
Day 8

I woke up, feeling like someone was watching me.

I looked around, there was a flash of a silouete in the corner.

I used telekinesis to turn the lights on.

There was someone in my room.

They stood there, but then walked over to me.

They jumped on my bed and covered my mouth with their thick glove.

I turned into a lizard and they fell, because they had leaned their weight on me.

I turned around and turned into a tiger.

I put my paw on his chest and roared.

Peter and Tony came bursting into my room and saw the intruder.

Peter strapped the dude in webbing on the wall while Tony came over and checked on me.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked with concern.

"Yeah, that dick needs boundaries." I said.

Tony chuckled and Peter came over.

"Hey, what happened?" He asked

"I woke up and turned the lights on. This dick decided to come over and try and keep me quiet by putting his hand over my mouth, so I turned into a lizard to get behind him and then turned into a tiger to scare the shit out of him."

They both chuckled at my language.

"Tony, how the fuck did he even get in?" I asked.

I thought that it was impossible to sneak into the Avengers Headquarters.

Tony stopped and smiling and ran out of the room.

Me and Peter followed.

Tony left to go into a room that was covered in computers.

"Friday." He said. No response.

"Friday!" He said again.

"FRIDAY!" he said, but nothing happened.

He went over to the computer, clicked a few buttons.

All of a sudden, all of the lights went on. The computers had lights on them now.

Tony went from computer to computer, doing random stuff with random buttons.

"I'm going to go back to bed. It's only three. You coming Giselle?" Said Peter.

"No thanks, this is what time I get up usually." Tony paused to stare at me.

"What? It's three." He said.

I nodded.

"Yup. At HYDRA I got up at three to prepare myself for what starts at five."

Tony seemed greatly unsettled by this statement, but Peter just looked sad.

"You know what? I think I'll go for a run." I said.

Tony nodded.

"Ok, have fun, I'm almost done, then I'm going to go to bed." He said.

Peter yawned.

"Well I'm going back to bed right now. Night everyone." He said.


"Good night kid."

I walked back up to my room and got some running clothes. Then I changed into them under my blanket.

The guy strapped to my wall was making me feel uncomfortable.

Once I was ready in a gray sweatshirt and a pair of black sweatpants.

I put on my running shoes and was about to walk out of the door when Steve walked out of the hallway that had his room.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi. What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm going for a run. Want to join?"

He looked at me.

"Sure. Let me get some running clothes on real quick."

I nodded.

Ten minutes later he was ready for the run.

"How much do you usually run?" I asked.

"Six miles." He said proudly.

"Let's go for seven and I'll try to pace myself." I said. He looked at me.

"How much do you usually do?"

"Ten or eleven."

He stared at me.

"Yeah, we'll go for seven today." He said


After the run we walked into the kitchen to see the whole avengers team sitting down and eating cereal.

Me and Steve grabbed some apples and drank a ton of water.

I sat down in between Peter and Tony.

"Morning Giselle." Natasha said.

"Morning." I responded.

I turned to Peter.

"What do you guys usually do in the mornings?" I asked him.

He shrugged.

"I usually go to school right now."

Right..... school.....

I turned to Tony.

"I-I don't have to go to school do I?"

He chuckled and shook his head.

"No, right now I think it would be wise to keep Iron Mans daughter out of the public."

I smiled.


"Well guys, it's time for me to go to school."

I nodded.

"Can I come with you to the bus stop?"

He nodded.

"Sure, why?"

"Well, I haven't been out in civilization for six years so I've been investigating what has happened in my absence."

He nodded.

There were questioning glances from people around the table, they didn't know about HYDRA yet.


We walked on the sidewalk.

A giant yellow car came towards us.

It stopped right next to us.

I don't know what made me do it, but I leaned over and I kissed Peter on the cheek.

He blushed.

"Have a great day at school Peter." I said, then I ran to the avengers building.

Peter p.o.v

I watched her run away after she kissed my cheek.

I swear as she touched me actual fireworks went off.

The bus honked again and I remembered why I was there.

I climbed onto the bus and sat down next to my best friend.

"Bro, who was that?" He Asked.

"Oh, Giselle? She's, um, she's kind of living with us at the avengers building."

He knew everything about me.

Even Spider-Man.

He stared at me.

"Bro, MJ doesn't look to happy that she kissed you." He said with a smirk.

I looked at MJ.

She looked like there was a lemon in her mouth.

I used to like her, before I met Giselle.


After school I walked home.

Giselle burst through the trees that were a few yards away from the sidewalk in fox form.

She was chasing a squirrel.

Once she caught it, she let it run away.

When she saw me, she turned into a human and smiled.

"Hi." She said shyly.

"Hi." I responded back.

She walked over.

"Look, I'm sorry about earlier, I shouldn't have-"

I cut her off by grabbing her hands and pulling her towards me as I kissed her, on the cheek.

When we broke away, she was blushing furiously, and wasn't looking at me.

"How was school?" She asked.

"It was ok. Pretty normal. Everyone was curious about you though, guess I'm not the only one who thinks your beautiful."

If possible, she got even redder.

"How was a day at the avengers building?"I asked.

Her face lit up.

Guess she had a good day.

"It was super cool! I spent the morning exercising and then had lunch then I spent the rest of the day flying and chasing squirrels!"

I didn't really know about the squirrels part, but I guess she had fun.

Giselle p.o.v

As we both walked back, I said, "Hey, want a ride back to the tower?"

Peter thought about it, them Nodded.

"Cool. What animal?" I asked.

He thought about it, then said, "Dragon."

I smiled. That is my favorite form.

Once we were up in the air I noticed something.

There was someone watching us from the woods.

I looked away and focused on reaching the tower.


Once we arrived, I dropped off Peter and his stuff.

I hugged him.

"Stay here. There's someone watching us. And I don't want you to get hurt. Go inside and don't tell anyone what is going on. Please trust me and stay here."

Peter p.o.v

I stared at her as she ran out or sight into the woods.

Did she seriously think that I wasn't going to go and get Mr. Stark?

I thought she was smart.


"Mr.Stark, I need you to come over her for a second." I said.

He nodded and walked over to me.

"Giselle has run into the forest looking for someone that she saw stalking us." I said quietly.

Mr. Stark looked at me.

"Let's go." He said.


We found her lurking behind a tree.

"Giselle! What are you doing?" Said Mr. Stark.

"Shhhhhh! Leave me alone!" She said, waving at us to make us go away.

"Giselle, it's not safe here. Let the avengers handle it!" Said Mr. Stark.

She looked at him.

"In case you forgot Tony, I'm an avenger too. I'm going to do what I think is right, and if that is using my telekinesis to force you into a room on the top floor of the Avengers building, then that is what I will do." She said.

"Giselle, please, it's not safe here!" I said.

She shook her head.

"No. Leave me alone. These people are here for me. I want to know why." She said.

All of a sudden, a large and think metal cable came out of nowhere and wrapped around her neck.

She thrashed around on the floor, struggling to breathe.

Me and Tony went to help her, but some more cables came out And tied us to trees.

Three men came from behind bushes.

"1922, we were sent to capture and bring you to Roman."

The name seemed to ring a bell to Giselle, and a look of fear came into her eyes.

She thrashed harder than before.

They picked her up and threw her in the back of a nearby truck.

Right before they put a bag over her head I saw a tear fall from her eye, and I was helpless as I watched them take Giselle away from me.