
Science In Another World

While Dave was walking to home from college he saw a speeding truck was about to run over a child. In last minute effort he jumped to save the child but he ended up dying instead. Next thing he knew was a women being forced on in front of his eyes. Thus his journey as a magical scientist had begun!

Sixth_Bark · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
21 Chs

Suspicious Men

She walks towards me. But damn, she has a mighty figure. She was very tall. Even though I am just 2 years old, she is still the tallest person I see in this life thus far. Her Booby were big to be called D cup. And I unfortunately couldn't see her ass. Tho' it looked really round. As she walks to me I get intimidated by her intimidating aura. I think she is a goddess who mistakenly came to earth.

She close to me and bends down to talk to me. "What are you doing here little boy?" she asks me. I was really flustered by her words. When I wanted to answer her, I couldn't help but shutter in front of her. I started fiddling with my fingers and told her in a very quiet voice "I.... I heard music a-and came to check where it w-was." I also say that "S-so I followed the sound and ended up here...." "Fufu~ and you were listening to my music?" she chortled and me if asked I heard her music. "Un! It was very beautiful! How did you learn to do that?" I told her. She smiles and askes me "Do you want to learn?"

"Yes! Will you teach me?" I replied in an enthusiastic manner. "Your very cute and I like your enthusiasm." she giggled as she said that. "Waa..? Your not going to teach me?" Not pleased with her answer I told her that. She saw my disheartened face and told me "I will once I return from the capital I will teach you the art of music." "You do not stay here?" I asked as I tilted my hear sideways. She told me in a serious manner, "Well, I was here on vacation. Today is my last day here. I will leave before evening." I wholeheartedly ask her "Will I ever see you then?" She encourages me by saying "If our destinies are intertwined you will meet me again." She hands me a expensive looking pen and says, "Take this. You will grow and if I can't recognize you, you show me this. Alright?" "Yes~!" I replied when hearing that. "Also don't lose that, My father gave it to me as a keepsake." she told me with a worried face "I won't!" "Now run along. Your mother might be waiting" she told me while being serious. I thought 'Wait I don't know her name.' then I say to her "Before I go may I know you name?" "Ariana. Now, go." as she pushes me out of the door.

I soon went to Tess. She asked me what took me so long. I couldn't say to her that I was wooing a goddess so I made a lie about the pen Ariana gave me. Evening coming really soon. So, we stormed off to the mansion. On our way out we talked about how much fun we had. I also found out while chatting that Cecilia doesn't like coffee and cacao is rare fruit that sells for a fortune. The guards solute us while we went outside the gate. I didn't know why they would solute Tess. Probably because I am the duke's son. So, I stopped thinking about that and soon reached home.

Right after we enter dad came home. He looked extremely tired. But he still cared to ask where we had gone. Of course Tess told him. After a bit of chat all of us went to freshen up a bit. after we were refreshed we had our dinner. It was too extraordinary from the usual. So, nothing to say about the food. But, I had heard from dad that humans have been attacking the areas near us. I didn't think much of it because 'War'. But he still wanted our well being. After dinner I wished dad good night as he was storming of to his bed. Dude's worked had so he deserves some rest.

After that I went to the garden to cultivate my mana core. Nothing that special. I just broken thru to the 2nd tier before going to bed. I went to bed soon after I had done that. I just had one day before the date with Cecilia. 'I CAN'T WAIT' I shouted in my head and went to sleep.

----------------Somewhere near Restomon at Midnight--------------------

Some men wearing red bandanas, worn & torn clothes were approaching Restomon. They were all humans. One of the buff looking dudes told all of the others "It's time, you all remember the plan right? We kill all the men, Rape the women, Kidnap the children. If anyone resists we kill them. It's time we show that red haired bastard what we, HUMANS can do." All of them shouted "YES BOSS"

"Then let us begin the massacre of the elves!"