
Scandia (try)

Warning! This is the test run before the real book starts publish. A man dies and reincarnated into his game avatar. Basically it.

KAABS · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Academy Test -Tests of Qualification (1)

So, this is the final chapter of book's older version. I've changed the content a little, thought it was a bit rushed? Well, something was not right.

I will publish this book's new version soon, please give me your thoughts.

Academy Test -Tests of Qualification (1)


Abray was sitting on the sofa, a letter in her hand; with a serious expression on her alluring face, her striking hazel eyes locked on the letter with an immense attention.


Report for the plans of Beastitistans

My sultan, I've found disturbing news.

Mortil is insane, and he is getting more insane in each second. He set his eyes on you, and even killed three hundred women and girl to reorganize free space… to have your purity to himself.

Aside from that, the mage is disturbing. He knows various magics, he can enchant people and made them suicide bombers; Mortil announced that if Beastistans kill a person, they would get around 70-80 angels in heaven.

If they kill a soldier, they will get beauties ones.

The mage currently busy with the suicide army of the Beastistan's. I'd say they have no manpower to destroy the empire, but they will certainly damage.

That is probably why Beast Empire is on guard; they must find out the suicide army and prepared or developing a method to find or stop the suicide bombers.

Also, the portal opened by the mage himself. Mortil brag about it all the time. The mage is great and all, and he indeed knew much magic, but I never saw him fight.

He is manipulative and acting in shadows; but his fighting capabilities are unknown.

In addition, Mortil is being manipulated, that is for sure. The mage is smart enough to know he could not win the all-out war with the Beast Empire.

This is my assumption, but I think the mage has another goal in mind. He seemed to dislike Mortil, and his action, yet does nothing to stop him.

I am not sure what it is, but it is no good.

I'll try to pry his secrets now; this is my new goal now. I'll send you another letter in two weeks, if I did not, that means I'd be dead.

I advise you to develop a protection to a blast.


"Damn it," Abray muttered. She crumbled the letter and threw it to the nearest fireplace. She furrowed her eyebrow and stood motionless for couple of seconds.

"What a meaningless fight," Abray muttered. She picked a book on the shelf and threw it one of the sofas. She did not go towards the sofa, just looked at the book for a couple of seconds before signing.

"I guess I am no mood for a read," she muttered. She sat one of the chairs near the window and looked at the darkening sky.

"So…" Abray said as wondered in thoughts.

"…What should I do?"


Kaplan opened his eyes; the blurry view concealing the white ceiling of the room. He grunted and rose from the bed steadily.

"Ugh... my head hurts," Kaplan muttered.

It was a bit off, sharp pain on the back of his back. It was unusual, yet not unheard of; maybe he was thinking too much.

"Well," Kaplan stood up and looked at the sun; it was nearly rising from the east, which meant he had couple of hours before the exam.

He had no sleepiness, his body was used to waking up early already, or he just gotten used to. Yet he smelt a reek of sweat on his body.

"I guess I'll shower first," Kaplan muttered as he went to the bathroom.

It was a good thing magical crafts were already all around the world; he wouldn't know what he would do without a shower.


Taking shower and eating a breakfast took no more than an hour as Kaplan felt refreshed; he could feel the things were taking a tool of him.

He was in a world, which he thought it was just a fiction until recently, and he figured he was slowly, yet surely, forgetting his past.

A slightly warm feeling was itching his chest, like a fragile power was scratching to a wall to break it. It regularly dimmed, disappeared, then appeared.

Kaplan, didn't know what it was, shrugged it off for the time being. He had things to do, like entering the academy and finding his mother Gimila.

He took a deep breath in front of the door and opened it.

He was curious; how strong was Kaplan? How strong was others?

Kaplan also wanted to know if he wanted to stay there. Scandia was chaotic place, but there was not even of inch of eagerness to come back to his own world.

What he wanted to do, what would his goals were; Kaplan wanted to know. In addition, Kaplan was alone in that world, alone and scared.

Even though his pride would not let to admit he was scared.

He did not know how to cure his fear, but loneliness was easy.

Maybe some friends would be nice…


The next exam was the physical tests; it determinate whether contenders had enough physical skills to enter the academy.

It was decently hard test since most of the people were not magicians, and beast people were known with their physical attributes.

