
Scourge Valley

From the beginnings of this story, A boy named Nathan is just living his normal life until he met a girl that he knew not so long before, she enlighten him with a game that everyone played during this time of year, knowing that it's new and hasn't been played by many but left with a lot of good views. With the Information that he got, Nathan began to play the game, It went good for a while and now he end up in a world that's simpler to the game as he thought, Right now he has to continue down his path and dream to make it come truth as he's willing to make it happen, but as the day goes by, someone will make it to be true, but for now Nathan will have to learn which side to pick.

Neisan_Forgotten · Game
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14 Chs

Chapter 14 Arc 1- Puzzle Memories

During the moment of his death, the only thing that brought the image of laughter and enjoyment of the entity smiling in happiness, feeling the blood running down on her face and out of his body, Nathan would reawaken himself from the point that he felt something to a nightmare, He couldn't speak nor take time to recover properly, the heaviest of the atmosphere grew thinner as his vision gone darker. Nathan was unaware to the surroundings when time continue to pass through the hours as he felt something watching him from afar. During those moments Nathan finally got the time to relax and was able to move around carefully, "What is this place? Is this... the after life or-" after falling on his knee, Nathan couldn't notice the person was standing in front of him when he got Seattle by there appearances.

??: They look down to him to only till there head when curiosity grown on both of them. "Or This could be the place of your forever torment? Is that what you going to say?," within a second before Nathan could say anything, the person knee in front with a glare that both of there eyes couldn't see it's own because of the mask, they're wearing. "Save the question for later, let me have this time to allow myself for this guide," The person would remove its masks and point the direction of where they Need to began there path of reaching the end of an empty room. The images of the person, show him the structure of an young girl that look a little far from her age. Nathan could understand that she got it from either of her parents but during that time he don't know anything about how or when did he end up in this place? "Follow me and take your time to look around, we have everything for you to not worried about anything, time don't work in this place, so you could go back and look over from where you begin and where you end your story, it's not that hard if you want to cry out," Nathan look at the person to view the surrounding area from behind.

"Could you tell me anything about this place? anything about it or why am I doing here," she turn away and look around with a confused look, "did I say something wrong? It's better that we should start with the names, guessing that you already know mine's and it'll be fair that you give me yours, if you don't mind,"

??: "You could call me 'Amy', this place is the home and the eternal resting place of souls, whom came here to be free from a long battle or to have regrets," Nathan tried to gather the puzzle of her words and meaning but to quickly interrupt by a snap of her fingers, "You die in a battle that was never in your favour to be Victorious," she walk towards Nathan and flick his head when the image of his life before wasn't shown to Amy, this is the first time that she ever look back to see nothing more than where he arrived into this world, "how is this possible for a demi-human to begin there life on there age of 19," Nathan was confused and lost from the image of when he was at the age of his death, he continue to look through his life as Amy look into his eyes to see blank images, Nathan couldn't see anything after the point of where he bought the item from the game that he was playing with emi.

"This can't be the way of how I die, I still hasn't reach to my goal of completing my dream," Nathan turn his attention to Amy and carefully approach towards her, feeling the worries that brought to his curiosity and depression, She turn around to push him down on his knees with a great force, Nathan continue to stare into her eyes that was fill with rage.

Amy: her emomtion turn into a calm expression when she turn away and fold her arms under her chest,"There's something more that I have to discuss with you," The area around them, shadow into darkness that surrounds him, "Why can't I, of all gods, can not see your story of where you were born? It don't make any sense that you, of all people who I ever got into trouble of see." She appear infront of him with burning anger between her confusion, "Speak now before I force it out of you, I need to know your answer," Nathan would pick up himself from the ground and carefully give his attention from the image of where he first begin the basic of learning how to control and understand the detail of the gameplay.

"I don't understand on what are you saying, I have no words that you can't see my future or past, but I maybe be able to explain my story," he turn around to see more blank images, "(Even tho, there's nothing for me to begin with it,)" Amy let herself to relax on the air while keeping an eye close his body language. Slowly as he explain the story that was shown to him, with every detail he explained, Amy grew more curious about his story and wonder something that might be known to acknowledge, "That's everything that I could remember, if you want to question me then go ahead,"

Amy: "No need, I already understand everything about how you explain it, come to me and I'll show you something interesting," She summoned a book that has the title: the book of eternal, "This book allow me to see every single demi-human to even a Gods life, when they were create and when they will die, When your Name appear into this book, everything was blank, nothing of your story to begin with, it's like you shouldn't be here as a normal demi-human or something I won't say that is far to know anything about you being a God? Tell me something that I don't know about you," she fold her legs and stare directly to his eyes with the hunger to learn.

