
Scattered crystal

Ivan_James_Singcay_8717 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 2

As I opened my eyes, I realized that I was no longer in the cold, damp prison cell but instead in an unfamiliar room. Struggling to sit up, I was hit with a sharp pain in my stomach, making me groan. I lifted my shirt to investigate and found a band-aid covering a deep wound that was bleeding profusely. My eyes scanned the room, searching for someone to help me, but all I saw were medical supplies and equipment, indicating that I was in a hospital.

As I tried to gather my thoughts and figure out what had happened, I overheard the faint murmur of two women talking outside the door. "I can't believe he escaped from prison. What if chaos ensues again?" one of them whispered. My heart sank as I realized the gravity of my situation.

Desperate for help, I began to call out for assistance, hoping to get the attention of the women outside. Fortunately, they heard me and quickly rushed to my aid. As one of them opened the door, I was greeted with the sight of my blood-soaked bandage. The woman quickly instructed her colleague to call the general and help me

While the woman hurried to call the general, she commanded her assistant to assist me. "Vesh, stay calm. I'm here," she said soothingly. I was puzzled about how she knew my name. As she tended to my wounds, I asked her, "How do you know my name?" She replied, "Don't be ridiculous, Vesh. We haven't seen each other in five months, and you don't recognize me anymore?" I was still perplexed when I suddenly recognized her. "Oh, my God, Mitch! I didn't recognize you for a moment," I exclaimed. Mitch laughed at my reaction. "You're hilarious, Vesh," she said. "Anyway, you're lucky to have survived."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"All your comrades died in the prison breach, Vesh, and you're the only one who survived, even though you lost all your blood. Thank goodness the rescuers arrived on time, or you would have joined your fallen comrades," she explained.

After finishing the bandaging, we heard footsteps approaching. The door opened, and the king and the general entered. "Are you feeling all right?" the king asked me. "Not quite, your majesty. I'm still in pain," I responded. The king looked at me with mercy and then ordered everyone, except me, to leave the room.

"You know you're the only one who survived. Do you have any information about Mors?" he asked me.

"Not really, Your Majesty. All I can recall before I lost consciousness was that he would return to claim his power and control the world," I said.

"Well, then. I have known for some time that he would eventually escape, and I have a plan in place. Just relax your body because we need you for tomorrow," the King replied.

"Why? What do you need me for tomorrow?" I asked.

"The other kingdom is coming here, and we're going to discuss this situation. We need you to be present tomorrow," he explained.

I nodded my agreement. After our discussion, the King left the room, giving a nod to the general, indicating that they were departing. Mitch then entered the room and asked about what was discussed. I filled her in, and then I informed her that I should probably go to bed and prepare for tomorrow. She agreed

Thunder roared through the night sky, echoing across the mountains of grotto. Captain Mors stood before a small cave, gazing at it with a mix of excitement and trepidation. Adrenaline surged through his veins, but his heart trembled with anticipation of what lay ahead.

The thunderstorm grew louder as Captain Mors approached the cave, the wind howling fiercely against the rocky terrain. The entrance was shadowed by a swarm of bats, their wings flapping madly as they darted in and out. Undaunted, Captain Mors stepped into the cave, his heart beating fast with anticipation.

As he ventured deeper, the cave narrowed, its walls lined with jagged edges that seemed to close in on him. But the captain pressed on, his eyes fixed on a small flicker of light in the distance.

Eventually, he arrived at the end of the cave, where the light grew brighter and brighter until he saw the crystal, glistening in the midst of a glowing pillar. Captain Mors gasped, overcome with awe and wonder at the sight.

"Did you miss me?" he whispered to the crystal, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

As he reached out to touch it, the crystal began to shine more brightly, and a monstrous figure rose up from the ground, its eyes blazing with fury. But Captain Mors was undaunted.

"Well... I still have a small amount of your power," he said calmly, "I can also summon my own soldiers."

With a swift motion, Captain Mors summoned five men to his side, and ordered them to take down the monster while he focused on the crystal. The men battled fiercely, their swords clashing with the creature's razor-sharp claws, as Captain Mors struggled to take hold of the crystal.

Finally, he managed to grasp it tightly in his hand, pouring every ounce of his strength into the effort. The crystal grew brighter and brighter, the monster slowly fading away until it was nothing but a heap on the ground. Captain Mors stood triumphantly, gazing at the crystal with a sense of satisfaction.

"The crystal has returned to its rightful owner," he declared.

But as he spoke, the ground began to shake violently, the walls of the cave crumbling around him. Captain Mors knew he had to escape, and he ran as fast as he could towards the entrance.

Breathless and battered, he emerged from the cave just in time to see the sky darkening all around the world. Captain Mors knew that his quest was far from over, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead.