
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

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The Wanderers Libraries Ruler

When I reached the 10th Serpents Hand cell I considered it small due to the lack of patrols on the way here. That was until I made it there and I saw a woman, the same woman over atleast 60 times. There was the same woman from what infinity told me different universes all gathered in one spot. As they spotted me walking to their camp I noticed armbands with numbers in roman numerals situated on their right arms.

As I stood their wondering what to say or do in this weird situation one individual that wasn't a carbon copy of everyone else walked forward. "What have you come here for Keeper."

"I have come by the Serpents request to unify the hand cells," I informed.

"What do you offer in return for this?" She questioned.

"As long as you are willing to work under me funding, a base of operations, training rooms and equitment." I gave the speach I had done about 6 times, and as usual worked without a hit-until it didn't.

"What are your views on the Foundation?" She continued interogating me.

"That they shouldn't be imprisoning sapient SCP's, but are a good buffer for the more dangerous ones." I worded my response to the general Serpents Hand opinion, but also not imply that I would constantly hunt them down.

She seemed to think for a while then said. "As long as you permit us to do Foundation raids I'n fine with joining." A variant informed as I then realized I'd have to seperate the Serpents Hand and Bulwark to maintain some sort of relationship with the Foundation which would be to much of a risk.

Realizing I'd have to kill the group to get the quest done I casually asked what was on my mind. "So how did you get a group of the same prople from across dimensions?"

I didn't get a reply from their leader but instead one of the versions saying. "We are all Gears's kids and want to get revenge on him for ruining out childhoods with his neglecting parenting." She said with venom in their voice that I didn't even know existed.

This aparently set off a chain reaction as every version of the same woman starting cussing out and coming up with some of the most creative insults I've ever heard. While they were doing that I gestured for the non-variant to come a little away for a conversation, they shrugged and followed.

"So what's your name." I asked.

"Claire Bright." Alarm bells rung in my head as I said "Murrey Bright" automatically.

(Prescience) informed me of a stab wound that was incoming. And now deciding it was better to find out why this woman had my last name I tried to knock them out. But what confused me was (Prescience) was changing where she was going to stab everytime I moved in advance. Realizing that the Time concept must run in the family I had to play dirty. I pulled out my pocket watch and got ready to pause time to knock her out.

She then avoided me like the plague as I held it out. Deciding to try to defuse the situation I said. "Time manipulation runs in the family huh."

"No not really only you and me have the gift." She informed still staring at my pocketwatch

"Do you wanna tell me about our apparent shared family." I asked, and suddenly all the warnings about getting wounded disapeared.

"You don't know?" She asked baffled

I responded with, "well then why would I be asking."

"To get the jump on me." I then deadpanned, "we can both see the future how would I do that."

As we stood there staring at each other the variants snapped out of their Gears hate frenzy. I looked at them like a mad dog you have to put down asultimately it wasn't worth it. Before doing it I looked at Claire for confirmation, and also to see if she had a different time manipulation compared to me. After staring at me for 10 seconds she nodded and I proceeded to kill the living liabilitys.

After doing so I invited her to stay with me back at Bulwark she ended up refusing saying she would need to "reconnect with with the family" and inform them of her discovering me. I honestly didn't think it mattered that much, and as a parting gift she gave me a pager. She said that I probably wouldn't hear from her for a year or two. As being a family heavily involved in the Foundation entails some security. But that made me wonder why was my father so shall we say unprotected, or did he just not know he was a Bright? That (?) in the (loyalty) tab had to be there for a reason.

And that reminded me to check the (Loyalty) tab and see if everyone murdered each orher or not.

But after reconnecting with my apparent cousin I got a (Quest) notification.

(Quest Conplete:The Unification)

The cells of the Serpent's Hand have been split up for some time to aid in their guerilla warfare tactics. Unfortunetly this limits them to terror*st like strikes against their enemys. Unite the Serpent's Hand cells under one banner, the Bulwark.


