
Ch3: The Experiment.

"I am so sorry, I didn't mean't to break it I swear it was an acc-" I said panicking but was shortly cut off by a sound from the intercom's speaker.

"It's okay D-2467, now enter the next room for continuation of the experiment." Said the male voice.

I first hesitated but then shortly followed the orders knowing that I will be terminated if I don't cooperate.


"Wow, an scp which was neutralised before we designate it a number." Said Dr Bright. "That's something you don't see every day."

"Now, now the experiment isn't over yet we still have to check the D-class, but…..." Said Dr Buck.

"But?" Asked Dr Bright confusingly.

"If the D-class shows signs of anomalies properties similarly to the previous person, then he would terminated on sight." Dr Buck said.


"So what am I supposed to do?" I asked as I stared around the ginormous room filled with strange equipment, some of which he recognised such as the x-ray machine and the sports track, there were also some heavily armoured guards in the room carrying some rifles with them, they were accompanied to researchers in white lab coats.

"Nothing much, we will tell you to use some exercises and tests and then the test will be finished." Said one of the researcher.

"Umm okay then what I am supposed to do first?" I asked.

"You see this track, run down to the other side as fast as you can when I say go and we will record your time taken." Said the other researcher.

Once I was briefed on what to do I stood at start of the track and ran when I heard the "Go!" By the time I reached the other side I was already panting.

"Wow that was pretty slow for someone like you." Said the researcher. "Now go to that dummy and punch it as hard you can." He said the as he pointed towards a plastic dummy that was strapped to a machine.

After I regained my breath I walked up to the machine and punched it as hard as I could but yelled at sudden sheer pain caused onto my hand due to the impact.

"Not too strong for a regular guy." Said the researcher as he checked the force applied onto the dummy. "Okay now lets continue."

Next they checked my pulse rate using a machine but it showed no signs of irregularity, nor when they put me up in the x-ray machine.

This continued for a while but there was no signs abnormality, soon the experiment was called off and I was sent back to my cell.

"Ahhhh, under days work, damn I am so tired, I probably get some sleep." I said as I plopped onto the bed.

But when just as I was about to close my eyes a sudden blue screen popped up in front of my eyes.

[system installed onto host]

[Daily Quest received]
