
Scar | Teen Wolf

Follow the journey of Scarlett McCall as she learns to navigate the world of the supernatural. *I do not own Teen Wolf or any of the characters/plots affiliated with the show. I do however own Scarlett and some other original characters and their plot lines.

StephieLynn1226 · Televisi
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42 Chs

Lunar Eclipse

Lydia, Isaac, and Dr. Deaton watch as I nervously pace the room waiting for my twin, Stiles, and Allison to wake up.

Suddenly, almost simultaneously, the three teeangers burst up from the freezing tubs, gasping for breath. I quickly grab towels and rush over to the person closest to me - Allison. I help her out and wrap the towel around her to help her get warm.

As Isaac and Lydia hand Scott and Stiles towels, Scott rushes out, "I saw it- I know where it is."

"We passed it - there's a stump - this huge tree - not huge now - it was cut down - but big. Very big." Stiles continues.

"It was the night we were looking for the body-" Scott says looking at his best friend.

"The night you were bit by Peter." Stiles replies.

"I was there too. In the car with my mother. We almost hit someone." Allison says, bringing the attention to her.

"It was me - you almost hit me." Scott states.

The three then turn their attention to the others around them, "We can find it." Scott says to Deaton.

The rest of us stay silent though, looking on with perplexed faces. "What?" Allison asks.

"You guys were out a long time." Isaac answers.

"How long is a long time?" Stiles questions.

"Sixteen hours." I say.

"We were out for sixteen hours?" Scott asks in disbelief.

"And the full moon rises in less than four." Deaton adds.

There is another brief moment of silence as the three teenagers try to warm up and Scott announces that he needs to go back to Deucalion and that I need to go too.

"No, dude. You're not going back to them. And Scarlett isn't going either." Stiles says.

"I made a deal with Deucalion. I need to go, and I told him I would get Scar to go too."

"Anybody else thinks that sounded a lot like 'deal with the Devil.' I don't know about you guys, but I've heard that situation doesn't usually come with a happy ending." Stiles tries to argue.

"Why's it matter anyway?" Isaac asks.

"Because I still don't think we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott states.

Allison turns to Deaton, "He trusts you more than any of us. Tell him he's wrong."

"I'm not so sure he is." Deaton says, surprising us all. "Circumstances like this sometimes require you to align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies."

"Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I mumble under my breath.

"We're supposed to trust him? The guy who calls himself Death, destroyer of worlds." Isaac says.

"I wouldn't trust him, no. But you could certainly use him to your advantage." Deaton answers.

"If we find our parents and Jennifer's there waiting for us, no one's getting out alive. We need help." Scott says, trying to explain his reasoning.

"What if we distract her?" Lydia suggests.

"She wants Deucalion. Nothing's going to distract her from that."

"Then let's use him." I say making everyone's head turn towards me. "He makes the perfect distraction if she wants him so bad. If our plan involves using him as bait, it's sure to work."

"Okay. Then we better come up with a really good plan. Really fast."

The sound of the front door opening stops us from continuing the conversation. We all step out of the exam room to see who came in. "I'm looking for Lydia." Ethan says, standing in the doorway.

"What do you want?" Lydia asks.

"I need your help."

I take a protective stance in front of Lydia and clench my jaw, "With what?" I question.

"Stopping my brother and Kali... From killing Derek."

"I'm coming too." I speak up.

"Scar-" Scott starts.

"I can meet you later. Just text me where you are." I say, making Scott nod in response.


Ethan, Lydia, and I make our way to Derek's loft. Once inside, my eyes immediately find Cora's, who is now standing up and looking a lot healthier than before. "Cora, you're alright." I sigh in relief.

She gives me a nod and a tight lipped smile then brings her attention to the Alpha by my side. I turn back around and start walking towards Derek, Ethan and Lydia following closely behind.

"And you look like shit, Der." I say, narrowing my eyes.

He sends me a weak glare, "Thanks, Scar."

Finally, Ethan speaks up, "We know about the lunar eclipse. So don't think Kali's going to sit around waiting for it to level the playing field. She's coming. And my brother's coming with her."