"I just want to live my life to however I want, I want to settle down with the goals that I choose to spend time for the rest of my life, The other reason that kept me going through and surviving those attack, is my main goal or claiming the eternal life to become something more stronger than the God who murder me from my old world, when I was alive-, uhh are you listening to me?"

Amy: She look at him with doubts and just feeling sorry for him, "For those reasons, is very stupid of you to think of that, it came to me of someone who trying to treat life like a very soft flower field, Nothing new that I ever hear in my many years of living," she walk towards him and left the book floating around the empty room. She rest her hand on his chest to gracefully remove the energy from his soul, "This is goodbye Nathan, I hope in the next life, you'll be more interesting on learning something new," just before she made his soul disappeared, Nathan would move away her hand and refused to just drop it, He jump away from her and came into a fighting stances. "I must be dreaming from this, right? (First of all, this is the first time that a demi-human refused my magic, is he immune to a spell cast?)," Nathan began trembled slowly when his knee touch the ground, Amy quickly notices that his soul was disappearing slowly, She look at him and carefully brought her hand in front of him, asking to come and fight her, "Don't talk now, we could make a deal with our understanding of skill and knowledge," she jump around for a bit to place herself in a spot to stand still, "If you could leave a scratch on me or maybe be able to inflict a little wound, I would personally let you free to live another day, if you failed during that time-" she move to the side when Nathan went right pass her without a any part of there body or clothes to touch each other, she went back to the same spot and look at him when he swiftly appear infront of her to simple be frozen in mid air, "I think, you got the picture."

"I won't hold back on you and I accept your challenge," Nathan would put in the strength to reach in for a touch but he wasn't able to make a scratch on her skin, because when he mange to make an attempt, Amy would push him far when he gain distance from her, he tumble and roll through the empty room, he flip himself on his feet and tried to make another attack from any directions that he could get a chance, "(anything must have something that she's blank to,)" Nathan appear infront of her once again to strike directly to her, slowly as she push him away, she swiftly take a step back from the blade that appears out of nowhere, She knowledge wasn't aware from the unexpected moment for Nathan to get his hands on his weapon, more important of how he was able to summoned it.

Amy: "I'm already looking forward for this entertainment, be ready," She move away his blade and swiftly engaged into a heavy punch to his torso which thrown him off from his feet as he was greeted with a kick directly to his face, during that moment, Amy wasn't going to let her guard down as it might happen again which she then grab a hold of his leg and she turn herself around when she slammed his whole body onto the ground, She look down and began to walk over his body, feeling unpatience but curious about his next move, she got disappointed during the little time that she spend fighting, she also notices when his body slowly fade from her eyes, She let herself to relax and began to turn her back from him, "I can't believe that I just waste my time with this fight, I guess in another death-" just as when she turn around to swiftly evade his blade, it was edged to the grain of her hair when she was force to drawn her weapon to defend herself from another attack that was a little to close for comfort, Nathan pull himself away from her and continue in with the close rage, noticing something was off when Amy carefully guide around his attacks and defends, "what are u planning to do,?" she stop his weapon with pinch and swiftly disarm him with an aggressive kick to his chest, she simple throw his weapon down and grind her own to draw a line from where she stands.

He couldn't hold out for much longer as he felt weaker by the moment the darkness within the memories faded, it couldn't be share with a simple light that glare to her eyes, she notices something that wasn't right with him from the moment that they met, Nathan began to enraged with the strength that he have left, tumble a bit but was able to stand, from the moment she appear from behind, Nathan quickly turn around to swiftly recover himself from the attack that she strike him down with the back side of her scythe, he flown away from her when Nathan left himself open and strike directly to her weapon that couldn't move her away by an inch, she made her weapon disappeared and held onto his arms as she quickly let go to evade another punch from him when following into the exact moment when Nathan would tried to move in to break her defends, Amy cover her grounds and parried the attacks in attempt to inflict damage toward him, she cover the grounds when she created a force that block Nathan from reaching her, this time she pull him close and strike an direct punch to his stomach, moving along when Nathan was thrown back by her force, she follow into a multiple strike to his face and body when he mange to block the attack but wasn't close to taste the victory as Amy grab onto to his head and pin him down in the ground with brutal force.

