

in order to clean up the mess that Zendaya created, everyone needs to stay put throughout the outbreak of monsters

LIDAYAH_KIM_21 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


"Huh? You mean those bloody red clouds, weird animals and cracked roads outside are because of you?" said Joey

"ye-yes" Zendaya spoke in a shaky voice,

"no no baby you are overthinking," said Joey trying to convince Zendaya

"no Joey it is because of me, I did black magic I was the one who was worshiping Lucifer, the devil. He would give me task that I have to complete, and in return, he would help me in whatever I wanted, what do you think Joey how without parents I came so far in life and became rich? it was him this whole time I don't know from where he got the money and all but yes it was Lucifer who brought me and I would do his task they were fine before not cruel it was like hitting someone or robbing them or burning an abandoned house but this time he asked me to sacrifice someone I love, someone i would give my life for. He clearly knows I don't have anyone else rather than that person I love so I refused and now this is my punishment when you fainted he was here he talked with me" said Zendaya crying,

"And you hid this big thing from me?" said Joey in slight anger and sadness

"I'm sorry I was forced not to, I was greedy," said Zendaya crying harder

"no not that you hid from me that you liked someone?" said Joey in sadness

"no, I didn't, you forgot that you were my only friend since my childhood?" said Zendaya in 'are you kiddin' tone,

"oh anyways, how do we stop this?" spoke Joey

"First let's get everyone to a safer place," said Zendaya getting up,

"yeah sure," said Joey and he turned on the lights while Zendaya blew candles off.

They walked outside the janitor's closet and they heard screams, their curiosity grew, they followed the screams it was leading to the cafeteria.

As soon as they stepped into the corridor leading to the cafeteria, a monster walked out off the cafeteria, he was walking in the corridor and was a bit far from them.

They freaked out and tried to remain calm, while quietly escaping the terror sight infront of them.

They kept backing off and Zendaya accidentally bumped into the trashcan, the trashcan fell on the ground, it made loud sound and the monster heard it, it came to attack...