
Save Planet MagiJuri!

Rika, who is passionate about magic and an energetic character in this story, will she be able to complete the given task along side her companions? Who will she have to confront, someone she knows or some extraterrestrial from another world? Where will her fate bring her to? Learn about few life lessons while you're at it! Read to find out more!

Riakax · Fantasi
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18 Chs

To the other continent (Day 10)

Since we had 1 week of holiday,me and my friends decided to stay in that world for 10 months.

Our bracelets took us through the other world to Madorika and Madou.

There are 8 more countries to go, more like cities but whatever.

When we came to that world we started off our journey.Madorika decided to spend 1 months in every city.Our powers improved rapidly,it was truly impressive how my best friends managed to survive that painful training.

Most of them are fighting trainings and other types of trainings.But hey!Is a good thing that the unknown creatures didnt attack us straight away.

As the time flied quickly we didnt find the water guarden in any of this 4 cities that we visited.I still remember how one of those 4 cities was stuctured based on labyrinths, jeez,that was really unbelievable.We managed to get out of there thanks to our bracelets.

Anyways, that city is truly impressive, even if it had labyrinths,people who live there all know the way out!The city isn't that bad.They liturally live in labyrinths.The name of the city is "Il Labirinto"

Anyway,this was the 1st jouney we ever did in Ventur.

The 2nd one was in a normal city but it had too many shining accesories.It was making us blindly unresistable,so we buyed some things from there.Neither Madorika could resist this.She's a girl after all.I mean,it does look weird since she wears everything in black.Sometimes when she feels like it, she even wears black and purple clothes.But she never changes her style.Always a witch type. After all she's a "half witch".By the way the name of this city is "Garjil".The name is so weird.

On the 3rd journey they had this rock style country.The country was called "Rocky Nebula"

The country is small.Around 3 cities.

The clothes we wore in those festivals were so amazing!The way that people talk in that country is bare satisfying.James is obsessed with that country and so is Madou.They liturally had some shows of their own, and also joined a band before we left.The band that they joined made a song just for them.And it was so crazy! (as in a good way).Everything there is so cool and colourful.

On the 4th country the houses were built in music based of shape.It was actually a musical country where everyone there enjoys music.Is called "Musical WLand".

It has 4 cities.And one of those cities uses magic on their instruments.

We all liturally did some group performance in all of those cities.I can't lie,we were really good out there!We got money and pearls.I was confused when they gave us pearls but then Madorika told us that pearls are like money.This world uses pearls and money.

The pearls were so beautiful and most of them were shiny as well.

It was almost dark by the time we came to the 5th country.There was almost no one around.

Around us there was a a small amount of people that made large tents,gathered in a circle,around an enormous bonfire.

Some of the tents were short and squat,others tapering and tall.It looked like a miniature city built from sticks and animal skin.

The city looked warm so, we decided to camp for today night.

As we started to build our tent,people were gathering around the enormous bonfire.

It seemed like they were doing a dance.

But we didnt care much.After we finished everything we went inside the tent.The dancing stopped and we went to sleep.

At the middle of the night there was a huge sound,like actually a huge one!

Is even stonger then my alarm clock.My alarm clock can't even wake me up since i usually sleep deeply,but this sound made me jump out of the bed.When i jumped out of the bed,i saw everyone already awake.

"Are you ok?" asked Fatima.

"Yh,yh" i replied

They were laughing because of me "jumping out of the bed".

"What was that terrific sound that interrupted my beauty sleep" i asked ferociously.

"I dont know... and wtf you talking about girl!" said Johana.

"Lets go and check it out" said James.

"No thanks....hehe" said Serena.

"Cmon dont be a scary cat!" said Johana.

After all that talking we decided to go and check where the sound was coming from.

As we walked outiside the tents,the people were also awaken by the sound.

Well...that's what I thought before the people came to us and started talking another language.

"Wth are they saying" asked Johana.

"Use google translater" said Serena.

"Are you dumb!There is no google translater in this world!However there is something called 'our damn bracelet' duhh!" said Fatima.

"Obviously" me laughing.

When we activated our bracelet which works like a translater.More like doraemon's translater.We started to understand what they were saying.

"Dont go out there in the forest,is really dangerous for you kids.Especially for you womens" said one of those people.

"We just want to know where the noise came from" i said.

"Is better if you guys dont know" said another man.

"How comes you guys are allowed to know and we arent?Plus,why is everyone worried and tired?" i said,adding "now that i think of it"

"You guys are outsiders,and for the outsiders is even more dangerous then it is already.

We are worried because of the beasts that hide in those forest.Those horrific sounds were coming from the beasts.

We are tired probably because we dont really sleep." said a women.

"A new adventure!" whispered Johana.

"Are you guys talking about the Beasts-Tri" said Madorika.

"H-How did you guys know?"gasped someone.

"There were some legends of this beasts.

They once helped the forests to be attractive and safer.They used to be protecters of nature.But 38 years ago someone enchanted the wrong spell excidently and made the beasts have negative emotions.From then on they started to do opposite things of what they were supposed to do." said Madou.

"Well..yes...then there is no need for us to hide it" said a girl of our age.

They all seemed confused and upset.

However after what Madou said,the abitants started to tell everything in more detail.