
Scourge Valley

From the beginnings of this story, A boy named Nathan is just living his normal life until he met a girl that he knew not so long before, she enlighten him with a game that everyone played during this time of year, knowing that it's new and hasn't been played by many but left with a lot of good views. With the Information that he got, Nathan began to play the game, It went good for a while and now he end up in a world that's simpler to the game as he thought, Right now he has to continue down his path and dream to make it come truth as he's willing to make it happen, but as the day goes by, someone will make it to be true, but for now Nathan will have to learn which side to pick.

Neisan_Forgotten · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 13 Arc 1- Stronghold part 2?

Villager elders: "if you're really the person that you seem to be, Tell us something that we know about you, what happen on the day of your death, We old folks live long enough to witness the trauma that they brought themselves to build up their Nation. Where were you when we need you the most, We all could have the right mind to know the truth about the story and the false hope to believe in something that 'you' could save us." The villagers walk forward and stand their ground, the pressure from there emotions grown stronger with fear, anger and determination, Nathan held himself against the wall to watch Mulan from a far when they pointed there weapon close to his neck,

Mulan: "I have one solution to settled my rights and for everyone to believe the words that I want you all to listen," she slowly took a step forward and only pay attention to the elders, "I could answer anything that you want from me, even if it's something within my family stories, I could give it to you,"

The elder: "Please move aside everyone, I need to see this for myself..." The villagers would move themselves away from the lady when Mulan met each other within first sight, slowly as the women carried herself through the croud, "You want to answer our questions.. then start with mines, If you're really someone that I may have acknowledge, then you won't have a problem to regain my memories." Mulan would stares into her eyes when the old women rest herself on a rock to look at her, "We await for your answer,"

Tuki: "Grandma.." She walk close to the old women and pat her shoulder, "It's too dangerous for you to be out here, you gonna get yourself hurt if we're not careful with them,"

The elder: "you shouldn't let them enter our home in the first place," She brush her hand off of her shoulder as she didn't give the attention to Tuki but to only kept herself forus to Mulan, "Don't get in my way now, I don't want to be bother right now, so leave now if you know what's best for you," Mulan would fold her arms and continue to have a direct contact with her eyes, "Answer my question child, I know you came a long way from your travel,"

Mulan: "You're still the same as before, have you ever giving up on trying to teach me everything that you know,"

The elder: "heh, still the same brat that I left," she let out a smile and continue to acknowledge her, "It's very rude of you, I should have given you a lesson of how to have proper manner," The villagers would lower their weapons when Nathan move himself away from the wall, "What took you so long, I was very worried of you princess," She lift her hand to Mulan as she held onto it, "Still cold... is it really you?"

Mulan: "I'm very sorry that I didn't recognize one of my best teachers," The old women would smack down on her head,

The elder: "What do you mean 'one of the best', I always the only teacher that you got! You never changed, still aways the same since you were 5 or 6 years," she fold her arms and give her the death stare, "I may be old but I could still kick your ass,"

Mulan: "We have to wait on that, we need to free you from this prison first,"

The elder: "You're a little too late for that, most of us has already fallen or turn against to fight for this kingdom, it'll be painful to fight one of our people," Mulan let go of her hands to wonder around the area, "We tried everything to kept them here but they won't listen to a old women like how they used too,"

Mulan: "What do you mean, 'Used too'? "

The elder: she turn around To tuki and point to her "You should tell them sweetie, they all need to know the reason," the villagers began to whisper to each other as they were unsure about what they're trying to point out for there understanding which left her speakless, "If you won't tell them the whole truth, then I should start with mine first," she look at the whole village, "We don't stood a chance against them, they have some type of power source that could take control of our mind and powers, they remove mines when I barely escape from their numbers. We're sorry that our first meeting wasn't the way that you want to hear but to be honest, without a strong number, we can't help you with this Mari,"

Mulan: "You don't need to worried about me, It's my fault that I didn't went to you first before all of this happens,"

The elder: "It's a good thing that you didn't came to me first, if they know that you survive, everyone of his children will be after for your head, or maybe worst than that,"

"What do you mean by that, (Nothing can't be worst then having your head cut off?)," Mulan turn to Nathan but quickly turn her attention to the old women,

Mulan: "He's right, what do you mean by what you say," The old women would held onto her hand and rest it down on her left shoulder, "It's fake? What happen! Who did this to you?"

