
Scáthach in Multiverse (Male MC, DxD main world)

The story of "hero" and his adventures on different missions in the multiverse ******** The character will be like Esdeath, OP, but there may be obstacles in the future. There will be no nerf, but sometimes he will just be an observer of events, nothing more. DxD will be AU, and story mostly will be about quests. Tags: antihero, harem(no pokemon), gore, blood and so on It's my first time writing, so do not expect it to be good. I have to start from something. I own nothing.

spearsexual · Komik
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23 Chs

Phenex clan and a Date

Returning, the heroes scattered around the base as everyone had missed the other team members. After all, they had spent more than 2000 years in another world.

While the main character wandered around the base in his feline form, Okita was hanging on his back, who had "missed the master a lot," as she said.

The only thought Scathach had in his head was: "Um, but we came back the moment we disappeared. Better to ignore; the important thing is that she is happy. Yes, and I enjoy spending time with my beloved assassin, whom I have not seen for 2000 years."

Entering Semiramis' laboratory, the couple saw how the latter worked with various tubes of poisons. Seeing them, the main character remembered that he wanted to create a new kind of "game" for his opponents.

-Hello, Wise Queen of Assyria, nya~

-Fufufu, greetings, Sgàthach an Eilean Sgitheanach~ (E/N: Why is that name so long?)

Turning around, the Queen of Poisons saw the new form of her master - a large cat. When she saw the faithful assassin, who had settled comfortably on the back of the cat, she became jealous.

The main character focused on the look of Semiramis. Knowing her nature, the spearman decided to play along with her. Turning Okita into chibi Okita with magic, he spoke.

-My fur is loose. I wish there were someone nearby who could smooth it out.

-Sigh. Master, you are hopeless. I guess I can help you.

The Queen said with a dignified voice, but her raised lips said otherwise.

After a short session of "smoothing the fur," they moved on to an important topic. After transforming back into his human form, Scathach created an unusual katana and said:

(Image here)

-I got the perfect idea for a new kind of torture. And it is associated with poisons.

-Fufu, Master, you've come to the right place.

-So, the idea is this: in the scabbard, there will be a device that applies various poisons to the nanites, from which the katana is created. I ask you to test the effects of the katana and select toxins for different situations. The device inside the sheath will be in another dimension, and to unlock it, the user will need to pour a little mana. It'll be unlocked only from mine or yours.

- Brilliant idea, master. What types of poisons do you need?

-It is desirable as much as possible, from the most dangerous to the weakest. The space inside won't be limited. The list of poisons will be analyzed and given out as a holographic list. The choice of a specific poison will be possible using voice commands. And yes, add toxins that just immobilize and make someone faint.

-Fufu, I got it. However, I want to ask, can I check it myself before giving it back?

-Of course, it's your work anyway. If you need test subjects, you can ask Serafall or Yasaka. I'm sure there are lots of Prisoners in the Underworld and the Youkai territory.

- I'd first ask Yasaka; Serafall is too much for me.

-You do you, Semi.

Leaving the fairly interested Queen, the main character, along with chibi Okita, headed towards the game room.

After Kuoh came under the control of Chaldea, the strays were erased thanks to the efforts of Valina's team and the others. So, all the team members who were not engaged in any research or were responsible for the different directions of the faction either trained or helped others.

In their free time, many gathered in the playroom, which had many different ways of entertainment - computer games, game consoles, movies, and much more. Going inside, Scathach saw all the members of Valina's team playing the board game, Ereshkigal, who was streaming Apex (Yes, I love Apex, so why not?) and Jeanne, who was watching some drama series with tears in her eyes.

The goddess of the underworld had found something to do to her liking - to play games and show them to other people, and Since FGO was created by Chaldea, many considered her to be a great cosplayer.

Thanks to her beauty and being signed by Ufotable, she became a huge streamer in a short amount of time. Those who knew her story were very happy for her, as she could enjoy life after long solitary confinement.

-Hey, Eresh, can I join you?

Turning off the microphone, she replied.

-Master, are you sure? This is a stream, so a lot of people will see you.

- Of course. I want to play while I wait for news about the Phenex family from the magical girl. If anything, tell them I'm your boyfriend~


Eresh said shyly before turning on the mic.

-I'm back guys, my friend will join me.

When they saw Scathach sitting next to the blonde goddess, the viewers started furiously typing in the chat. Some were speculating about him being Eresh's boyfriend, while some couldn't accept that, not at all.

It seems that simps still existed, no matter the world. (E/N: I only simp for anime girls, so I'm good, right?)

Interestingly, many noticed that her friend was similar to a servant that was famous for his sadistic side in FGO.

While there was discussion in the comments, Scathach and Ereshkigal started playing the popular battle royale. During their gameplay, there was a heated discussion about their connection to FGO. Seeing it, Scathath decided to answer.

-We are professional cosplayers. Also, we have some connections with different companies, but that's confidential.

After saying that, the protagonist said his goodbyes to everyone and headed towards the offices, getting a message that the Phenex clan was ready for negotiations in the process. After meeting with Altria, he used <Gatom>.