-50% Discount on all Serpents Hand members from (Recruitment tab),

-Deepened connection with Wanders Libary

-Gain +50 Opinion from the Serpent

As I claimed the rewards I instantly felt my bond with the Wanderers Library deepen, and grow wider. With it my gear began glowing golden again.

(Generals Gloves)

During the Revolutionary War this general had the courage and strategic mind to lead his troops into what would be called losing or suicidal battles, and still be able to inspire them. A part of his luck,genius and charisma still resides within these gloves

——-> (Reality's Saviour)

Previously worn by a Revolutionary War general that was regarded a hero by their people. These gloved have now been reforged with the very concept of fighting against the odds.

While also being imbued with every battle that can and will happen.

-You and you men tend to find their grip stronger and weapons more effective in battle

——-> You and your men are imbued with unnatural strength and their weapons enchanted when you enter battle

-You and your soldiers tend to make good decisions in and out of battle.

——-> You and your soldiers often make strategical decisions that unknowingly work in perfect tandem with each squad on the battlefield

-Lady Luck favours you as she will make your foes misfortune more apparent when your around.

——-> Luck has all but abandoned your foes with inconvenient divots in the ground screwing up their footwork and guns jamming in the most inopportune times.

-Your peoples dedication to the cause will be increased with it a willingness to lay down their life

——-> Your soldiers are uncharacteristically loyal as they carry with them the pride of saviours and the told bravery of legends

-Slight increase to Durability

——-> You find your now gauntlets are scaly and unusually warm and physical attacks

When one has their gloves change from a light leather feel to scaly gauntlets you expect them to gain weight, but the opposite happened. My scaly teal gauntlets felt warming but a comfortable warm and when I felt that they were to warm they cooled off. I tested the physical resistance by pulling out a slightly fancy 9mm I looted from besting the leader of Serpent cell #5 that I bested in single combat. Shooting the teal gauntlets the bullet completely crumpled as I observed as not even a mark from the gunshot showed itself.

Next up was my watch and I watched as a dark blue flame ovetook it as it lost its physical shape and became ethereal. After the flame died out I held it by the chain and let it swing as I watched as it left behind cyan, dark blue and purple after images giving it an extra supernatural feel.

(True Timekeepers-Pocketwatch)

The Timekeepers-Pocketwatch previously put into a sleep like state due to inaction has been reawoken due to the user coming fully in tune with their Time Affinity and influence from the Wanderers Library.

——-> (The Will of the Ever-present)

The Wanderers Library has existed throughout the beginning of the multiverse. With this comes understanding of time itself of which it gone through leaps and bounds to pour its understanding of the concept into this pocket watch. Aside from enhancing its abilities it has also brung the spirit of the Timekeeper that held it back into existence in service of the Libraries Champion.

-Greatly increases reaction time

——-> Grants the user an extra part of the mind that automatically dodges danger

-Allows for User to put others under Permanent Hypnotization (Limit increases with users understanding of time.)

——-> Allows user to when hypnotizing individuals to permanently alter their mind

+Wearer can bring into existence the previously extinct race of Time Keepers as a servant (Reality Bending)

(Infinity Reinforced Veterens Trenchcoat)

Previously infused with the soul of a brave soldier who gave their life for what they thought was right. Now it has been infused via the Wanderers Library's influence the concept of Infinity.


(Champion of the Library's Trenchcoat)

The Wanderers Library now intrinsically entangled in your being has branded you its Champion. With it comes responsibilities, and gifts. One of those it taking your coat and making it just like the Library itself


Next up was my Trenchcoat and as it glowed I watched as the glow turned red and flew out like a shockwave. And even before getting an update on my abilitys I could feel its presence everywhere.

-Trench-Coat can take on the propertys of something that the wearer fully understands, and can be manipulated into anything via the wearers will.

——-> Your Trenchcoat is no longer limited by its mass or temporal position as it exists everywhere and all-where. Though it is empowered when you are wearing it and are only limited in its manifestations through your understanding of infinity and time.

-Wearer can call upon the variations of the original soul as spirit warriors.