The elder: "Who else? The king himself, he's the only one that was able to remove my arm and nearly leave me behind to bleed out alive, from long to short of my story, One of his children kept me alive and replaced it with this fake one," She move the fake arm around but couldn't hold anything with it, "I could remember their face, but I heard some information, they only want something that your father left behind with you, I don't know what it is.... but they need it in order to open a gate that would let out some kind of demon out in this world."

Mulan: "(She must be talking about him..) Do you know anything else about this demon? If you do know about it, please tell me everything," The old women would shake her head,

The elder: "This is all that I can remember, they took eveything from me and I only have little time to survive,"

Mulan: "I don't think returning your powers would save you right? Please tell me about this person, it's the only chance I got and don't you ever say that you're going to leave us, I need you alive to see the rest of my future as queen!" She kneels down as tears fell onto her lap, The old women slowly pat the top of her head when mulan look directly at the old women, to only see the joy from her eyes.

The elder: "We all have a time on this world, we can't live forever if we wanted too, I'm just happy that you're doing well and making things right to reclaim the kingdom that your father has lost long ago," Mulan continue to look up at the old women when she continue to pat her head and remove the tears, "Please don't cry for me, use this feeling that built within your body and soul to inflict revenge for me," she flick her head, "I'm not going to die now so lighten up and save the tears until we leave this place, Make sure to only put my grave on your favourite place, I want to be right next to you when I pull my last breath, okay?"

Tuki: "I won't let you die on me grandma," The old women rise her hand and slap Tuki head, "What was that for,"

The elder: "I maybe old, but I'm not dying yet you idiot, I don't understand why I have you as my grandchild,"


Tuki: "But grandma.." the old women strike her head again, "I won't say nothing," she rub her head gentle when Nathan walk a few steps back,

The elder: "So how are you going to save us from this hellish place? You don't got an army to ensure your victory and you may not even make it out alive if you been found out,"

"You don't need to worried about that, I got everything in control" he look at tuki and point at her, "She's all that I need," The old women open her eyes big,

The elder: "You seem to have a lot of balls, thinking that you could send my grandchild into this plan of yours! What are you planning to do with her anyways,"

Tuki: "Thanks for the support grandma! It's really caring that you still love and acknowledge me as your grandchild,"

The elder: "Stop being delusional and just go help this boy, My dear Nathan, just look after yourself and only yourself please, I'll be greatful that you came back alive,"

Tuki: "I-.... Why are you like this," Mulan carried herself over to her and pat Tuki from the back,

Mulan: "You're not alone, I been there till the end, It still shows that ko-da still cares for you... Maybe?" She stare at Ko-da with curiosity when Tuki began to cry in the corner when mulan turn to her attention and continue to pat her back, "Everything is going to be okay, you don't need to worried, she love you in all her heart,"

Tuki: "I don't think so... she really don't care about me anyways," She turn away from Mulan and take herself down a path, "This way will lead you above ground! We should hurried if you don't want any guards looking for you!"

"I'll be right there, Will you be coming with us?"

Ko-da: "You should go without me, I'll keep you back from reaching to your goal," she let out a soft smile when she pay attention to Tuki, she pull Nathan close to whisper in his ears, "She may not be my real grandchild, But please keep her safe for me," she let go of him as Nathan took a few step and nodded before Mulan along wuth Nathan follow Tuki through the tunnel, "I wish you the best of luck, I hope this could work.." Mulan appear behind and pat her shoulder, when she turn to face her, Ko-da notice something about her, "You're not the one that I met long ago.."

¿?: "Yes but I'm here to free you from this nightmare," Just before the villagers could react, everyone fell on the ground unconscious, "At last, I have found something to play for my new toys," She used her magic to gather everyone into a small silver ball, "Only three to go, I may wonder where you're hiding, Mulan~."

Mulan: she fold her arms tight as she felt the shivers running through her body, "Something is not right.." she turn herself around when Nathan hold her arms, "We need to go and check on the villagers, they might be introuble," she felt it again and tried to break free, "Why ain't you saying anything Nathan!"

¿?: "Why do you have to be so mean to me Mulan," Mulan would pull away from him as Nathan body began to shift into an entity, "It's very nice to meet you, it's been so long-" The entity evaded the spear and move away, "I see that you still have the skills to kill me again,"

Mulan: "Keep talking and I'll make sure that you're beheaded again," She flip it around and took a step forward to attack it from the side,

¿?: "Bring it on, Lets see how long you could keep up with me,"

During the time, Nathan would met up with Tuki, "I have finally made it, (Where's Mulan?)" he look around for a bit until she broke the silent.

