
Scarlet King's Son In DC

Arthur was told to make wishes that will make his next life easier and due to being a fan of SCPs, he decided to get his wishes from there. When he woke up, he found himself seated in a prison cafeteria been screamt at by inmates. He immediately received memories that he was in a Beyond Scared Straight program due to his fighting tendancies and short fuse.

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7 Chs

Massacre During Riots

"My three wishes? The big three, huh? Well, I want to be the DC version of SCP 682 only in human form." Arthur told the young man in front of him who wrote it down. "My second wish is to have all the he abilities and experience of SCP 076-2 without the ability to spawn inside SCP 076-1. For my third wish, I want to be average in my looks. I don't want to go there looking like a gigolo."

"Okay, those are good wishes. Now, as I said before, your wishes put you in a place in time where they are relatable. It also depends on how you want to go to your next life. As a new born, preteen, teenager or adult?"

"Teenager, please," Arthur answered, making the young man write for a while.

"Okay, we have an entry in DC Universe, will you take it?"

"Hell yeah. I wanna fight with Doomsday. Our battle will be Legendary!" Arthur shouted, making the young man cringe before writing down some more.

"Okay then, your whole life has been sorted, good bye," he said and Arthur disappeared.

Inside a prison, one could see six teenagers getting yelled at by in mates, a camera crew capturing the whole moment and wardens keeping a close eye on the inmates in case one of them decided to do something. One teenager, a red haired, athletic looking boy had his eyes closed as two inmates kept shouting right in front of his face. Suddenly, the boy opened his eyes. The two inmates felt like they were being stared at by a demon, making them jump back in fright, making everyone look at them.

"Y'all good here?" a warden asked them.

"We good, we good," one of the inmates answered but he didn't dare to get closer to the boy who had his eyes shut once again.

Arthur had successful transmigrated into the body of a teenager called Arthur Dolton. This teenager had been enrolled into the Beyond Scared Straight program due to fighting and hot temperedness. Arthur immediately knew it must because the two SCPs were a fighting force and both had tempers shorter than a fuse. Now that he had awakened, this was heightened to a whole new level.

"Wassup, boy. What's you in here for?" another inmate asked him. Arthur looked up and saw a ripped son of a bitch looking at him with a small smile.

"Fighting and temper," Arthur answered.

"Ooh, yous a fighter, huh? How does it feel?"

"How does it feel? When I punch someone, I expect his skin to break, blood to come out, bones to break or crack, either is good. The feeling of the punch connecting makes me exhilarated, adrenaline pumping, heart racing and my brain replaying the feeling over and over again. When I see my opponent crumple to the floor helplessly, I want to feel orgasmic, like I am his lord and god. A stomp from me can crush his wind pipe, nobody can save him from his inevitable end of being a cockroach beneath my boot, to be forgotten the next second!" Arthur answered. The whole mess hall had become eerily quiet as they stared at him making the inmate cower back as he himself had stood up, his blue eyes shining with madness! Arthur quickly caught himself and sat down, making everyone snap out of it.

"He's damaged goods," an inmate told a warden who was looking at Arthur hostilely.

"So you like fighting that much, huh punk? Why don't you fight me, bitch ass ginger!" another larger inmate shouted as he came forward. Arthur saw the wardens become tense a little bit but they relaxed. He then shrugged and got up, stretching his handcuffed hands to a warden, causing the inmates to be amused.

"You think you can take me, little man?" the inmate aggressively inquired, removing his prison issued shirt.

"If you can punch as powerful a s you look, I can take you down with one punch!" Arthur answered, causing the inmates to rush forward. Arthur smiled to himself as he felt his whole body jump into action. His hands sped forward, getting hold of the oncoming fist then pulled, making the inmate lose balance and as he stumbled forward, Arthur tripped him, making him fall. He then rose his leg and with a small grunt, the inmate's head burst open! Nobody could believe what just happened even if it was rewinded in slow motion. The whole place became deathly quiet, everyone looking at the fifteen years old boy who just killed a.man twice his size with such ease it was unbelievable.

"Holy fucking shit!" an inmate exclaimed, making everyone jump into action. The teenagers were hurling their breakfast, the wardens were trying to get to them and Arthur but the prisoners were starting to riot. The inmates were avoiding him like a plague as they rushed out of the cell block as fast as they could while beating any warden they came across with.

Arthur had never felt so much alive in his life. When he crushed the man's skull, he felt like everything about him had changed, as if he had been baptized. He was brought out of his euphoria by the prison alarms. He looked around and saw everything was in chaos. With a slight flex of his muscles, the handcuffs broke then two swords appeared on his hands. It was a start of a massacre!

Arthur started killing everything that moved without discriminating whether it could move or not, cutting them all in half. The riots had turned into complete panic as Arthur moved like a dragon among sheep. Everywhere he passed through was painted with blood and body parts of his victims, wardens and inmates. In an hour, the whole prison was devoid of life except for him, rats and this world's version of his father who was currently cowering in front of him.

"A...Arthur, buddy, let's talk about this!" he said while shaking in terror. Arthur was squaring in front of him, his entire body soaked with blood. He had ripped off the top part of the prison overall and the lower part held in place with a strip of cloth.

"The only reason you are still alive right now is because I want to thank you. You made me coming to this world possible, I would be an ungrateful son to kill you before saying at least this much," he said then sent the blade into his chest and through the other side. The man died in disbelief, staring at the emotionless eyes of his son. Arthur then went to the showers where he cleaned off all the blood on him before just sitting down beneath the shower, his eyes staring at the door. An hour later, the door was knocked down and a whole squad of SWAT streamed in.

"Do not move!" one of them shouted, their guns trained at his chest and head.

"Took you guys long enough," Arthur said then his body crumpled to the ground. The men were surprised then sent one of them to check on him, the others still training their guns at him. The agent checked his pulse and frowned.

"He's dead!" he said.

"Dead! How can one die just this suddenly!" another one asked. They all checked his pulse and confirmed it.

"He doesn't have a deadly injury!"

"Perhaps he was poisoned?"

"Nothing on him suggests otherwise. It might be heart failure," One of them suddenly shot Arthur in his head, startling the others.

"What was that for?" one of them berated him.

"The media must know that we were the ones who took him down for our own prestige. Let's take the body,"

Arthur suddenly opened his eyes, his left hand already holding a spawned throwing knife which he threw right into the agent's throat, killing him immediately. The others were fast to react but not fast enough for Arthur who found his combat effectiveness growing with each kill. His hands already had swords in them that he used to slash all of them in half with one circular motion, causing blood to splash everywhere, even his once clean body. He then dug into his skull and removed the bullet before the wound healed up

"Dirty again!" he said to himself and opened the shower for another bath. Once he was done, he took the uniform of the man he stabbed through his neck and walked out of the prison while pretending to be injured to the ambulance. The medic quickly went to attend to him, saw his self inflicted bullet injury to his left shoulder and carried him into it.

"You must have lost a lot of blood! Keep pressure on the wound, I will clean it up then disinfect it before stitching it," the medic told him. Arthur nodded and the medic remembered he still had his helmet on so she pried it off. When she saw the face of a teenager under it, she was thunderstruck and Arthur took this moment to snap her neck.

"So close!" Arthur said to himself as he got up from the gurney and opened the back door as quietly as possible. When he saw there were no other cars behind the ambulance, he jumped off, rolling twice on the ground before walking off.

"Today was just the beginning. I will be the Red Hood before the Red Hood is even a thing, the perfect anti hero!" he said to himself.