
SCP: The Unforseen Variable (Old)

Murrey, finds himself in a new world made of laws he dosen’t understand. Find as he grows his organization creates a religion and tries to prepare for the end of everything. This book is being rebooted because I screwed up some plot points that I can’t fix aside from rewriting it all. So I’m doing a reboot. If you wanna get a sneak peek into what the reboots plot is gonna be later down the line I guess you can read this. I wouldn’t because it would make the pay offs less impactful, but you do you. Permission was given to me by Duy Giang to use his art for the cover go check him out. They’ve made some of the coolest and quality art related to SCP on a visual level and is one of the reasons I wanted to make this book

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Miracle Pills, Planning it all out

As it turns out creating a pill of SCP-500 is insanely hard. Go figure turning all concepts related to health into a small tablet is difficult, but I wouldn't give up. I had the tools and knowledge but little practical experience. But as the saying goes everyone has to start somewhere. I just happen to start with trying to create the cure the all illnesses. For my first few attempts I had failed spectactualar fashion. With explosions of vitality, that although didn't do any damage, certainly caused a spectacle. As the Doctor was watching I explained to him after every failed attempt what I was doing, how i did it and how I could have avoided whatever had disrupted the process. Eventually I had actually created a pill, and although it was much weaker it was a start.

Sharing my success with the Doctor I used my (Inspection) skill on the pill.

(Poor replica of SCP-500)

Will heal cuts in less than a minuite, gashes in an hour and stabilize a person whi has been wounded lethaly before taking 3 days to fully heal them.

Although this was "poorly made" it would be an absolute marvel if revealed to the medial world. I then remembered that I had never actually inspected the Doctor and with all the stuff that has happened to me couldn't be surprised.

The Plague Doctor

Titles: Plague Doctor,

Last Hope Against "Pestilence"


(If you want a description on them go look it up on: because as much as I would like to copy and paste it that's just inflating word count.)

I wasn't to surprised as all the information I had gotten was similar to the file on them though the inspection kept up the trend of keeping the information on the "Pestilence" vague. Despite my growing agitation with this I had gotten some helpfulll riminders.

1. To ask for the Doctors journal as I could maybe use my Infinity conecept to decipher it by pearibg into alternate realitys were the thing isn't written in some forgotten language

2.Have a look at his infinite bag as it could provide some insight into Infinity

But I shelved those ideas as I continued working and telling the Doctor why something went wrong. Or explaining some theory about modern medicine practices when I got to parts that I had explained many times overs, and felt that they had understood what I said. This cycle continued onwards for 5 days leading the library to create the both of us beds to sleep in. With both our needs taken care of I was able to dedicate my full attention onto creating SCP-500 and imparting as much knowledge I could onto the Doctor.

I in this time had been able to reliably create lesser and what I was producing watered down versions of SCP-500 but with each formation I was able to tweak something to make it better. A increased cell regeneration factor from increasing the presence of the concept of Growth. An increase of water, calories, protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals held within the pill to accompany that increased cellular regeneration through the concept of nourishment.

I had at multiple points had to drop off these pills that I was making back at Site-19 so often that they had dedicated spots in every medical bay for them. I even had George conplain to me about having to find someplace effective to put them, and resist the urge to just dump them in some unused storage room. I gave him a proper reprimanding for even suggesting that a miracle pill that could save a soldiers life be thrown in some random closet. I knew my mask and its tendency to glow were my eyes were did not stop him from the terror I could tell hee was feeling.

(George, -5 reputation, +10 intimidation

And after 2 weeks of contantly improving the pills formula I had done it

(Quest Complete:Cure All End All)

The Wanderers library sensed your thirst for knowledge and has brung you to the studying place of the Late Mysticism Doctor/Creator of SCP-500. Who's goal was to cure the world of all its diseases. Unfortunetly he had died after proccuring a bottle of it and placing it inside a pharmacy to moniter its effects. Follow in his footsteps by ublocking the journals secrets.

The journal has been enchanted to only allow those who are worthy to read it. Journey down your own arcaic path to prove that you deserve its secrets.


-Improved SCP-500 recipe,

-5000 points

Although getting an improved version of the original SCP-500 recipe it wasn't groundbreaking. What really excited me was having the ability to actually have some spending points as I have had to make use with scraps and inprovise with what little I had.

