
Scarlet King's Son In DC

Arthur was told to make wishes that will make his next life easier and due to being a fan of SCPs, he decided to get his wishes from there. When he woke up, he found himself seated in a prison cafeteria been screamt at by inmates. He immediately received memories that he was in a Beyond Scared Straight program due to his fighting tendancies and short fuse.

Lutheris_right · Komik
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7 Chs

Title At The End

The two glared at each other for a couple of minutes before they sped towards the other, each breaking the sound barrier. When their punches met, a shockwave that had fire in it like the air just exploded spread out, good thing they were in the sky then or many people would have died just from that clash. Arthur had gotten the upper hand as he sent another punch that hit Superman on his stomach, sending him backwards but then Arthur got hold of his leg before flying down where he used his momentum to throw Superman onto the road.

As soon as the man of steel hit the road, the whole of Metropolis shock as he himself felt his consciousness fading. But Arthur did not let his fun end so quickly. He stood legs apart above him then started raining punches of the farm boy as his ice beams concentrated on his eyes, making sure he wasn't firing those deadly beams at him. Superman screamt in pain as this went on for three minutes, everything around them was destroyed by the shockwaves.

Arthur was about to continue punching when a car crashed into him, making him stop. He looked up and saw Lois Lane looking at him with eyes wide open in shock. Arthur scoffed and slapped the car away, sending it flying away from them like an arrow. Superman had his eyes open at the time and when he saw this, he punched Arthur to the sky before flying after the car, catching it before it hit the ground. Arthur looked at this scene with a sceptical look. He was sure he made sure Superman not open his eyes soon so how was he able to open them and see him hitting the car away?

"Your plot armor is infuriating," Arthur chuckled before looking at a truck near him. He got hold of it with one hand then flew to the sky. "Protecting people while fighting me! You make so easy to beat you." He swung the truck with all him might and Superman used his body to shield Lois. When the truck hit, he felt like he was just hit by a meteor, making him cough out blood. Arthur continued using more cars till Superman could no longer stand and now Lois was the one protecting him. Arthur chuckled mirthless as he picked up a sports car and threw it at her. Before it hit, a portal opened in front of Lois and another Superman walked out together with the Justice League. Martian Man hunter got hold of the car and flung it away before he and all the other Justice League members looked at Arthur who was shocked by their appearance.

"Superman has no more energy in him, he is like a normal human now!" Cyborg said when he used his supercomputer like brain to check the vitals of the younger Superman. The older one glared at Arthur who was now standing on the ground.

"Superman senior! I am impressed by myself if I can actually beat you so much your future self has to come and save your ass!" Arthur laughed, making the other leagues to frown.

"Who are you?" Batman asked him.

"Who am I? Let's just say I am the biggest battle miniac in the Galaxy. We have actually met, haven't we Flash? Been able to stand beside the man of steel must mean that you are very fast now, right?" Arthur asked, a crazy grin started forming in his face. He suddenly moved, going so fast the ground beneath him was cracking. His left hand was going towards Flash's throat but Superman appeared in front of him and punched him, sending him flying right out of the city! Before he could catch a break, Superman appeared behind him and punched him once again. The impact sent out an almighty shockwave that created a crater as Arthur was sent straight out of Earth's orbit. He crashed into a satellite, stopping him but he could feel his body evolving even more. Green Lantern appeared in front of him and pointed his ring at him. Giant clamps got hold of him, encasing him inside then Green Lantern flew back to Metropolis.

"You are pretty powerful if you are actually conscious after that," Batman assessed as he looked at Arthur who was smiling even more.

"That's not even the tip of the ice berg," Dr Fate said, making everyone look at him. "If I didn't warn you about Superman dying in this past, he would have gone ahead and killed each and everyone of you before going after your nemesis. After killing them he would go after beings like Darkseid, Trigon and the others. He would come out victorious, stronger than each being he has fought and killed. His final clash would have been with Doomsday and their fight would destroy this universe and every other universe they clash in!"

