

Leo, the leader of the most dangerous mafia cult comes in contact with Clara a scholarship student in his school. Leo goes to school because it was his mother's last wish before she died. Clara on the other hand goes to school in other to study hard, become the best graduating student, and gain another scholarship to study in the university and lastly coming out with a first class, so that she can take care of her mum and her sister who had no hope of going to school. Their first meeting wasn't pleasant as Clara did what nobody has ever done to him, not to talk of an ordinary girl like her. He was furious and he would have killed her instantly but he didn't. Everyone was surprised by his action, it was the first time he didn't kill someone that annoyed him immediately without mercy. Why did he spare her? Clara in search for a job got found a job to work as an housemaid, the pay was evn good, it was more than what her mum was being paid, and it came with a lot of bonuses, but she had to live in the mansion with other maids and was only allowed to go home weekends. She didn't have a problem with it, same with her mum but little did she know what await her. This two had gone through trauma because of this word " Love", Leo lost his mother and his only sister because of love, Clara lost her dad because of love. Now fate brings the both of them together. Did fate make a big mistake?. Two people who has sworn never to love, Clara who has sworn never to have anything with the Mafia's. Fate must have really made a mistake by bringing them together. Did they fall in love?

rejoice_ezeabii · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
9 Chs



Mrs. Kate prepared pasta for breakfast which was my favourite, I ate that morning to my satisfaction. Mrs. Kate knew how I liked my pasta but my mum prepares the best.

" I told you to always give me pineapple juice in the morning not this " I told Mrs. Kate who had been standing at my back waiting just incase I needed anything . She doesn't stand at my back during breakfast, other maids does which made me wonder why she was today but I didn't bother to ask. She ran out of the dining room and went to get the juice. She came back with another who was carrying the pineapple juice.

"Hm, sir a girl is here for the interview, would you like to interview her yourself or " Mrs. Kate said

" What sort of question is that, since when did I start interviewing people ? Uggh" I asked Mrs. Kate almost getting angry. She was the one that does the interview why was she asking me.

" Sorry sir" she apologized " Permission to leave sir, do I can be able to do the interview, Winnie would be here to attend to you.

" Just go Mrs. Kate go" I told her, she knows she didn't need to do all this.

I wondered why the person was so early, I like it when people are punctual, she even came before the time that's pretty cool and it amazed me. I looked at Mrs. Kate, she was opening the door.

" Mrs. Kate hold on" by now she has left the room and had close the door behind her but I guess she heard. The door opened again and she came inside the room, still standing at the door holding the knob.

" The girl for the interview, don't bother to interview her just hire her" I told her cleaning my mouth with the napkin as I was already done with my food. I got up and was heading to my room

" Okay sir" she said and left, while the other maid was clearing the table.

I went to my room, went to my wardrobe where I keep only mt bags, I took out another bag to carry. I carried the other bag, opened it and turned it upside allowing everything inside to fall out. I kept the bag back into my wardrobe after bringing out everything in it. I started arranging my book placing the gently into the other bag then I noticed something that wasn't mine.

"Clara's diary?, who the hell is Clara and how did this book get to my bag. Why would this person put her diary inside my bag? What effrontery. I better not find her" I soliloquize as I kept on putting thing it order. I flipped through the book, I kept it under my bed, still thinking how the book got to my bag. As I left the room climbing down the stairs heading to my car then I remembered how it got to my bag. I was the one that actually took the book when I was trying to get a clue about the person who sat on my sit.

" Why did I take that ?" I asked myself aloud opening my car. I drove off to school.

I got to school very early although few people were already sitting in the class, I went straight to my chair sat down and brought out my earpiece, put it in my ears and closed my eyes. I heard coming into the class gradually. Someone entered and I was beginning to hear whispers, I figured out that it was a girl. The English teacher came in and I opened my eyes brought out my books but still didn't remove my earpiece. While the teaching was going on I looked back and saw a girl standing at the back then I recognize her immediately. She was the Clara girl that own the diary, I quickly turned back looking at the teacher. After few more lecture, we had a break. Students left the class for the cafeteria but I never go to the cafeteria, I don't even eat anything during breaks.