(Reality Bending)

——-> You may call upon spirit warriors of different versions of the original soul throughout the multiverse to fight for you (Reality Bending)

Although thoroughly busted I had been having troubles with my concept of infinity as granted there are few that can get an accurate grasp on it thus limiting the books I could read on the subject.

Next up my mask started glowing, but compared to the mask every other object pailed in comparison. The glow was a dark green with whisps of golden energy bordering the light. The flames that eveliped the glow continued to grow as the ceiling of the Library continualy fueled its growth. Deciding to help a little bit I used my own comparitively miniscule knowledge of infinity and time to help shape the growth of the mask. With my own energy being added I caught a glimpse or two at what the Library was doing. It was forging a part of itself into my mask.

Although it was small as the mask couldn't handle much it was still a part of an entity that had bore witness to every event in the multiverse. As the flames eventually receded I feasted my eyes upon my new notifications.

(Wanderers Libraries Chosen)


(Wanderers Libraries True Sovereign)

It was said that the Wanderers Library held all the knowledge it could for a time it found one worthy enough to own it. Despite being such an ild entity and its endless expansion it had one limiting factor, itself. After realizing it couldn't TRULY experience the world that the books in its confines detailed it called upon its custodian the Serpent. To create Ways into the Library and allow those who wish to defend the Library to do so. This was what it told it what it hadn't said was that these people and the books they had brought out of the library, and returned lest they be barred. Found themselves as a way for the Library to view the world outside of its endless expanse. But then tou came along a LIVING being connected to the Way it was thrilled. Watching you and tour story it brought itself to help you in any way it could to preserve its way to experience "Life". But now it had made the ultimate gamble to decide it has found itself a worthy owner after witnessing your actions. What had started as a interesting show had turned into a genuine relationship with the Library cheering for your victorys. You now have full control over the Wanderers Library and its forces.


-Mask will never break as long as the Library exists

-Gained: 0.001% of all knowledge in Wanderers Library

-Gained: (Title) Ruler of Wanderers Library

Get 100% boost to all abilitys when in Wanderers Library.

-All entitys who have entered the Wanderers Library at one point recognize you as its rightfull ruler.

-Gain: Full control over the Wanderers Librarys domain. Including Archivists and the Librarians.

(May not leave the Wanderers Library)

-The mask in its passive state will be controled by the Wanderers Library to absorb hits, and increases learning capacity by 50%. (Library control can be overriden)

-The mask in its active state will bring the user to an ethereal state in which they will gain physical damage resistance (90%), and will have their weapons automitacally enchanted using the Wanderers Library soul shard.

Reading all of this I carresed the now heater shield shaped mask. The golden divots on the top shaping it into a crown and continuing downwards and to the middle to make it even more obvious. And the emblem of the Library set in the middle with the heads of the people on it being open to allow my eyes through. I noted that my eyes naturally glowed golden now which in the grand scheme of things wasn't that important. Putting on the mask I could FEEL the soul shard interacting with mine as they sought out a peacfull balance. Turning my attention back to the mask I envisioned the Library at a whole and what I saw astounded me. It was larger then I could find out even with Infinity. But it grew thousands of kilometres every second as entire bookshelves were made and put in place with full shelves. And Librarians created through the abduction of wanderers.

But what I had been waiting for finally came as I soon felt an overload of information travel into my head all at once. I was on the brink of insanity as words to languages I didn't know existed came into my head. And machines that ranged from rudimentary to full on Dyson Spheres. Agricultural techniques for raising purple sea cucumbers that were actually nutritious. And the way to fix a 2E50D star freighter.

This went one for 8 days, and not a moment of reprive passed were I could find myself recovering from the brink of insanity. My mind was torn to shreds and rebuilt time and time again as information my brain shouldn't be able to handle forced its way inside. I tried using SCP-500 to help with the pain but it never worked no matter how strong the created pill was.

After an excrutiatingly information injection I layed their recuperating until I was in the right condition to head back to Site-19 and worry about construction.