Tuki: "We can't stay here for long, we have to leave now before they see us here," she carefully look around the area just in time as she move him and herself to hide away from the soldiers doing there patrol, "That was close, lets find another way out," she look at the direction that Nathan was and only saw the entity staring into her soul, She evade the entity grip to set herself in a fighting position, "I knew that you can't be trusted,"

¿?: "What do you mean, I'm always here with you, tuki," the entity point out her finger as a purple cloud began to surround tuki.

Nathan carried himself away from the house, wondering why he's by himself and curious about the purple clouds that roam the field, "What's going on?" Just before then, he notics a few number of soldiers that could be unconscious, he touch each of their neck and only got no response, "What's going on with this place? I need to focus and continue to reach to the main point, (This could be there plan to make an escape,") He carried himself through the smoke as he heard someone fighting in the distance, He run towards the noise, Thinking it could be someone in danger, during that time he didn't notice anyone that came across his view, wondering if this could be a trap and quickly undrawn his blade to move into a stance, waiting and listening to the silent wind that's shivering through his body, Nathan take a few steps away from the area until touch someone behind him, swiftly he shift his body and made a heavy slash to the direction of where he touch the person, in result he felt nothing through his blade but without any sounds to react to his attack, Nathan kept himself silent and aimlessly moving around to kept his guard Sharp,

¿?: She look at Nathan from a far, wondering and curious on why he isn't affected by her magic, She move a little closer to him and stare directly into his soul as Nathan couldn't see her but felt a deadly stare from somewhere he couldn't tell, "What's the matter? Is something wrong with you?" She gain closer to Nathan view that he still couldn't make out,

"Mulan? Where were you, I was wondering if something happen with you?" He kept a tight grip on his katana as the girl continue totake another step foward, "Do you know anything about this? Is this the power the god that we need to remove?" He walk forward to gain a good sight of The girl when she slowly took a few steps back, "What's the matter with you? "

¿?: "It's nothing, I almost trip on myself," She laugh a bit when Nathan grown curious about her, "Let me come to you because we don't know if this goddess or god, could be anywhere" She began to regain her steps and walk towards Nathan, He stand still but kept himself silent and on guard, She draw out her knife and hide it behind her back when Nathan look around,

("Why do I have a bad feeling, Something isn't right,") just before then he block the knife from the entity that stab directly to his blade, from a heavily force, Nathan flown away from her, The entity engaged to take the advantage in continuation for the aggressive attack towards Nathan, from every blind point she appears from, Nathan made an attempt and tried to block the fatal strike when the entity focus on gaining the speed, To this point, Nathan mange to send the first strike towards the entity arms as she jump away from his sight, "I didn't think this would happen already, At least tell me why are you here and what is your reason to engaged this fight! (She's strong and I'm going to die if I'm not careful, I need to think of something to kill or to just knock her out cold,)" The entity began to laugh and swim around Nathan, it thrown him off from the endless sound of laughter, "Damn it-" he turn around to block another strike from the entity which he couldn't stay on his very feet, from the continuation force the entity began to change her position and kick directly to his side chest which broken a bone from his arm and body.

¿?: "Demi-humens are so weak... But yet you're different? Could it be possible there's interesting about your character? Maybe I should have an inspection of your body or face," She flip around her weapon and walk close to Nathan as he kept himself away from only a few steps from the entity that he began to held the side of his ribs, "Tell you what, Since today is very special that I got a chance to meet the person that murder me, I'm going to make this kill, sweet and more painful so you won't have the trouble of dying slowly, but even so I am a 'God of Eternal rest' so this wouldn't be too difficult to make it happen Now," the purple clouds surrounded blindly around Nathan as the oxygen change to a very sweet smell and

taste, She waited for a bit to see if this would effect something to him, although she wasn't surprise by Nathan not being effected or show no sights of drowsiness.

He breath in and let out the frustration within his body, Nathan lower his sword and bring himself to another formation, during the amount of pain that was something close to death. He held his grid and carefully take this moment to advantage toward the entity, she look at him with curiosity and doubts about something that wondering around the thoughts of her mind, ("How can I beat a person like this... She's stronger and more on point with her attacks, it'll be no surprise that she could kill me with just one look or a simple touch to my clothes,") The entity patiently continue to stare directly to his blade and body, wondering if he's able to fight in this state but never lead herself to be careful with him, She only taken a step forward to appear in front of him instantly. Without anytime or any reaction that brought a heavily force that clear the area around them without a sound to listen, Nathan cough out a lot of blood that the entity mange to strike directly to his stomach. Nathan eyes became lifeless as the entity left his body to fall on the ground. She walk around and place her foot on his head to stare at his lifeless body.