"Good enough for me. Derek, let's get you out of here." Peter says from behind us.

"You want me to run?" Derek asks his uncle.

"No, I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an Alpha with a psychotic foot fetish. Of course, I want you to run. Sprint, gallop, leap your way the hell out of this town."

Derek turns his attention to his sister, "If you want to fight and die for something, fine with me. But do it for something meaningful." She says.

"How do you know I'm going to lose?" Derek asks.

"We don't." Peter answers. He then looks towards Lydia and I, "But I bet they have an idea. Don't you girls?"

"I don't know anything." Lydia instantly replies.

"But you feel something, don't you?"

She hesitates but slowly nods. "What do you feel?" Derek wearily asks.

"I feel like... Like I'm standing in a graveyard."

Derek then turns his attention to me, "What about you, Scar? What do you feel?"

I sigh, "I think you should listen to Peter. God, I never thought those words would come out of my mouth. Seriously though, my danger sense has been weird because there has been so much going on, right now I kinda just feel numb. Like something is wrong but it might not be what we think it is."

"Still though, we better be safe. You three need to leave." I continue after a brief pause.


Kali's clawed foot smashes the blinking red security light on the alarm panel as she steps foot into Derek's loft. Aiden is behind her, a glare on his face.

Kali locks her gaze on Ethan, Lydia and I and asks, "Where is he?"

"I think he said he was heading out to do some shopping. Run a few errands. The usual werewolf afternoon." Lydia answers.

Kali threateningly steps closer to Lydia. I take a protective step in front of her. "Who do you think you're talking to?" Kali asks, gaze still locked on the strawberry blonde.

"Someone desperately in need of a pedicure? I'd be happy to give you a referral."

Kali's eyes begin to glow red as she takes another step forward. "Oh really?"

My eyes glow white in return and a low growl escapes my mouth. Aiden also is starting to grow more concerned and takes a step forward to interfere.

The movement catches Kali's eye. She turns her attention towards Aiden and asks, "Did someone take their little assignment too seriously?"

Aiden eyes Lydia and answers, "She's not the problem. And you know Deucalion wants Scarlett alive."

"Maybe the problem is where your loyalties lie." Kali replies.

Lydia then whispers, "Oh God, is this about to get really violent?"

"Probably." Ethan and I answer together.

Before Kali or Aiden can start fighting, a body crashes through the glass. I instinctively wrap my arms around Lydia and push her towards the stairs to protect her from the shards.

Arms still wrapped tightly around Lydia, we both turn our heads to the person who entered the loft, "So. Who wants to be first?" Jennifer asks, looking between the twins and Kali.

In the blink of an eye Kali starts trying to fight Jennifer, though the woman seems untouchable with every advance. In the meantime, Ethan and Aiden rush towards each other to connect but Jennifer pulls them apart before they are fully formed.

Lydia and I watch in shock, my arms still wrapped around her to protect her from any flying debris. She sends the twins flying into opposite walls and turns back to face Kali.

"That's right, Kali. Look at me. Look at my face. Do you know what it takes to be able to look like this? To be able to look normal." Jennifer says, taking slow steps towards the Alpha.

"I don't care." Kali spits out.

"It takes power like this.." Jennifer trails off as she raises her arms. Kali takes slow steps back, realizing that she wasn't going to win this battle. The glass shards start to raise from the ground each point turning to face Kali.

When the shards move rapidly in Kali's direction I once again wrap my body around Lydia as we both squeeze our eyes shut, not wanting to see what happens next.

At the sound of something snapping I peel my face away from Lydia and we both slowly turn in Jennifer's direction. We look just in time to see Aiden and Ethan in their combined Alpha form, falling to the ground.

Jennifer turns toward us, "What's that line Coach likes to say? The bigger they are..." She slowly approaches us, making me maneuver my body in front of Lydia, though I know it won't do any good.

"What do you want from us?" Lydia asks from behind me.

"Nothing from Scarlett, in fact maybe I'll kill her too. But you Lydia, I want you to do what you do best. I want you to scream."

"Don't do it Lyds." I say, my glare never leaving Jennifer.

"Do it Lydia. And if I were you I wouldn't be barking orders. I could snap you like a twig."

