
Save Planet MagiJuri!

Rika, who is passionate about magic and an energetic character in this story, will she be able to complete the given task along side her companions? Who will she have to confront, someone she knows or some extraterrestrial from another world? Where will her fate bring her to? Learn about few life lessons while you're at it! Read to find out more!

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18 Chs

The valley of Haily (Day 8)

It was not too long that my friends realized they have to give up their lives to save the world.Well..it depends. We aren't well trained,so,if the unknown creatures attacks us now we dont have enough chance.It will be risky since we don't know how to use our powers properly.However if they attack way later then we might be able to handle it,a bit.

I woudn't mind giving up my life for that.

I always loved this.Eventhough is kind of scary I have to try my best.I'm the choosen one,and I HAVE to save this wonderful planet.

"Let's begin our journey,shall we!" said Johana.

"What journey?" asked Serena

"Visit the two continents,duh!!" said Johana.

"10 more countries to go then" said Madou.

"Yeah,then we'll go to Ventur" said Madorika.

"Is strange how we managed to visit all this countries without buying anything" i said

"Well,when we finish exploring this world we'll buy some things.Don't worry i know what you all are thinking" said Madorika

We've been in this world for 2 months and there wasn't even a trace of the enemy.

The time here is longer then Earth so in Earthly life we've been absent for 2 days.

I mean we weren't actually absent our copies are in Earth.Their job is to act like us in Earth. Plus, they know everything about us because when we wear the bracelets,they have every single detail of us.More like properties, some parts of the memories and our behaviour.

Anyway, while we were exploring the continet we were practicing our powers as well.

"Guys this city is kind of weird" said James.

Everyone agreed with his sentence.

"Oh dear me,i forgot!This is the valley of Haily"

exclaimed Madorika in a slight terror.

"V..Valley of Haily??" asked Serena.

"Yes,is a dead place where not many people live.No one actually knows the story behind it.I think is better if we leave soon as POSSIBLE"

said Madou.

It was too late to fly away cause some people came out from...the ground!!?

"What the heck!!!" exclaimed Fatima.

They were coming towards us,and really fast!

We prepared to fly but no it was too late,they cought us.

"There is no need to be scared" said a little girl with a tree shape.

"A tree????" said James.

"This is COOL!!" I said in shocked.

Everyone looked shocked including the people who live in the valley.

"You..your not scared of us?" asked a boy.

The people in the valley seemed relieved and started talking "Wow this is amazing" or "she's the first person to like us" and all those crap.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked.

The people opened a gap.There was this lady who was coming this way,towards us.

"Hello darling" said the lady.

"Hello" i said with a gentle tone,like a well mannered child.

"It seems like you shocked our people as you weren't scared to see us.People would usually be scared or disgusted by our appearence." said the lady.

"Why should I? Is cool!" I said

"Well let me introduce my selfe.My name is Haily and im 470 years old."

"Nice to meet you Haily.I'm Rika and I'm...i have no idea how old i am in this world" said ashamed.

Everyone started to laugh including Haily.

"How old are you supposed to be?" asked the girl with he tree shape.

"Im 14 and I come from a planet called Eath" i said

They all seemed shocked when i mentioned Earth.

"I see" said Haily.

"Mind if you and your friends come to my house" said Haily.


"What are you saying Rika!Are you out of your mind!?" said Johana.

"I know why you are saying this but please,we dont have bad intentions" said Haily.

We followed her and went to her house.

"Let me tell you a story.Long ago when i was born someone called Haidy which is my older human sister had to sacrafice her life for this planet.At the time she was 15 as you guys would say it.She was one of the protectors of this valley.One day someone which neither i have a clear idea of who he was,came and burned our valley till no one was left.I was lucky enough to live thanks to my sister.However,she lost her life saving our valley.The only ones that survived was me and 3 other people.It was a sad time for us 4 but we managed to live.We tried to build houses and go in search for food and clothes.We travelled the world for 5 months as terrestirals says.We bought lots of things to bring back to our valley.This helped a lot.By the time this creatures such as that tree girl started to show up,which i thought was dead long ago.

It wasnt a shock for me because i knew they were hiding somewhere."

"It must have been sad" i said.

"More like hard" said Johana.

"Thats scary" said Serena.