
SCP: Unbroken Chains

Jordan has been imprisoned for being framed of murdering his father. A stranger offers him an opportunity to become a Class-D personnel to earn his freedom. Now as 'D-9834', he must survive a month from the horrors of the Foundation, while solving the mystery behind the murder and his guardian angel.

UncleJimbo95 · Lainnya
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12 Chs

A heartless environment leads to trauma

"Let me see the wound." The nurse says. She removes the bandages on Jordan's shoulder. The bullet wound is healed. "Okay. Can you flex your right arm?" He does as instructed. "How do you feel?"

"It's a little sore, but otherwise it's functional." He says. "I gotta say, I'm surprised I'm healing this fast."

"That means it's working. Since we have one of the best medicines in the world." She states proudly. 

"If only it can be applied to the world." He mumbles. 

James walks in. "Good morning, Sonya." 

"Good morning, James. Surprised to see you here." The nurse says.

"Do you mind giving us a moment? I need to talk to him about his assignment for today." She gives a confused look, but leaves the room. "How are you doing?"

"Doing good. Next time, give me a heads up about getting shot." Jordan groans.

"I wasn't informed about it. Sometimes they do things out of my control." He hands a folder labeled SCP-3935. "It was hard to get my hands on it, but I managed to convince the higher ups."

Jordan opens it and reads the document. "It says here the original residents are unable to reproduce. How is that possible?"

"No one knows yet. But Alex seems to still have you, despite being part of the events. Which is why the Foundation has been keeping a close eye on him." He points at the photo of the floating women. "Do they look familiar?"

"They look like Newi, except they look more humanoid than her." 

"There are nine in the present in the photo, but one of the residents claimed there were ten."

Jordan unconsciously touches his chest. "You're saying Newi is one of them?"

"That seems highly possible. Although, how your father managed to imprison her inside is one of the many mysteries about this whole situation." He takes a deep breath. "I can't keep you in the dark anymore." He sits next to him. "Newi isn't the only thing keeping you here. The Foundation has noted certain traits about you."

"What do you mean?" 

"How you weren't affected by certain things in SCP-1472, the pills we use to make people forget doesn't work on you and when you got shot by Cupid. It seems you have some immunity to anomalies."

Jordan looks down at the floor. "I don't understand any of this."

James pats him on the back. "It's okay, sport. That's why we're here." He checks his watch. "I have to get going. You will be informed of your next assignment later today." He gets up to leave. 

"Don't you need this back?"

"Worry not. That's a copy." On that final note, he leaves.


Jordan is absorbing every bit of information from the document.

"Newi. I need to talk to you." A moment passes. "Dammit, girl! I need you here right now!" Another moment passes. "L-Look…I'm sorry I yelled at you. Everything has been stressful, traumatizing and very confusing. You're the only one that might have the answers. Please." He starts sniffling. Newi finally crawls out of him and sits in the corner, hugging her legs. "Thank you. Um…does Salvation High school sound familiar? You have the same uniform as in the photos." Her body trembles. She immediately lunges at him and starts sobbing on his chest. He caresses her head. After some time, she calms down and goes back to the corner. "You all right?" She nods. "Okay. So you went to that school?" She nods again. "Do you know my father? His name is Alexander and used to attend there." She looks up at him then nods. "I see. I guess before anything else, do you know how we got chained together?" She shakes her head. "Damn. I was hoping you'd know. Did you see him before all this happened?"

Newi stands, approaches him, grabs his arms and places his hands on her cheek. She moves his right hand down to her chest. Using her other hand, she motions as if he impaled something on her abdomen. She feigns pain and jumps inside him. Then she crawls out, acts confused and walks towards the door. Then turns to face him.

"That doesn't explain much. Especially the part where he injected you with something." They both sigh.

There's a knock on the door, which causes Newi to jump inside Jordan. It opens, revealing Sam. "Come. It's time for your assignment." Jordan nods and steps out. They hand him a slip of paper. "You'll be working on SCP-3041 with D-7356." They both walk the hallway. "Just a heads up, D-7256 was a former UFC fighter."

"Yeah? I wonder what they did to end up here."

"He snapped his opponent's neck during practice. Turns out, he snorted huge amounts of cocaine and went crazy." Sam says.