"Okay, next exam will be basically parkour," The same bald rhino man spoken again. He was looking at the field in front of us with a grin.

The field was basically empty, which was suspicious, and around 200 people were messily placed around; speaking with each other.

Kaplan was isolated from others; probably the stunt he did in the test of magic, and he was looking with envy and jealousy. None of them not idiot enough to understand he basically passed the exam. He just needed to pass other tests.

"Your objective in this round is reaching the top of that mountain," demi-rhino pointed a mountain about 50km far. "The first 100 will be continued the test, and remain will be eliminated," he said with a smug grin and started to walk towards the mountain.

Everybody looked at each other, then they started to look at the rhino-man. Kaplan, after assumed the test already started, dashed towards the mountain with his all might before any other participant started to run.

Kaplan did not go too far however, since the rhino-man dashed him with his horn towards his chest.

Kaplan dodged the horn briefly, as the bulky man's massive body hit Kaplan like a train; threw him to the air and made him gasp out every air in his body.

"Well, sorry," Rhino man grinned scarily. "I forgot to say; I will try to stop you all." He clenched his fist then swung it towards Kaplan.

Kaplan, after he inhaled minimum amount of breath to relax his lungs, hit the ground with his feet; darted backwards, nearly evading the inevitable injury if the attacked hit.

Rhino man's fist crashed the ground; completely crushed the ground and surroundings with an immense force that threw Kaplan towards the path of the mountain.

"Oh, dear," Rhino man chuckled. "You escaped that, impressive…" He grinned and looked back towards other contesters. "You can go." He glanced back and readied himself to charge towards the other people. "I had my fun with you!"

Kaplan grunted and stood up as he coughed repeatedly. 'Bastard!' He growled in anger then turned back. With his all might he ran towards the mountain's peak; On the way there, he could hear the screams of other participants.

'I will definitely crush that smug face of your!' Kaplan swore and ran with his all might.



Abray was sitting one of the chairs, near first trial of the academy test.

"Abray, why are you here?" A female teacher, demi-ox, was staring the young sultan with criticizing eyes.

"Teacher," Abray greeted the infamous teacher of the Academy, Merve. "How can I help you?"

Merve scoffed and folded her arms on his chest. "Abray," she said slowly and looked at the young girl with an intense gaze. "Why did you skip school? Did you forget how much I spent after I tried to tell Sultan Arslan Han after you lost?" She narrowed her eyes. "By the decision of yourself…"

Abray smiled. "Do not worry, please," she said softly. "I already had my allowance by the director and teachers." She yawned cutely. "I am sure you are pleased to see me too~," she giggled.

Merve saw Büke was walking towards her; with a letter in her hand, Büke delivered it to Merve.

"Hmm," Merve opened it without a wait. It approved by the staff that Abray had permission to leave Academy for the duration of Tests.

"Why sudden interest in tests?" Merve asked after she inspect the letter; she glanced at Abray to see what she was up to.

"Lately, things becoming chaotic," Abray said as she put her hand on his cheek to support it, put her leg on the other, and sighed. "I need some rapid decisions."

"That does not answer my question," Merve narrowed her black eyes to Abray, with a small huff, she turned her head at her. "Why are you here?"

"You are suspicious…" Abray said, glancing at her teacher.

"This is not like you, spill up."

"I just wanted to see if I can invest someone," Abray said. She grabbed a necklace on her neck and smiled softly. "…And see if some people are as true as they said to be."

Merve had doubts still, for sure, but she leaved it for another time. It would seem Abray did not want to explain things to her thoroughly for the time being.

It could be it was because they were in public, with other teachers around, she may have wanted to avoid the topic.

'She is troubled, for sure,' Merve observed Abray for couple of seconds.

The beautiful smile on her face strained, it could be miss by any other person, but for Merve who was teaching her how to wield a sword, she learned things about Abray.

Abray often smiles. She was a diligent, energetic, sharp, and colorful person. A bright child with even brighter future.

It would seem politics made changes already; and suicide bomber on The Okyanus City already made things complicated than it ever was.

Merve hummed in appreciation as she remembered the time Sultan Arslan propose her to be his wife; she appreciate herself as she remembered her refusing him, and his shocking face.

Yeah, fuck politics.