And I took stock of the points and summons I had

-1 Factory (personnel, but materials not includes

-1 Storefront

- 50350 points

As I had collected my rewards I decided it was time to leave the Library and check on the Site. As I walked through I was surprised as I noticed guards bringing in crates of materials. Something else I noticed was almost every guard was in a strategic location with easily accesible cover and sightlines to each other, clearly their time with SCP-5094 was not a waste. When I entered my office I saw a report laid ontop of my desk. Focusing on my (Prescience) Skill to make sure it wasn't trapped. As although summoned by the system the Scientists, like the guards, have been gaining more awarness. Though looking into possible realitys they never seem to gain full sentience.

As I sat down and picked up the report on my desk I scanned it contents. It was a general report on our personnel, research which was non-existent due to our lack of anomaly and interestingly enough materials for renovation.

As layed out in my previous plans I had planned on turning this Site into a fortress. The communicatikns array on the surface would be turned into a decoy and trapped to high hell. The Elevators to gate A and B would be heavily guarded and turned into a killbox inside the facility. Next to each killbox a hallway would have personell stationed to hold back attackers and allow the retreating defenders to fallback with supressing fire.

After this hallway would be even more personell stationed at a checkpoint outside the evacuation shelter turned Bunker. Which would be supplys able to last a force of 200 178 days when not rationing. And 228 days when rationing. Included of which was ordanance, heavy weapons and fortifications for any breach that may puncter the heavy gates. Included in this would be a communication device stationed inside that would be connected to the Communications centre in Light Containment. Which would be able to give the go-ahead to any possible counterattack to entrap the invaders in Heavy Containment.

After the gates one hall down would have a pipeline connected connected to every room in Entrance Zone that when activated would release poisonous gasses. Though I made sure to make it so an explosion would be self contained in its own room via a pressure gauge that when detecting a sudden spike will shut of all filtration to that room and put seal in multiple spots in the pipes themselves.

The checkpoint to Heavy Containment would be deceivingly guarded with 8 guards that at my direction would retreat after letting loose a few shots at the incoming enemys. After retreating and the enemy forward the previously shut down reinforced windows at the sides that were used for confirming credentials would slam open and those stationed inside would open fire.

If the attackers aren't repelled by this point the guards would retreat through the Heavy Containment checkpoint procuded with sniper support from the long hallway directly linear to the checkpoint. After retreating they would help reinforce the garrison in Heavy Containment. In Heavy Cobtainment I would make use of the Serpent's Hand having them undergo ambushes the thin out the attackers numbers as they trek towards the last checkpoint of Heavy Containment.

In the event of an attack and the attacker apparent relentlessness we would call upon the Bunkers at the elevators from Gate A and B to make their move which should be supported by MTF Unit Epsillon-11 Nine Tailed Fox. As hopefully they would have entered the facility by now. In their attack to hopefully draw attention to the backlines the garrison in Heavy Containment would based on the enemys numbers either commit to a battle or pick off members with the Serpents Hand until they would be reasonably able to commit to an engagement and win.

Now in the very unlikely chance that a faction attacking would be able to withstand everything I would turn to one final option.

Scorched Earth protocol which in the event that the enemy has somehow breezed through or succesfully withstood all counterattacks, traps and ambushes. We would enact Containment Breach Protocol locking all doors in the facility that hadn't alrwady done so and would release all Keter and Euclid SCP's which would be able to be reasonably recontained.

And in the event that such an overwhelming force would be able to overcome the Keter and Euclid threat

The command Final Flash of Existence would commence with it full scale evacuation of Site-19 of which I would store all relevant data/equitment object class SCP's and evacuate as many people as possible through the Way before an Alpha Warhead would be detonated hopefully destroying whatever could withstand so much force.

I had purposefully designed all plans and strategys under the pretext that I would not be there. As when compared to all my undone (Quests) I just didn't have time to run such a facility. I would be there to take reports, make plans and make important decisions, but I couldn't conceivably be there 24/7. And don't get me wrong I would immediatly use the Way to get here if the facility went under attack. But realisticly for a force of that size to be able to withstand the flexible defence efoorts of such a huge facility and its planned personnel would probably mean the attack of an interdimensional beings forces.

And don't get me wrong there are defences in Light Containment its just as the name implies Light. There are still heavily fortified killboxes next to the elevators with plenty of planned security personnel. Its just that if they made it through everything else and the wasn't an attack on the scalenof a force in its dying breaths going for a last Oorah we are thoroughly fucked. I thought about making an evacuation tunnel but really at the end of the day all the people are expendable the facility its SCP's and information gathered there isn't. But that's just the cold hard truth of the matter when you deal with reality defying entitys every Tuesday ordinary people are ordinarily expendable. And even if say MTF Epsillon-11 died in the repossesion of the site I'm sure I could find something in the expanse of Infinity to replace them.