¿?: "You should be happy that I didn't give you a slow death... but at least you're the first who made this fight a little interesting, I'm sure that the afterlife will be treating you well in hell," she look around the field to notice someone making there way toward them, unknowing the present or who they are, the entity move away from Nathan and carefully fold her arms, During that moment Mulan was carrying a separate head of the entity which she thrown it directly in front of the her feet, "I think you came a little to late for this fight," she shown a Pleasant smile which Milan didn't respond to the warm welcome.

Mulan: She look down to only glare at Nathan lifeless body, without any thought to put with it, Mulan then turn away to have her attention directly to the entity, "Tell me?" The entity began to take her time and walk away from her. She felt the rage of death from Mulan, with the fear that brought by the sight of her feet. Continuing to take only a few steps, slowly drawing away from the death that she knew and fear about But never pay anything to the consequence that she have ever made nor to regret it? I guess to what I'm trying to put, It's like fighting something that could just leave you out of existing, or being reborn and broken into dust again but with a very slow progress, only the blink of one another, nothing decided the faith that lays between the curiosity of her life and the silent of her death, Mulan wasn't going to hold back anything that she have within her strength and power.

¿?: All she could do now is to laugh it off, rethinking her life choices to ever make it a reality, "To only think that I would be the first to witness the true power of what a 'fallen healer' could do, I never want to forget about this day," she only close her eyes just for a second to then draw out her blades to block the strike that Mulan inflicted against her knives, laughing in a bundle of joy, fear, regret but mostly serious on how this will end, "Say... Ready for round two sister?" She broke the lock and strike a heavy slash directly on to her side.

Mulan: Mulan didn't blink for a moment to deflect the attack like paper, she only made her view turn to darkness as she already knock her off from her feet and swiftly followed in with a jab toward her stomach, Mulan flap her body over her head and thrown her away with a slash that left a massive creator through half of the village from where she stand, the entity was thorn in two but quickly fix herself to the way she used to be, she stay on the air and dash towards Mulan with roaring sound as she inflicted no damage to any part of her body when She only strike the weapon that Mulan shield herself from being touch, The entity pull away from her and strike a heavy slash directly to the side which she evade around to flip her weapon over and almost marking a fatal attack to her chest.

¿?: The entity wasn't sure if she'll be able to touch Mulan, The moment that she strike again the entity would disappear from her eyes just for a moment to reappear in a good distance, "I never thought that you've grown way stronger than I never imagine, how is not that you're able to stay in this world without being chained like myself? The gods must have been notified by the sudden energy that cast from our first encounter, did the rules have no bounce for your power or did something happen that found change to this matter? Tell me something that I want to know already," Mulan hasn't take a moment to spoke or ever stop to wonder about something that could have happen now, all that matter to she is where the entity has already found herself in seeing the end of her own life, Mulan just stood, swinging her weapon repeating from side to the next, making the whole ground beneath there feet burn in red, the entity lock on and began to cast her spell in attempt to put her to sleep, during the moment, only a faded sound of wind that brush through the entity arms that fell onto the ground, burning to ash and into nothing. From that moment, Mulan was going to end things without leaving anything to reach near to anyone that could see, from the body's that was laying around the village turn to ash while Nathan was slowly burning from the heat that the entity was managing to shield herself behind him, Mulan swing a full 360 after she already beheaded both of their heads.

??: The only thing that brought the temperature to ice, was the tears from Mulan when she watched his head being separate from his body, knowing that she's unable to heal him back to life, but from the other side was the burning death that's going to haunt the entity for the rest of her time. Mulan drop her weapon and on to her knees, looking at the silver ball that was turning to dust, the only thing that she could smell is the burning ash that'll be forever stuck in her mind and thoughts, unable to know what she could have done, She move herself back on her feet and to slow turn directly to where she was greeted by someone that is for another story to explain later, their conversation wasn't long nor short but it quickly ended by their disappearance, Meaning that whoever it was, ended the story right there. The girl close the book and look forward to Nathan, curious about what he'll say or do next, "What do you think about that, buddy? You can't stay silent for the of your time here," she look away and turn her attention to him. "We'll have a lot of time to play and talk about a lot of stuff that I need to get a little more knowledge of you." She float over to poke his nose and to then pinch his cheeks,"

I'll continue this to the next chapter and I'll make sure not to run out of ideas with this one.... I'll be looking forward to meet this new year as I left this for now as...