"No you won't. Because I know you want Deucalion. And if you keep me alive, I'll help you get him. Scott told me he was going to be with him, he's going to text me where they are."

Jennifer's eyes narrow, probably wondering if I'm telling the truth or trying to fool her.

"No games." I say, "I want Deucalion dead. He won't leave my brother or I alone and I need your help to defeat him."

"Fine, but I still want Derek here and to get him here, I need Lydia to scream."

Lydia looks at me with wide eyes, unsure of what to do. I give her a slight nod, telling her to listen. Not waiting any longer, Lydia let's out a powerful shriek. I reach up to block my ears and wait for it to be over.


A few minutes later, Derek and Cora enter the loft. Both of their eyes find Jennifer first, then they land on Lydia and I, followed by a quick sweep of the room.

Cora makes her way around Jennifer to put a protective arm around Lydia, who looks distraught. "You did this for me?" Derek asks Jennifer.

"For us. For anyone who's ever been their victim." Jennifer answers.

"Stop talking to me like a politician. Stop trying to convince me of your cause."

"Fine. I'll convince you of someone else's. Scott and Scarlett. You can save their mother. Stiles' father-"

Derek cuts her off, "How?"

"I need a Guardian. That's a role that can either be filled by the three parents I was forced to take or by you."

I knit my eyebrows in confusion at Jennifer's words. "I can't help you. I'm not even an Alpha anymore."

"All I need is for you to help me get Deucalion in the right place at the right time. Scarlett said she would help already."

Derek's eyes move to me and I give him a quick nod, hoping that he realizes there is a plan in motion. He moves his eyes back to Jennifer, "You just killed three of them on your own. What do you need us for?"

"You've never seen him at his strongest. I have. And if he's got Scott with him, I don't stand a chance. Unless I have you two."

"We are not hurting Scott. That's not part of the deal." I say.

Without sparing me a glance Jennifer continues, "I have the eclipse in my favor. But the moon's only going to be in the Earth's umbral shadow for fifteen minutes. That's the extent of my window. There's no decision to struggle with. Help me kill him and the others live. Just help me."


Derek and I walk behind Jennifer as we make our way inside the distillery. Scott's eyes widen when he sees Derek and I with Jennifer.

"What are you two doing?" Scott asks, eyes sweeping between the former Alpha and me.

"This might be hard to believe, but I'm actually trying to help you." Derek says.

Deucalion's eyes never stray from Jennifer, "Are you ready Jennifer?" He asks. He takes a step forward and drops his jacket. His voice becomes more demonic with every step in our direction.

"Did you gather your herbs? Pray to your ancient Gods and your oak trees? Slit a baby's throat, perhaps? Should we show them why you needed to sacrifice nine innocent people just to face me? Or is it twelve now?"

Derek steps in front of Deucalion to protect Jennifer from the attack. He is quickly overpowered though, and slammed into the side of the building.

I stand back, not getting in the way of the demon wolf and his prey. In an instant he is on Jennifer. He defeats them so quickly I barely had time to breathe properly. His red eyes turn to lock onto Scott, "Kill her."

We watch as Scott looks down at Jennifer, "Do it." Deucalion snaps.

With Scott hesitating, Deucalion lets out a roar, forcing Scott to change. "Now kill her. Your parents are dying. That storm you hear? She's burying them alive. It's her connection to the Telluric Currents. Kill her and it ends."

"It won't end. Not with me. He'll have you kill everyone you love. It's what he does." Jennifer chokes out.

"They're dying, Scott. Your mother and the parents of your best friends. Kill her now and it's over. Become the Alpha you're meant to be. Become a killer."

"Kill her yourself if you want her dead so bad. You have her right there. You can do it. You don't need me or my brother." I say, bringing Deucalion's attention to me for the first time.

Before he can speak, I continue, "The only reason you want him to do it is so he doesn't become a True Alpha. The Alpha he is destined to be. You're afraid of him and you want control over him. The only way to do that is to make him a killer. But you underestimate him. You underestimate both of us. And that's bad for you."