Amy: She's not going to play around anymore, seeing something that she been dealing with, finally she felt some enjoyment with this fight, she held back a lot of her power in order to make it last longer, just before she could finish from where she started, an image appear infront of her eyes, glowing with a story that she never see before, "Why of all time? Who could this be now." The time began to slow down as she gain her attention to the blank image.

Listening as she heard the cries of people burning in agony and dying from monsters, feeling the area that she never been before, she carefully look around but only to see the endless blue flames, Amy couldn't believe with her own eyes from when she notices Nathan laying down on the ground, slowly bleeding out.

Devil: "Tell me something that I already know, but I really want to know why have you tried to pick a fight with someone that you don't have a chance of beating?," He held the girl by her shoulders and started to play around like She's a doll,

Amy: "I was right from the beginning, but how did this boy met him," she move away from Nathan and left the memory continue the story.

Nathan began to cough out a lot of blood as he slowly lift himself back up, "Leave her alone you bastard! " he jump off from the ground and in attempt to behead the man that was infront of him with a broken sword, Amy make sure to slow it down to paid attention to the person that was infront of Nathan, being unsure the devil released Emi when he forced her to become his shield and from that moment Nathan freeze for a moment and didn't take the chance to strike him down, Amy stop the memory from continuing that point and began to look around.

Amy: She began to walk around the rubble and check every corner that she could find, She wonder around after she finish search the floor below her, Amy enter his room that hasn't been touch by the blue flames, "This is weird? Why of all places, this hasn't been touch?," she carefully through the room and found a book laying down on the bed, "The beginning of my new life? Made by Nathan ki-ra-san," she carefully open the book and look through the pages, to her surprise it wasn't blanked, from every few pages it have a chapter to his story, "This will be useful for me to know him," but unfortunately she couldn't understand his language in writing, " What kind of black magic is this," she close the book and kept it with as when she walk downstair as she hasn't notice the room behind her was burning.

Devil: Amy began the memories when the devil was smiling from ear to ear, "What's wrong now, boy?," without a second to lose, Nathan was already thrown out of the house by the devil, being gentle as he walk out from the wall with Emi floating from behind him, Nathan continue dragging along the broken street as he flip himself on his feet, from the amount of blood lost that was running down from his body, Nathan couldn't do anything to save her but to only take a time to make it right to free her, He rush directly with blind rage that was dwelling in his heart and soul.

Amy: "You idiot, you can't win against him, you have no chance to be alive for this long," Nathan manage to move away from the devil lash and stab his broken blade directly to one of his hearts, the devil take a step back and engage into fighting him down, Amy wasn't able to find a meaning to this vision when the devil and herself has lost focused of him, during this short time he reappeared from behind and remove his arms, "How is he doing this?, I don't feel anything from him but could it be possible that he was born like this?," from the moment that she felt was something terrifying as the devil eyes turn red with raging hate.

Just as the image could continue, everything just went blank for a moment and disappear from her eyes.

Amy: "Wait hold on, damn it-" before could continue, Nathan would move her hand away and flick her head, "How dare you," She lift him off the ground and began to forcefully removing the rest of his energy, "I'll set you right back to your own place," she cast more energy as Nathan was holding on strong to slowly break free from her, ("Who am I dealing with?,") during the moment, Amy carried him down as she slammed him into the ground aggressively as the whole floor left a print of his body, She let out a heavy sigh and began to take a few steps back, She would jump away when Nathan got from the ground and run right in front of her, holding his sword, He finally manage to leave a mark on her cheek just in time as she shift her head to the side, she turn herself around and kick him down on the ground, Nathan went down cold as she lift his body in the air floating in a bubble that she made, Amy finally got a chance to move away as she rest herself down right in front of him to summoned the book on her lap, "I need to fill this out just before I send you away to relive a new life," she slowly open the book and began to carefully look through the pages, just as she notices something was falling on the pages, "What is this red thing?,"she look at Nathan for a second to then look back down on her book, "Book, why are you bleeding? Please reveal something for me to acknowledge for my own awareness," the blood would disappeared from the book as it summoned a mirror to reveal his own reflection, "This isn't the time to fix myself book, what are you really trying to show me?," the mirror began to shine bright as it was reveal more clearly to her, showing the moment as where Nathan manage to leave a mark on her cheek,