[Underworld Phenex Clan Territory]

Lady Phenex and Lord Phenex were expecting guests, and their daughter was with them. Despite how dangerous the guest was, they decided to take Ravel to negotiations because if Scathath chose to kill their clan, nothing would help.

Ravel was anxious -It wasn't every day that she had an opportunity to meet the mightiest being in the world.

A magic circle appeared in front of them, and two people came out of it - an incredibly handsome young man with purple hair that had tight back pants, a black jacket over a purple shirt, and purple gloves. On his belt and body were chains and other types of jewelry and, a hood was cloaking his head.

With him was a woman - her legs donned purple armored pants that reflected the light, and a purple armor protected her generous breasts from the eye. Well, not that it did a good job at it.

On her hands were purple gloves that had a bird emblem attached under her wrist, and her yellow eyes looked at them sternly.

(Images here)

-Greetings, Lord Scathach, Lady Altria. We are glad to welcome you to our clan. Serafall told us about the purpose of your visit. The only thing that my wife and I cannot understand is what is the benefit to you. I strongly doubt that we would be of use.

-Yes, you are right. In terms of things, you have nothing useful, but as you know, I hate the Gremory clan. Although in terms of strength, our faction is the strongest, the lack of connections is not the best solution because if a whole faction of devils opposes us, this will lead to its complete destruction, and there are those among you whom I would rather not kill. Therefore, I want to conclude a non-aggression pact with your clan. Naturally, if the entire Underworld decides to oppose us, and the Phenex Clan refuses, you will survive. For more precise details, please speak to Altria.

-Very well, Lord Scathach. Your deal sounds great, but we need to discuss it in more detail.

-Good to hear. I'm not in complicated stuff.

The bored protagonist then decided to relax. Transforming into his large feline form, he grabbed Ravel with his tail and spoke.

-I will give her back after some time.

Afterward, the purple-haired man disappeared while the Phenexs' stood there dumbfoundedly.

-Don't worry, Master won't do anything with your daughter. Children are his weak point, so he likely went to the base with her.

[Hanging Gardens of Babylon]

Surprised, Ravel did not have time to understand anything and found herself on the faction of the most powerful creature in the world.

Looking at him, she just now noticed that the spearman was incredibly tall. With her height (154cm), she had to lift her head to look at his face.

-Don't be stiff; I won't eat you.

-Sorry, Lord Scathach.

-You are too formal. You can call me Onii-san or Onii-sama. There is another girl around your age who often plays with us.

Her cheeks flushed a little, as the main character was very handsome, and his kind smile was charming. But she was offended that he considered her a child. She already considered herself an adult. Yeah, of course, before she was a "man" whose age exceeded her by several thousand years, so what?

-You are still a child; rejoice until the responsibility falls on you.

-Hmph, I'm not that young Onii-san

-I'm 4000+ years old.

Scathach said with a deadpan expression while staring at Ravel, who was shocked. Yes, Scathach was the most famous person in the supernatural part of the world, but his age wasn't known. When did he appear, what were his powers, and so on?

Idly talking, they went to the garden. The duo was greeted by a large garden in which a lot of roses grew.

As they got closer, they heard someone was humming a song. This person turned out to be the emperor of roses - Nero. She was watering roses and had full-size headphones on her head.

-Onii-san, who is this?

-Oh, don't you know? The girl in front of you is Nero Claudius. Yes, the same emperor. She is very fond of roses, and one might say, is the mascot of our faction. She is the most positive member of the team and the funniest one. If you're in a sorry mood, talk to her for a couple of minutes, and you feel much better, trust me.

Sensing their presence, Nero turned her head and saw her beloved Praetor with some girl. Without really thinking, she headed towards them.

-Umu? (Questioning)

-Umu. (Nod)

-Umu! (Happy)

They magically understood each other, causing Ravel to be dumbfounded.

-My Praetor, from your story, I can understand that the negotiations were successful, and you got bored. Therefore, you decided to steal the daughter of this clan so that it won't be so dull. To relieve boredom, you came to this emperor. Great choice. Umu.


-Yes, my emperor, you are 100% right. Can you tell us about the roses that grow here?

-Umu, this emperor will tell you all.

While Nero was leading a tour of the garden with great enthusiasm, the protagonist transformed into his feline form and sat on her head. Since he had already heard of these colors, he did not listen - he played with ahoge on Nero's head.

Ravel listened intently to the emperor as she described the history of each flower. Although her demeanor was childish, she understood why the spearman described her as a ray of light.

-Umu, and that's rose-

-Nero-san, I think we need to stop.


-Look at Onii-san.

Taking the cat off her head, she saw him sleeping while quietly purring. Sighing softly, she handed her Master into the hands of Ravel and spoke.

-Ravel-chan, it's time for you to get back. Take Master with you and follow the arrow - there, you will find a room with portals. Push some mana into it and set the coordinates. That will take you to the Underworld.

-OK, thanks. Why should I take Onii-san with me?

-You are not in the base of our faction; if you walk alone, the defense system will kill you. Well, or in the best case, you will be eaten alive. Umu.