Scott then begins speaking, bringing the Alpha's attention back to him, "I forgot to tell you something. Something Gerard told me." There is a brief pause, "One of the last things he said to me. Deucalion isn't always blind."

At his words I throw my arm up and squeeze my eyes shut to protect myself from the flash bolt that Scott pulls out of his pocket and throws to the ground.

Deucalion frantically waves his hands in front of his face, trying to regain his eyesight. I slowly put my arm down and open my eyes just as Deucalion speaks, "The eclipse... It's started."

Me and the three other werewolves begin to look around, not being able to spot Jennifer anywhere, in Deucalion's case not being able to hear her. "Oh no..." Scott whispers.

Suddenly, no longer using her power to disguise her face, Jennifer reappears. She growls out, "My turn." and advances on Deucalion.

We watch as Jennifer slams Deucalion's head into the cement. She is close to killing him until Derek calls out, "Jennifer." Her eyes snap to him. "He doesn't know."

"Know what?" She questions.

"What you really look like. He knows the cost of bringing Kali into his pack. But he's never seen the price you paid."

Jennifer looks down at Deucalion who is struggling to breathe. In a quiet voice she mumbles, "No... No, he hasn't." I watch on in confusion as she lifts her hand to cover Deucalion's eyes.

Jennifer's eyes begin to glow white and Deucalion cries out in pain. Finally releasing him, Jennifer steps back. "Turn to me." She says to the Alpha.

Slowly, Deucalion lifts his head and turns to the sound of her voice. Jennifer stumbles back, now returning to her human face. "What... what is this?" She asks.

Derek catches her, "Healing him made you weak. Just like healing Cora did to me. You won't have your strength for at least a few minutes."

"Then you do it. Kill him."

"No." Derek answers without hesitation.

"What?" Jennifer asks, stunned.

"Like my mother used to say, I'm a predator. I don't have to be a killer." He then grabs her by the throat, "But I will if it saves their lives."

She starts to gasp as his grip tightens, "Let them go."

Regaining her strength she throws Derek against the wall. But her time is up, the eclipse is over. She slams his head against the wall one more time but Scott and I are rising and changing into our werewolf forms.

Derek growls out, "Your fifteen minutes are up." He then proceeds to shove Jennifer off of him. She scrambles back in a panic as the three of us approach. Desperate, Jennifer throws her hand up.

Scott slams into a barrier as he tries to reach her. She throws mountain ash around her. "Like I told you, Derek. Either you or the parents. And I guess I'll just have to take them. A few more minutes, they'll be dead and I won't need a lunar eclipse even to kill a Demon-Wolf."

Scott pulls himself up and approaches the barrier once more. Jennifer's head turns in his direction, "You've tried this before Scott. I don't remember you having much success."

Instead of answering Scott raises his hands to the barrier and slowly pushes his way through. After about 30 seconds the barrier breaks, Jennifer takes a step back in shock, "How... how did you do that?"

"I'm an Alpha now." Scott says, I smirk as I watch my twin be a complete badass. "Whatever you're doing to cause the storm, make it stop or I'll kill you myself. And I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes."

"It won't change the color of mine. So allow me." Deucalion says, he charges past slashing her throat. Her body changes from the Darach to Jennifer to back again as she falls backwards, a hand pressed to her throat.

I reach into my pocket, quickly grabbing my phone to call Lydia as Scott calls Stiles. "Are you okay?" I ask as soon as she answers.

"Yeah, Cora and I brought the twins to Deaton. They're still alive. We're all good."

"Good. Scott, Derek, and I are alright too. Scott's talking to Stiles right now." I pause to listen in on his conversation, "Everyone's alright." I say when I hear Stiles tell Scott to bring a ladder to get them out.

Once we hang up, Derek, Scott, Deucalion and I step outside the distillery. "My mother told me you were a man of vision once. We're letting you go because we hope you can be that man again." Derek says to the Alpha.

"But if you're not, having your eyes back won't matter." Scott says.

"Because you won't see us coming." I finished. The three of us walk off, leaving Deucalion behind.

The last chapter of season 3a! It will probably be a while before I start adding season 3b but I hope you all enjoyed this season! Please feel free to comment any questions or constructive criticism!

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