
Scattered crystal

Ivan_James_Singcay_8717 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs

Chapter 1

The frigid winter night enveloped the land as several black figures dashed through the snow-covered ground. Their destination: the prison.

"I hate night shift, I wish I was in bed," grumbled one of the guards.

Before he could react, a black figure materialized behind him and ominously declared, "that won't come true."

The guard barely had time to process the threat before he was silenced permanently, his lifeless body crumpling to the ground.

A second guard, upon discovering the gruesome scene, fled in terror to alert the others. But his attempt was cut short by another black figure, who dispatched him with chilling efficiency. The assailants vanished without a trace, leaving no evidence behind.

As the black figures infiltrated the prison, one of them conjured a powerful ball of wind. "Stay back! This will hurt your ears," he warned. The blast shocked the entire prison, extinguishing the flames of every torch and plunging the halls into total darkness.

The guards trembled in fear, stunned by the suddenness of the event. "What a strong wind...and all the lights are out. We can't see a thing," one of them exclaimed.

Thinking quickly, one of the guards ignited a torch. "We need to wake up the warden and inform him of the situation," he declared.

As they made their way towards the warden's quarters, the black figures moved stealthily, seeking out a particular cell.

"Sir! You need to wake up. Something strange is happening," the guards urgently exclaimed as they roused the warden.

I jolted awake, my senses on high alert. Something felt off. I stood up and, noticing the darkness outside, lit a candle and opened the door.

"Sir, we need your attention," one of the guards urgently spoke up.

"Why is the hallway dark? And why are you knocking in the middle of the night?" I asked, confused.

"That's why we woke you - to tell you about the situation," the guard explained.

I pondered for a moment, trying to make sense of it all. "It's impossible that a strong wind could have extinguished all the torches. Unless..." I trailed off, realizing that this could be an act of sabotage.

"Send the alarm to code red!" I ordered without hesitation, the urgency of the situation clear in my mind.

I quickly donned my armor and armed myself. The sound of the bell echoed throughout the prison, signaling the danger that lay ahead.

The sound of the bell continued to ring as I rushed towards the cell, my mind racing with possibilities. I knew what was at stake - the safety of the only prisoner in the cell, Captain Mors.

As I entered the cell, I saw him sitting motionless in the center, his eyes slowly turning to me with a smug expression.

"It's my turn," he said with a chilling tone.

It dawned on me that this was all part of the plan - a distraction to lure me away from the rest of the prison.

"I knew it. This was all a plan to get me out here, but it won't work for me," I replied with confidence.

"Well, it doesn't matter if there's no distraction. They could just kill you all and set me free," he retorted, his face contorted with arrogance.

The guards arrived and I ordered them to wrap him in chains, ensuring that he couldn't move a single muscle.

As they bound him, he sneered at us. "It's still pointless. Even if you all guard me, it's still not enough to defend me."

I looked at him with skepticism, wondering if the intruders were more powerful than us. The safety of the prison, and the people in it, depended on our ability to defend it.

I quickly ordered 13 men to secure the hallway while the others stayed close to the cell. We waited in tense silence for a few moments, and then we heard it - the footsteps of the intruders.

"Get ready, everyone! They're coming," I shouted.

A sword swooped down on a guard, and blood splattered across the hallway. The guards screamed in agony as another sword sliced through flesh.

They all clashed their weapons, the sound of metal against metal filling the air. "Get ready to fight!" I commanded the others.

I raised my arm and opened my hand, creating a bright fireball. The battle raged on, and a few seconds later, the screams stopped as the last guard fell.

I brightened the fireball, and its light illuminated the dead guards. Then, we saw them - five men covered in black cloaks with bloodstains all over. Their skin was as white as snow, and their eyes were red as blood.

Captain Mors laughed and said, "Now, it's my time to shine. Free me, my loyal soldiers."

Step by step, the five cloak men approached the prison guards with slow and deliberate movements, sending shivers down our spines. Captain Mors, on the other hand, seemed to relish in the chaos. Summoning my courage, I hurled the fireball towards them, hoping to stop them in their tracks.

However, one of the cloak men countered my attack by summoning a powerful gust of wind, and the two projectiles collided, resulting in a blinding explosion that left us all disoriented. As the smoke cleared, we heard the sound of the cloak men running towards us, their footsteps echoing through the dark hallway.

One by one, the guards fell, their screams echoing through the prison. I swung my sword blindly, hoping to hit the cloak men, but my efforts were in vain. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my back, and I fell to my knees, my blood spilling out onto the floor.

As I lay dying, I heard the sound of chains breaking and the bars of the prison cell being destroyed. My vision began to fade, and I struggled to stay conscious. In the last moments before I lost consciousness, I heard Captain Mors' voice, taunting me with his victory.

"I am free! The shackles that bound me are broken, and soon, the world will be mine to rule!"

A moment after losing consciousness, I felt a strange sensation and opened my eyes to behold a breathtakingly beautiful sky. Confused and disoriented, I looked around and caught sight of a mysterious animal hiding in the nearby forest. As I pondered its identity and my location, the creature suddenly bolted towards me. I braced myself, but it passed through my body like a ghostly apparition, leaving me stunned.

Still reeling from the bizarre encounter, I turned around and caught sight of a magical village, bustling with people creating wondrous magic with their bare hands. They carried on with their daily lives, oblivious to my presence. But in a flash, chaos erupted - the village was under attack. Soldiers fought for their lives, and explosions and fires raged everywhere. I wanted to help, but I couldn't move an inch.

As suddenly as it had begun, everything came to a stop, and I was left bewildered and wondering what was happening.

And then I saw a dim light. As I approached the light, my body trembled with fear as I saw that it emanated from a cave. Slowly, I began to enter, my heart racing with every step.

As I walked, I noticed two figures. One was drinking from a well while the other stood guard behind them. Time seemed to continue on as I drew closer, until suddenly the person drinking collapsed, unconscious. The guard immediately turned their gaze to me.

My fear mounted as the guard stepped towards me, but then they vanished like a bubble popping. Suddenly, I heard deep breathing behind me, and my body froze in terror. I turned to see a figure staring at me motionlessly, holding a sword. In one swift motion, they sliced me with the blade.

Then, abruptly, I woke up screaming in terror.