I noticed this Clara girl was now sitting with Jack, what was wrong with him? He keeps on helping that girl, my enemy. It was high time I warned him, he has to stop or face the consequences from me. Her life needs to be miserable in this school. After some minutes I could hear noise coming from the hall way, nobody was in the class they had all rushed out, something was definitely happening. I Just sat on my chair, not bothering to know what was going on. Later everywhere was calm again, they were now coming back to the class one after the other. Some girls were whispering among themselves.

" I think Jack likes the asshole Clara girl. First he allowed her sit with him automatically be coming his sit mate, and now he defends her from his ex girlfriend" I heard a girl saying.

"Yeah, I agree with you. And that good for nothing got some nerves, just imagine what she did to Olivia, wow" I wished they could just stop talking and like a miracle it was time for the next lecture which was mathematics so they had to stop talking.

The maths teacher Mr. Thomas started by collecting the student assignment, he went round collecting others but he didn't come to collect mine out of fear. No teacher come to me except they are given the permission to. The last time a teacher came to me to collect my assignment without me giving him the order to do so he was surely dealt with. He nearly died after I fed him with my note, I made sure he ate all and no one came to his rescue until he was done and I let him go.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, I checked who was calling, it was my bodyguard, something was definitely wrong he never calls me when I am in school except it was an emergency.

" Sir, some of our member were attacked by Antonio the leader of the black dragon Mafia , and they have been held captive. He also sent a message that you should come and save them by your self if you dare" My body guard said hurriedly. I could hear him already setting the guns

. "Did Antonio just dare me" I thought, no ones dares me and escape with it. I saw Mr. Thomas almost done with the book collection. I told him to come and collect mine leaving on the desk which he hurriedly did and smiling like I was done him a favour by summiting the assignment.

" How did he deliver the message " I asked my body guard whispering

" He sent a young boy who is about 12 years" I heard the teacher about to teach Matrix.

" Really, I see his trick, kill him " I said my voice still low, no one could hear me. I was the only one sitting around that side.

"What" he asked

" Kill the boy I'm on my way gather all the men at my house, and yeah also send the corpse back to him" I hanged up. I saw a girl look at me, maybe she heard this last one. I turned to look at her also then she hurriedly look away.

I picked up my bag arrange my things ready to leave, then I remembered Antonio words " If I dare" seems like he has forgotten who I really was now.

"You are fucking going to die now" I didn't even know when I said that aloud, every one turned to look at me, I put my phone into my pocket. Mr Thomas was looking scared, I wonder why he was, then it occurred to me that he might thinking I was talking to him. I almost laugh out, it was quite funny. By now he had already knelt down and was begging me which was becoming annoying, I wasn't even talking to him beside he didn't do anything why would I want to kill him. I shouted at him to shut up as it was becoming annoying. I got up from my sit ready to leave my earpiece fell on the floor, I picked it up but the thought putting it back into my ear disgust me, I could not wash the earpiece what is the point? I through it back on the floor and smashed it. I have a lot more. I left heading for the door, I had picked something from the floor I needed to sanitize my hands. I had a small sized sanitizer in my back pocket,i tried to bring it out but it was upside down and the cover was hooked the a thread which made it difficult to bring out.

While I trying to bring it out, everyone was looking so scared. Did they think I was about to bring out a gun?, that was indeed very funny. Mr. Thomas was begging for his life profusely already crying. I heard telling me we could sort things out and all that. It was very funny, they all thought I was about to kill Mr. Thomas I had possibly delayed in bringing out my hand sanitizer because I was enjoying the scene. . Finally I brought it out, used it and put it back into my pocket. I opened the door, by now I could not help but smile while leaving the class but after I remembered what was about to happen and where I was going,I frowned immediately.