
Saving the Mafia Heir by incident

Maya is the 19-year-old heir to the great Stratton family. A family which is known for being the top of the assassination's troupes in the world for six generations. To ensure her position as heir over her gifted older brother, she agrees to the mission of assassinating the mafia heir, Carlo, to the Bianchi family. A ruthless mob which is known for its successes and connections to the world leaders. As Maya sets on to her task, her arch nemesis from the Orlov family makes it there first! Instead of killing her target she saves him instead by accident! Now that she has done that, Carlo claims that he is indebted to her and has fallen in love with her!

sfwrites · perkotaan
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1 Chs

Chapter 0:Teaser


My right leg ached as I struggled to walk forward with the dead weight that held it with a vice-like grip. I sighed deeply before looking down at the handsome individual who was laying on the ground as he held my leg. His silky, black hair fluttered in the spring air as his azure eyes sparkled. His high cheekbones, and pointed Roman nose would make any girl swoon. I clicked my tongue. Even his eyelashes were longer than mine. I don't put my looks as a priority but at the very least I know that I'm a product of a renowned model, and actor.

As I watched him slowly smile at me nervously, I thought of only one thing.


I sighed once more before pulling out my trusty, SILVER STAR 1911 pistol. The safety clicked as I pointed it at the spot between the deadweight's eyes.

"Get the hell off me before this sidewalk becomes painted with the color of your brain."

The bystanders began to scream as they ran away. I cursed under my breath. This was surely going to be in the news in the morning. I need to reach out to the Alistair heir so that he could cloud the news before this becomes breaking news.

A deep chuckle woke me up from my trance as I watched the deadweight release my leg. He then placed his palms on the cement as he heaved himself up. All actions were done calmly, despite the fact that I was pointing a gun at his forehead. He towered over me. Anyone could see that his body was well built as his white t-shirt clung to his body. The deadweight smirked as he reached over and brought the barrel of the pistol on his head. His voice turned from that of a whiny child to one fitting his looks.

"My dear, go ahead and shoot. It would be an honor to die by your hands after all."

I cringed so hard that I almost clicked on the trigger. This man ticks off all of the traits that I hate in an individual.


Calm down Maya. This is certainly not the worst incident that you have run into. Chills rose all over body as I remembered the event in Moscow last year. Lord above that was a bloodbath.

"Look deadweight-"



"Carlo. That's my name."

I blinked multiple times. The first rule in assassination is to never give your real name to your target.

"Okay whatever. Carlo, I need you to understand that I just saved you as an accident. You have no obligation to pay me back or fall in love with me in any manner. So I will say it as plainly as I could."

I then took a deep breath as Carlo smirked. He then reached his hand over and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. His whisper despite being far away reached my ears.

"No matter what you do my dear, I will always be a step ahead. After all assassins like you are a dime a dozen for me. If I wasn't so entranced by you, that beautiful neck of yours would have already been snapped as your lifeless eyes stare back at me. I am tolerant but not so patient, Maya Stratton."

My blood froze. Carlo's gentle smile haunted me as I felt a heavy pressure almost pin me to the ground. As I staggered back, Carlo reached over and wrapped his arms around my waist. I felt my face and ears flush. He then brought his face close to mine as he whispered.

"Watch out my dear, everyone that tries to kill me only gets placed under my web. Expect me to be stuck to you like glue from now on."

A second rule in assassination is to never stick around long enough that the target would figure out who you are. My name is Maya Stratton, and I am in the worst and deepest shit that I have ever been in, in my whole nineteen years of living as an assassin heir.

How the hell am I going to escape from this squid's clutches?


Thank you so much for reading my loves! Comment below as I plan to update this story with the first chapter soon!