
Schizophrenia in me

These dark figures creep at me from every corner. The voice, that only can hear. That same voice one day made me lose my mind. That same voice made me a murderer. Su: " It will use me until I rust" Yong: "God is just hypnotic data, the more you think about it the more doppelganger it will be.

Xsurae · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
40 Chs

chap 24 continue: I'm in love aren't I

That day on the rooftop, under the vast expanse of the sky, I discovered something far more profound than mere freedom from confining walls. I found a companion in my solitude, a silent confidante who understood my yearning for space and silence. With him by my side, the chill that usually accompanied my solitude seemed to retreat, replaced by a warmth that radiated from his presence. I found myself drawn to him, captivated by his gaze, and yearning for more moments like these.

"You just going to stare, anything to say?" he asked in a low tone. His gaze was fixed on the sunset, the dying light casting a golden glow on his face, making him look ethereal. His words hung in the air between us, a gentle challenge wrapped in curiosity.

I turned to him, our eyes meeting once again. The setting sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, but all I could see was him. "I could say the same about you," I replied softly, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "But then again, some moments are better enjoyed in silence."

"Do you like staying outside?" he asked me, his eyes reflecting the soft glow of the setting sun.

"Absolutely," I replied, my voice steady but carrying an undertone of seriousness. "Whenever I'm inside, it feels as if the walls are closing in on me. The open sky, the fresh air, they give me a sense of freedom that's hard to find within four walls."

His face softened into a smile, a sense of understanding passing between us. "I feel the same way. Staying inside just feels…unnatural. And I've noticed you don't just stay outside; you even sleep under the stars."

I blinked in surprise, taken aback by his observation. "How did you know that?"

"I've seen you," he admitted, a hint of embarrassment creeping into his voice. "I often come up to the roof at night. It's peaceful."

"Oh, you do?" I mused, my mind racing with questions. Had he been watching me sleep? Why hadn't I noticed him before? But before I could voice any of these thoughts, he continued.

"Yes, it's my little sanctuary," he said, his gaze fixed on the horizon where the sun was slowly sinking, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink.

And so we sat there, side by side under the twilight sky, sharing a comfortable silence. It was more than just a moment; it was a promise of many more such moments to come. A bond was forming between us, built on shared experiences and mutual understanding. As the stars began to twinkle in the darkening sky, I realized that sometimes, the most meaningful conversations are the ones where words are unnecessary.

I had never seen him before. Our paths had never crossed, our worlds had never collided. But that day, under the vast expanse of the twilight sky, I met him for the first time. His presence was like a breath of fresh air, a new chapter waiting to be written in the book of my life.

The next day, as I walked through the bustling corridors of school, I saw him again. His familiar silhouette stood out amidst the sea of faces. My heart skipped a beat as I realized this was my chance, my opportunity to extend the hand of friendship.

But as I approached him, a sense of apprehension washed over me. Was I ready to step into this new world? Was I prepared for the changes this new friendship would bring into my life? Little did I know then, that this was not just an opportunity, but a doorway leading to an adventure that would change my life forever.

As I took those final steps towards him, a chill ran down my spine. The air around me seemed to thicken with anticipation. The world around me slowed down as if waiting with bated breath for what was about to unfold. And in that moment, I knew…I was stepping into the unknown.