Nathan would open his eyes and tried to get her attention to let him out of this bubble, Amy look at him for a second and float towards him, staring into each other eyes, She notices the mark on his face that appears to her,

Amy: "I knew there was something different about you, but I couldn't tell from where you look at it,"

"Everybody does say that and yet I don't see it for myself, I'm just the same as you Amy,"

Amy: "Whatever is it, it's not that but from what I met is that you're the one who went in a one on one with him, the person who murder you from ur old world,"

"Do all the gods know me or something, because I really need to know what is going on from this world, ever since I been brought here, I got nothing but monsters to another demi-human that want to kill me for being a spy from another kingdom, Not to mention to read the room, I been kill from a god that wasn't supposed to be out and guarding, my own plan and idea failed becacuse I wasn't able to save people from imprisonment,"

Amy: "Actually, you were supposed to be born from the beginning of the fallen gods, In another words, the war of gods, after you were kill from him, all of the gods set up a plan to bring you back In order to win the war that was long gone to this time,"

"So basically I was supposed to be a one of your warriors to fight along the gods that's fighting for there rights to not destroy this world and recreate to a new hell,"

Amy: "when you put it in that way, it's like that we set you up to die again,"

"How do you know what I was thinking about, I need answer from fate when I get revived, but talking about that, what did happen after I die? You did say that this place doesn't move farward in time and you have the book that see everyone life and death,"

Amy: "So you were listening to me when I say that part, yes I could see what happen after your death but it'll end shortly because the book also change the future when something has happen before your death," she open the book and from after his death, she read him the story of what Haas happen, "That's everything from your side,"

"Why did they disappeared at the end? It don't make sense,"

Amy: "The reason why they disappeared because they has broken a rule that was kept into agreement and since that was broken, the whole of the world was destroyed by another God that I won't say until you see them,"

"If I got revived, would that be breaking a rule, Amy?," She look him and laughing a little, "What's so funny about that,"

Amy: "The thing is that when your soul is still around in this place, you know what, it's better to show you now," with a snap of her fingers, Nathan appear to be the exact place when she was about to finish him off with one punch, "The time don't work in this place, in other meaning I could just bring you to this point before your death, you could prevent it without ruining the timeline, meaning that you could save yourself and continue to live another day,"

"Could you move away from this point,"

Amy: "I know what you're going to say but for your answer is a no because if I carried you more into the past, I could revived someone that is more dangerous than her, in other words, something that you defended in the past,"

Nathan would take a step away from his own body and walk around the place to notices Mulan walk towards the same direction of where he was fighting with the other God, "I didn't know she was that close to me,"

Amy: "Don't get it over your head, she was only here to end the girl life, nothing more or less, you should have know that she will kill her regarding the fact that you're alive or dead, it's a change because she will held back her power to not destroy the place,"

"Yea, at least I could save her from not breaking a rule, I'll accept this moment for my revival,"

Amy: " Good choice in any matter because I'm still going to send you there even if how much of times you going to fight against it," she open a seal underneath his body, "as soon as you take a step to yourself, you'll have enough time to recover and make the change, it's your call if you want to die again and accept your faith, this time you won't be having a relaxing time in the after life, you'll be reliving the moment from everythingthat you have been close to dying even if you hasn't die from that person, you'll get that image,"

"But that's when I die,"

Amy: "Yes but Nathan, there's a way to rightfully reclaim the step to be tin the heavens, do something that the upper gods will accept for your encouragement or get my approval, it's simple but very hard,"

"How am I going to get your approval? What do I have to complete,"

Amy: "If you find someone that is the same value as soul or power, you must kill him in order to replace you, if you could do that all will be forgiving and this revival never happen,"

"That's all I have to do for you, it will be hard but I got it in control,"

Amy: "Before you go, there will be my original self, she will know something about this and will tried to dragged you down in your torture and kept you there forever, So when you saw her or see a mark, just say this; 'Do you remember the deal that we made together?' And from there you will be safe to complete my little objectives."

"This is goodbye and I will have to see you soon again," Nathan would walk through the portal waving,

Amy: "Wait, I forgot to tell him that he won't remember this, whoops, I hope he got lucky with the original me, I really don't want to see him again, not yet at least." Looking at the portal that Nathan walk in, she continue through the empty space when she almost forgot to give him the book she has found, walking back while holding out a little longer when she rest the book in his pocket, she let out a sigh just in time until she was remove from this empty time.

I'll continue this to the very next chapter as I'll left it as...