"So I did get to fight Doomsday!" Arthur said before he started laughing uproariously. The League was surprised by this. "That means I am in the right track. All I have to do is kill Superman to start this glorious future of mine." Arthur then looked at the unconscious Superman who was being protected by Lois Lane. "I get to kill my first god." Arthur suddenly flexed and the lantern construct restricting him broke to pieces, shocking everyone. Arthur's eyes turned blue and he shot ice beams at every League member, catching them in surprise, all except Dr Fate.

Arthur then appeared behind older Superman, smiling sinisterly as a black sword appeared in his hand. He then drove the sword into his chest as he was encased inside the ice and it would have been a fatal wound had Martian Manhunter not appeared in front of Arthur and punched him away. Arthur dug his feet into the ground as he slid backwards before blocking Wonder Woman's sword with his own. He smiled and phased through her, his eyes dead set on Martian Manhunter before his whole body burst out into flames. Martian Manhunter froze, his paranoia actually making him hesitate and a second is all a speedster needs to kill someone as Arthur showed by appearing in front of him and phasing through him while his body was still on fire. The fire caught the Martian who produced a heart wrenching scream of pain, his body slowly turning into goo. With a support character down, Arthur turned to look at Superman only to receive a punch on his jaw that sent him into the ground, making a tunnel behind him. Cyborg's left arm turned into an energy canon which he put the mouth on the tunnel's entrance then fired a powerful beam of energy that melted the ground. They heard an explosion that threw soil into the air but then, they saw the soil moving as if something big was hiding Cyborg's way. Superman pushed him away before he was sent flying by a sudden impact, as if the air just hit him. Arthur appeared out of the ground, grinning like an idiot. He had thrown a shockwave punch towards the oncoming beam but he had grown so strong it actually went through, right back to the surface. He stopped grinning when he saw Aquaman super leap towards him. He just flew out of the way before disarming the Atalantean with a wave of his hand. The Golding trident tried to resist him and he smiled sinisterly.

"If you want to go back to your master so much you should have said so," he said then threw it back at Arthur. The Atlanteans were strong, had good reflexes and instinct, but this is one of those moments where nature shows everyone that they were not perfect. Aquaman did not even register he was in danger until the trident was already impaled him and the four structures stuck to the ground.

"ARTHUR!" everyone screamt out in terror.

"Yes," Arthur answered reflexively before remembering Aquaman's real name was Arthur Curry. He did not point this out as his eyes were then drawn towards Dr Fate, the person who brought them all back in time to save baby face Superman. "You will become a problem." He then flew towards the sorcerer who did nothing but the next moment he knew why as his hand just went through the man's body, finding himself staring at blackness. He stopped moving, thinking, his cells stopped moving but he was not dead! It was as if time was stopped all around him just to trap him! The members of the JL looked at the frozen Arthur with confusion.

"I can't believe Nabu had to use all of his powers just to stop time indefinitely all around him!" Kent Nelson said as he removed the helmet. His magical clothes disappeared making him only have his tuxedo on. He put the helmet under his left armpit and smiled at the rest of the Justice League.

"I guess he was smarter than you have him credit. Aiming to take you out as soon as possible was the right move, magic is unpredictable and wild, it would have harmed him," Batman said with a small smile as he looked at Arthur.

"We need to make sure that he is never released. A being of his power will be a danger to the whole universe if what Dr Fate's dream is true," Superman said, carrying Arthur in a Princess carry.

"Don't worry, I sent myself the details. If anyone can get inside the place after he is done, I will call myself Lucy," Batman said with a small smile.

"Good, then let's get out of this timeline before we do irreparable damage to it. Flash, open up a lift to the time zone, Lantern, put everyone into your bubble and Superman will fly after Flash and get us to our timeline," Batman finished and they went into position. Before they went back, Lois stood up hurriedly.

"Thank you for everything," she said. Superman smiled at her before he and Flash disappeared. Lois then looked at Arthur who was still frozen in the air but something seemed off! His eyes were looking at the direction the JL had headed to!