
Scarlet princess (A naruto story)

-you could also see this on my quotev and Wattpad acounts too updates fridays ________________________________ Kireina is the the younger sister of Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha, and youngest and only daughter of Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha. loved and adored by people inside and out of her clan. what happens when one night she suddenly loses it all? will she follow the same path of her brother or carve a new one? what lengths will she go to in order to the little she has left? ....follow her adventures and find out

Eevee_san · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
62 Chs

(25) Sibling reunion


Kireina sensed the blood lust present in the air. "S-sasu-ke" she hummed slightly surprised as all eyes turn to the raven haired boy

"get away from him Ki-ki" Sasuke shouted, Kireina was staring, waiting to see what happens next "stay the hell away from her" he yelled

"She makes you weak, holding you back from your true power." Itachi said emotionless

"Don't listen to him nii-chan, it make you human for you to love, to hate, to protect those you love doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger because they are who you fight for. It gives you the will to live and helps you move forward to achieve those goals." she exclaims

Itachi was a bit surprised that to hear something like that come from his sister

"Please, Sasuke don't." she silently pleaded even if it was futile, gently grabbing his hand, stopping him mid-step. He quickly pulled away from her, giving a cold glare that sent a slight shiver down her spine, he then rushed towards the oldest Uchiha ultimately getting brushed away like a fly

"oh, now this will not end well" she cried "I can't watch" she cried covering her eye. Naruto sent a concerned glance at the young Uchiha female

she heard the sound of crackling lighting and birds chirping. 'that must be his new jutsu' she said to herself as her eyes frantically shift from Itachi to Sasuke and back again

"stop you baka. your gonna get hurt if you take him" she muttered shaking her head in disagreeable. Itachi preceded to break Sasuke's arm as he cried out agonizing screams of pain "SASUKE!" she cried closing her eyes and covered her ears. When the cries died down. then she rushed to her older brother's side

"what did you do" her blood red eyes glared daggers at the oldest Uchiha, filled with a storm of emotions swirling in then; Glancing back at Sasuke and starts to shake him lightly "c'mon, wake up, wake up, you got to" Kireina cried, pouting like a sad puppy.

It hurts the eighteen year old to hurt his sister, much less see her pained expression, to see her so distort filled the older Uchiha with guilt but he kept it hidden by an emotionless mask

She put her fingers gently up to the side of his neck and like out a light breath she didn't know she was holding as her palms glow a light green

"you jerk!" She shouted 'do, do I have it wrong, is he what they say. I mean if he could do something like this....It can't be' she shakes her head brushing away the thought 'Please don't be true' she stared longingly "how could you!" she yells, her glossy eyes held a somber look to them 'if I even try to, I wouldn't stand a chance and probably just end up like Sasuke...or worse. he can't win this.' she thought a bit panicked as her mind was racing

he then got back up and rush at Itachi "Do you have a death wish Sasuke! you idiot of a brother, don't!" Kireina shouted clutching his wrist with a firm grip

"And why shouldn't I" he snared she was bit taken aback by his sudden outburst

"Sasu-ke p-please I don't want you to get hurt. he's strong a-" she averted her eyes muttering quietly to herself

"and I'm strong too, I can take him" Sasuke said with a cockily grin "I'll be fine, just watch" then pulled away rushing towards itachi

"Y-yes b-but he's stronger you idiot" she muttered bit defeated

"you should've listened to her advise" he said emotionless grasping Sasuke and breaking more of his bone

"Sasuke no!" Kireina jumped after him and was Immediately grabbed by a pair of strong arms

"Kisame don't let her interfere" Itachi ordered

"let me go you stupid fish" she struggled against his strong grasp, wincing from a few sores and bruises she still had "Their my brothers too, even if they are idiots. I can't just stand by as they tear each other apart." she said with a panicked expression

"Shut up shrimp or else I'll cut you up into ribbons" he threaten

she sent him a glare "shut up you stupid fish" she growled like she didn't hear him just threaten her moments ago; Which made a small tick mark appear on the fish man

What she did next surprised Kisame, she bit his arm...might I say bit hard and forcefully then kneed him where the sun don't shine. Kisame let out a yelp and gave an annoyed glare "you brat" he grunted. "yeah, I don't play nice" she growls

she rushed towards the two "Stop it! Stop it Stop it!" she said her voice cracked a bit, she then appeared and spin kicked Itachi a few centimeters back, he held the tiniest shook on his face

"what are you thinking, this is my fight" Sasuke groaned

"well, thank you for saving your butt" she sassed back "your a baka you know that. Both of you" she sent a hard glare at Itachi as the two stayed silent

The young Uchiha's eyes drift to the blonde who's surrounded by deep red chakra. 'His chakra felt different. Like a dark presence leaking deep within, some untapped power maybe.' she turned her head to Naruto "Naruto watch out!" she shouted to the blonde. But before the sword could make contact a frog appeared 'wait, where the frog come from' she thought bit confused

"You must not know me...Jiraiya the man is better at winning a girl than being seduced by one. I would let her seduce me, when you become as great as me women go crazy over your beauty" Jiraiya exclaimed entering the hallway

'is every male this idiotic' she deadpanned as a tick mark appeared "weirdo" she murmurs, mentally face palming

"cut it out pervy sage" Naruto yelled

he got back on his feet, "This is my fight, stay out of it. you too Naruto" then he charged it Itachi, attacking him once more but failed. Sasuke finds himself in Itachi's tight grasp against the wall. Sasuke then let out horrific screams of pain and agony

Kireina stares in horror at the sight of her brother's troubled form "Sasuke" she whispered in a heartbreaking tone "c'mon Sasu, you have to. You nust have to" the ten year old cried

"cruel as ever" Kisame said "he used tsukuyomi on him"

'wha-what's that?' she thought

Jiraya then made super fast hand signs making a frog's gut appear in the area

"Frog mouth trap"

It began to swallow everyone up

"Your out of luck Kisame, Itachi.....your in my stomach now" Jiraiya said "kid, Naruto stay still" he said

"Kisame, come" Itachi ordered trying to run off

"no one has ever escaped this attack" the white haired man stated

black flames started appear as the two made there escape

after their escape the room went back to normal "Sasuke!" kireina cried sitting next to her unconscious brother "speak to me, are you ok. Sasuke" she said shaking him lightly he let out a small groan "phfw, I guess that a good sign" she says letting out a sharp sigh.

a light green aura appeared around her hands as she starts to heal some of the minor wounds he acquired

just then there was a loud thud and a guy in green spandex, guy

Jiraiya glared at him annoyed as he stuffed a tissue up his now bleeding nose

the old guy and Naruto continued to look for Tsunade while guy took the two Uchihas back to the village.