuck her hand in his underwear. "Where's the shaft?"

"Human's male don't get shafts." He told her.

"So it's always out?" Lynn was fascinated as she touched him moving her hand to the tip while Vandy was getting aroused under her touch.

"Why does it have the shape of an acorn on top?"

"Lynn stop." He had never been touched and it was hard to drive.

"Can I lick it?"

"What?" Vandy's voice went real high.

"My aunt says I can because it's not sex." Lynn leaned over and sucked the tip of Vandy's growing erection in her mouth.


Vandy got up early for his birthday hunting trip he was excited about his free run in the hills of North Carolina and so was Lynn because it was a full moon tonight and she would get to run with Vandy and hang out with his Uncle the Prince-to-Never-Rule. The first stop was to grab Jabari then to grab food his brother James and off to the woods. This hunting trip was a three-day epic event because it was always a full moon on Vandy's birthday and he could run free, moon chasing.

He knocked on the front door of Briggy's house while Kyle walked to the back of the house whistling and yelling Jabari's name. Jabari's wolf ears wiggled as he heard his name being called he popped up off the couch where they both laid nude.

"What?" He said to no one. "Somebody is here, baby cover up, get your robe." Briggy ran to the back room as Jabari opened the door while scratching his face. "What nigga? What?"

"Man get your ass ready we gotta go." Vandy mumbled when he talked, like his father. "Here puts some clothes on." He came in the house handing him fresh clothes. "Hurry up, c'mon."

"Alright Vandy, damn let me brush my teeth."

"Yeah because you probably been licking ass all night." Their nephew Kyle came in the front door, he was tall like him but look like the basketball player Steph Curry and he resented that always.

"Jabari, Jabari you gotta a phone. Use it, use your fucking phone." Jabari leaned on Kyle was he slipped on his basketball shorts. "Damn it's hot in here. Where's your girlfriend?" Kyle looked around.

"Ya'll fucking wolves scared her away. Baby! I'm about to go!" He yelled to her.

"C'mer for a minute!" She yelled back. "Jabari com'er."

"Let me take care of this." Jabari ran behind her voice smiling.

"Hurry up dog!" Vandy yelled behind him. Jabari smiled as he went to find Briggy, liked the lesson he was learning.

Jabari climbed to third row backseat of Vandy's Yukon with Mike, Man-Man and Lynn inside he barely saw them as he had Briggy running through his mind. Jabari smelled like her all over wearing scratches all down his back and neck and he loved every wound because they came from her.

"You smell like pussy." Kyle told him. Jabari ignored him and threw his hoodie over his head trying to go back to sleep.

"And I'd still be in some right if yo' ass hadn't knocked. Aye, nigga don't blast no Jay Cole, Pop Smoke or Wu-Tang!"

"I'm excited, baby let's go!" Lynn jumped around in the seat smile. "Tonight is your night!"

Vandy was one of the few men in his family who celebrated his birthday as Pure blood werewolf's lived over 730 years to celebrate one every year seems redundant. But not to Vandy he loved his birthday and every year he gathered some boys from the family and went hunting.

They had a two hour drive in front of them all the way to the Ash County to hunt deer and celebrate Vandy's birthday in the most epic way, they all turned and ran under the full moon. They called it moon chasing.

"Aye Man-Man where the fuck is Johnny Mae and why don't your sister come around?" Mike the husband of Betty who was off in that cave with Ragnod 2 asked. He was one of the oldest grandson.

Vandy looked at him in rearview. "Yeah, why don't she show up?"

Man-Man could see his sister Nickel in his mind forever the day she walked away. "Nickel hates this shit, the fighting and when she comes around people die. So, Nickel doesn't come around."

"So, they just let her walk away?" Lynn asked him, "Hi I'm Lynn!"

"I know who you are beautiful I am Man-Man and yeah they let her?" Man-Man scoffed, his snob side showing. "She was our Emperors and she could do whatever she wanted. That's why we have the council because she refused to come back. My sister split the lands and give it to us, that's the truth."

"Where is Johnny Mae?" Mike asked Man-Man's other son and the cousin Vandy hated the most.

"They sent Johnny Mae to live with Nickel, he's their spy."

"Where she live now?" Vandy asked about their reclusive Aunt Nickel.

"She in La Canada, in California." Jabari said. "Yo back in the day, I called Auntie Nickel when mom gave me her old phone, we talk sometimes. Aye, but Man-Man why does she look 30 and she older than mom?

"Isn't she ain't over 600 years old or something?" Lynn was fascinated with Nickel like most Werewolf's were.

"She never had pups, she had two husbands before, but no kids that how you stopped the aging process. Nickel don't mess with wolves, she only human's aggressive ass football playing humans and them boys love her. Nickel only shows up when she thinks it's important, not when we think she should."

God damn right, Lynn thought to herself.