
Ch0 - The overview

This is not a proper chapter just an explanation of the system as it stands and how I'm deciding what amount/ quality of knowledge falls into the levels I'm giving it.

Once a month Charles the MC can do an exam on a subject of his choice, his results in this will be leveled from 1-6

1 = Basic knowledge (20%)

2 = Rounded (40%)

3 = Thoroughly researched (Name dropping, counter arguments, etc) (60%)

4 = Highly extensive (In person experience and personal experiments) (80%)

5 = Fully understood and comprehended (99%)

6 = Genuinely nothing else left to learn (Including future knowledge)

As you could guess lv6 will give the best rewards and lv1 the least.

Everything I use as an option for these will be something that I literally have researched to that level or something the character will, I won't choose something like astrophysics because I'd look like an idiot writing stuff about that down.

I will follow the Baldurs Gate plot as well so obvious spoiler warning there.