The face of the youngest daughter of the Phenex clan turned pale. She didn't even think about this. Although the Chaldean faction wasn't in a war with anyone, the worst relations they had were with the devils.

Pulling the cat closer to her, she followed the arrow. When she came to the door, another youkai girl came out.

A staring contest started between them.

-Useless Grilled-Chicken Princess. (Kunou)

-Little girl. (Ravel)


Both harrumphed and turned their head away.

-Why is Onii-chan in your hands?

-Hohoho, I'm a guest here, I was personally invited by Onii-san.

Ravel said with a typical Ojou-sama laugh.

-Hmph, give him to me!


While the two girls were quarreling, the main character decided to turn off the sounds in his brain and entered Zen. Unbeknownst to them, one rather violent personality came to their cries.

Someone grabbed their heads, and the girls saw the <sweet> smile of Sakura.

-Girls, why are you so loud? Stay in order and behave in a manner appropriate to your situation. Ravel-san, you should go, your parents are waiting for you.

Nodding their heads, Ravel and Kunou went their way.

[Back at Phenex Clan Territory]

After Lady Phenex, Lord Phenex, and Altria agreed, they all awaited the return of the couple together. Then, Ravel, with Scathath in her hands, appeared from the portal.

Her parents were extremely surprised, as the strongest creature in this world was sleeping peacefully in their daughter's arms.

-Onii-san, wake up.

-Nya? Oh, Altria, are you done?

-Yes, Master. We have reached an agreement.

-Great, see ya. Oh, Ravel, here you go.

As he left, he threw her phone at her. She looked at him and saw a message, "If you don't want to join the Issei team, write to me, and I will take you to our faction. We always need more smart people>. Her cheeks flushed a little.

(A/N I hate Issei, so no new girls for him. About adding her to the harem - I don't know, just the main thing is not Gremory.)

-Fufu, dear, our girl is in love.


[Hanging Gardens of Babylon]

(E/N: I wrote this part since the author can't write romance.)

-Hey, Altria, wanna go on a date?

Scathach said as he sat down on the couch next to the blonde king.


Altria looked at the purple-haired man next to her.

-Sure, but what about the others?

-I'll get them on a date later.

Hearing his answer, the king with pale blond hair nodded.

-I'm down, but where will we go?

-Do you want to visit Britain again?

-How long has it been since we last visited that place?

-A few hundred years, if I remember correctly.

-I see.

Altria got up from her seat.

-Let us go, then.

-I love your straightforward personality.

Scathach smiled before getting up. Then, his eyes suddenly turned rainbow, a katana appearing in his hand.


That same katana accurately cut a line invisible to normal humans, causing a crack in space to appear and swallow them up.


After an intense teleportation session, Altria looked around her.

They were on a tower, under a green bridge that bustled with activity.



The unique-eyed man answered as his hands held hers.

-Shall we go?

Altria then sent him a rare smile.

-Of course.


Walking through the busy streets of London, a couple could be seen walking hand in hand. The curvaceous woman was wearing black pants and a brown trenchcoat over a white shirt.

The man was wearing a grey trenchcoat over a black shirt, black pants, and white shoes.

-Master, Is this the clocktower?

Altria called out as her eyes focused on a tall tower

Of course, the woman already knew the answer; she just wanted to confirm it.

-Indeed, it looks a bit different from what I remember.

Scathach answered while looking at the tower.

-Let's check it out.

Nodding at the man's words, Altria led him towards the tower.


-This place is boring.

Scathach spoke as he laid on Altria's thighs. They were on top of Big Ben, the clocktower.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

-Aha! Why don't we visit the moon?

-You can't be serious.

Altria looked at the half-visible moon in the sky. Even though it wasn't night yet, the moon was partly visible because of their elevation.

-Why not? We have the means to travel there, and I don't remember visiting beyond the sky at all.

Scathach looked at her.

-You're crazy, Master.

-Yes, I am. Shall we go?

The man smiled before getting up.


Seeing her nod, the man's eyes turned rainbow once again, a katana appearing in his hand.


His knife cut the fact they needed to breathe and the harm that outer space would have on them.

-Let's go.





Altria silently looked around herself.

-I never thought that I would've been able to visit the moon.

-That's good. It was meant to surprise you.

Scathach smiled.

Taking a deep breath, the man grabbed her waist.

-Come, let us be shooting stars today.

He suddenly picked up, resting her head on his shoulder.

While he was 190 (6 feet 3 inches) cm, Altria was 172 (5 feet 7 inches) cm.

-Don't try to be romantic. It doesn't suit you.

Altria answered, but the smile on her face said other things.

-Hai hai, ma'am.

Then, the man channeled his mana to his legs, and–



–Shot towards the stars.

That night, almost everyone in the world saw a beautiful shooting star.


And cut…!


The next chapter will be in Dxd, but after that will be the quest. After reading LN, I can't decide in which world to send him.

So, let us vote.

Date A Bullet (short, a lot of action)


Date A Live (long, but less action)

Regardless of the world, the hero will go there for new powers (it'll be interesting) and for Kurumi. (E/N: I helped in designing the new abilities.)

See ya!

E/N: Good night!