"Shit. Well it's a good thing my mom taught me how to defend myself." Jordan says. As they approach the room where SCP-3041 is held, the stench of rotting corpses infiltrate their nostrils. "Ugh! It reeks here." Upon entering the room, Jordan freezes in place. There are dead bodies of D-Class personnel littered on the floor. All their chests have been sliced open, with their hearts missing.

"What's wrong?" Sam asks. 

"You guys never removed the bodies?" Jordan finally says.

"Bodies?" Sam is confused and looks around. "That's just the smell the SCP produces. Stand next to him." They motion the buzzcut man in the room. 

He taps his foot impatiently. "Can we get this over with? I can't stand the smell." 

Jordan carefully walks over the bodies and they stand in front of a rusted knife. 

Someone starts speaking to them through the intercom. "We will now begin the experiment. D-9831, would you kindly hold the knife?" Jordan is hesitant but does as instructed. "Hold it for ten minutes and let us know if anything happens." He stands holding it for ten minutes. "Place it back." Jordan does so. "Did you feel anything?"

"No." He answers.

"I see. D-7256, hold it for ten minutes." He complies. 

Jordan is still bothered by the death around them. "Can they not see them?" From the corner of his eye, he notices the man lunge at him with the knife. He dodges the attack. "The fuck are you doing!?" The man doesn't reply. He goes to slice at him. Jordan weaves around the attacks. The man leaves himself open for Jordan to grab his arm and kicks his abdomen to shove him off. Jordan tries to open the door. "Hey! Let me out!" There's no response. Not even Newi is reacting to the danger. D-7256 stands up and readies for another. "Tch. This must be the anomaly. Whatever the case may be…" He takes a battle stance. "I will survive!" 

Yakuza 0 - Receive You Tech Trance Arrange

D-7256 charges at him to plunge his gut, but Jordan sidesteps and throws a right hook to the face. The man wipes the blood off his mouth, then smirks. He does a roundhouse kick. Jordan covers his chest to block it. The man swiftly goes to stab eyes, but Jordan moves his face at the last second, the blade grazing his cheek. He grabs the man's arm and punches his elbow to snap it. The knife falls, but the man catches it with his free hand and stabs Jordan's left leg. With the adrenaline rushing through his veins, Jordan elbows the man's jaw, breaking some teeth in the process. He grabs the other arm and stomps on it. D-7256 screams in pain and finally drops the knife.

The door opens and Sam steps in with his gun ready. "Get the medical team here now!" They shout, while taking Jordan back to the infirmary. "What the hell happened? One minute I saw you both standing and then I saw you both beat up."

"I don't know. Eungh!" Jordan is starting to feel the toll on his body. 

Parker's Office 

James is looking through the SCP-3935 addendum, when Dr. Sarbosa slams the door open. "JAMES! We've made a breakthrough!" She dumps SCP-3041 documents on his desk.

"What is all this?" He asks while reading.

"You know all those nightmares the D-Class personnel experienced when wielding SCP-3041?" She slams the desk for dramatic effect. "Turns out, they were the victims that they killed. It seems the knife has an antimemetic effect that anyone killed by it will cease existence. Even the dead bodies are erased from our perception."

His eyes widened in horror. "Hold on. Are you telling me…"

"Yup! The stench of rotting corpses are actually the dead bodies still in the room." 

"This is amazing! How did you figure this out?"

She grins. "You can thank pretty boy Jordie for that! Because of his anomaly, he can see them. Check this out!" She pulls out her laptop from the bag. "We ran some x-rays in the room to see if he was under the influence of SCP-3041, but as you can see, his brain releases a counter wave to block its memetic effects. I don't know what Alex gave that boy, but I definitely want some!"

"Is he okay?"

"Pfft. He's fine. I'm more worried about D-7256 who has both his arm broken and jaw dislocated. He fucked a former UFC fighter good. I wonder if he's like that in the sheets?" She smiles devilishly. 

"That's good to hear. I'll check up on him once I'm done." 

"Okie-dokie!" She giggles while grabbing the papers and then leaves.

"...Damn. The Foundation is definitely not going to let him go." He rubs the bridges of his nose before continuing his research.