
Saving Gale Wicherton

After inheriting an unfinished novel from his late best friend, Sam is thrust into the pages as Gale Wicherton, a side character in a magical world. With a determined smile, Gale seeks to rewrite the political struggles, navigate two enigmatic princes, and discover the powers he's concealing—all to save his destiny and the fantastical realm Max left behind.

AtharvisAJ · Fantasi
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33 Chs

Royal Encounter

Gale, now having successfully navigated the challenges of the mystical cave and secured the magical plant, felt a surge of newfound energy coursing through him. The sun hung high in the sky as he rode back toward his estate, the sprawling landscapes unfolding before him. The scent of blooming flowers and the distant melodies of magical creatures filled the air. That's when he felt hungry, he had not eaten anything since his friend had passed away.

Deciding to take a break, Gale guided his horse toward a serene lake that was conveniently hidden within the viscount's domain. The shimmering waters reflected the vibrant hues of the surrounding flora, creating a picturesque scene. It was like something out of a painting made by a master. Gale dismounted and settled by the lake, unpacking his lunch. It was just a sandwich and some wine but he couldn't help but munch down on it as fast as he could.

As he enjoyed the tranquillity of the moment, Gale couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the fantastical world around him. He turned to the audience with a genuine smile, "Max, my friend, he has truly outdone himself. This world he has created is breathtaking. Every detail, every creature, it's like a masterpiece woven into reality. I owe him for this adventure."

Pausing his meal, Gale soaked in the ambience, reflecting on the intricate details of the world Max had crafted. The brilliance of the landscape, the harmonious coexistence of magic and nature, was a testament to the boundless imagination of the author. Max had always been a stickler for details and it was evident in the whole flora and fauna that surrounded Gale at the moment.

After his retrospective break, Gale remounted his horse, the viscount estate looming in the distance. Upon his return, the butler approached him with a grave expression. "Master Gale, there's news. The third prince is on his way to visit the viscount."

Gale, though slightly surprised, composed himself and turned to the audience, "Well, looks like royalty is knocking on our doorstep. Let's see if the naive demeanour of the third prince holds true in person."

The estate buzzed with preparations as the news of the royal visit spread. The third prince, known for his innocence and kindness in the original narrative, was expected to grace the viscount's residence.

The prince's arrival was marked by the sound of approaching carriages and the flutter of noble attire. Gale, along with the viscount, welcomed the royal guest. The third prince, adorned in regal attire with a perpetually curious expression, exchanged pleasantries with the Viscount. He had sweeping blonde hair that shone as bright as the sun and intense red eyes that gave an air of regality to him. He had a tall muscular build which was for sure what made him popular with the ladies. "I think this is what you call gap moe", Gale said looking at the audience.

Gale, sitting in on the meeting, observed the prince closely, taking notes. However, as the conversation unfolded, a subtle realization dawned upon him. The naivety that had been portrayed in the original tale seemed more like a facade. The third prince, with a glint in his eye and strategic inquiries, painted a different picture—one of cunning intelligence.

The grand hall of the Wicherton estate was adorned with tapestries that whispered tales of the family's long-standing legacy. The air carried an air of formality as Viscount Wicherton and the Third Prince engaged in a delicate dance of words.

Prince Adrian, with a genial smile, sipped his tea and casually remarked, "Viscount, I've been pondering the kingdom's trade dynamics lately. Fascinating, isn't it? I've heard your port handles a considerable share of the exports. Grains, for instance."

Viscount Wicherton, equally composed, acknowledged the prince's observation. "Indeed, Your Highness. The trade of agricultural products has been a cornerstone of our port's success. It ensures a steady flow of resources and sustains the kingdom's economy."

Adrian, feigning curiosity, leaned forward. "I've been curious about the specific destinations of these exports. Which countries, Viscount, do you find to be the most avid consumers of our grains?"

The Viscount, cautious but diplomatic, replied, "Your Highness, the dynamics of international trade can be intricate. Our grains find their way to various destinations, and the largest importer tends to fluctuate based on a multitude of factors – seasons, political stability, and market demands."

The prince, maintaining a facade of innocence, pressed further. "Ah, of course, Viscount. But surely, you must have insights into the current trends. I believe such knowledge could be valuable for the kingdom's overall strategy and diplomatic relations. Don't you agree?"

The Viscount, understanding the subtle probing, chose his words carefully. "Your Highness, while I appreciate the importance of such information, our trade affairs are managed with discretion. Revealing specific details might inadvertently complicate the delicate balance of our diplomatic relationships."

Adrian, with an amiable smile, conceded, "You're right, Viscount. I wouldn't want to jeopardize any diplomatic intricacies. I only seek to ensure the kingdom's continued prosperity, after all."

Viscount Wicherton reciprocated with a diplomatic nod. "Your concern for the kingdom's prosperity is duly noted, Your Highness. Rest assured, the Wicherton family is committed to contributing to the realm's success through prudent and careful management of our trade affairs."

Gale, addressing the audience in a low murmur, said, "Well, this is unexpected. Looks like the third prince is not as innocent as the story painted him to be. Maybe it's time I dig a little deeper and see what lies beneath the surface. Also, isn't my father the Viscount amazing or what?"

The meeting continued, but Gale's thoughts were already racing. The revelation about the prince's true nature left him with a lingering sense of unease. As the third prince bid farewell and departed, Gale made up his mind.

"What did you think of that, my son?" Asked the Viscount.

That is my father Viscount Arsenio Wicherton. He is one hell of a diplomat. It is kind of unexpected of him to ask me that though. I think he is testing me.

Snapping back to reality Gale replied, "Well he does not seem so naive now does he? I think he is just hiding behind a facade."

"Exactly. I did not know you had any interest in politics", Arsenio replied looking pleasantly surprised.

"We have to change with the times, Father", Gale said diplomatically.

"Good work my son, see you at dinner", with that Arsenio left the room.

Looking at the audience with a determined expression, he declared, "If the third prince is not as he seems, then I must meet the first prince myself. Time to unravel the mysteries of this world one royal encounter at a time."

With that, Gale set his sights on the impending meeting with the first prince, fully aware that the political landscape he was navigating held secrets and complexities beyond what the original narrative had unveiled.

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