
Save Planet MagiJuri!

Rika, who is passionate about magic and an energetic character in this story, will she be able to complete the given task along side her companions? Who will she have to confront, someone she knows or some extraterrestrial from another world? Where will her fate bring her to? Learn about few life lessons while you're at it! Read to find out more!

Riakax · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

The first beast (Day 15)

"Oh so that's how it is..!" said Madou.

When they finished telling what that was in more detail we decided to help them.

After all,we are the saviours of this world.

"Thanks,that would really help" said Mimi the one who knows about this story the most.

When we were walking towards the forests that tremendous sound appeared again.

"Why do we have to this" sobs Serena.

"To become even more powerful.We can test our ability towards the beasts and see if our training worked" i said

"Or without it we CANNOT beat the unknown creatures" said Fatima.

As we kept on walking deep inside the forest,

there was no trace of neither the sound neither the beasts.We were getting tired of this.But just when we were loosing our patient we noticed something forward.

It was...a HUGE CASTLE!!!?

"WHAT THE!" excalimed Johana.

"Ok much" said Fatima sarcasticly.

We went inside however there was no one.

"Wait lets tranform first" i said

"Magi Shine Up Glory-"

"Let The Hope Rise-"

"Light up MagiJuri-"

"Power of the MagicalJuri metamorphosis-"

"Juri's Shining Army Acivate-"

Our tranformation was ready.So now were ready to go inside that old creepy, abandonded castle.

As we entered,the door closed but it wasnt a problem for us since we can teleport.

We put the light all over the castle to see the inside properly.The lights is also a part of our power.Our powers can do whatever we ask to.

The inside of the castle seemed to beautiful.

This castle had a wonderful look from inside, but from outside it looks creepy as heck.


The real lights from the castle turned on and our light vanished.

"What the heck.....!" said Serena.

Suddenly,a big ugly looking thing showed up infront of our eyes.

"I feel like im going to faint" said Serena.

"Stop joking and get ready to fight cause THATS THE BEAST!!" I excaimed.

The beast started to shout and make scary noises.He was about to attack us.

So we took our Fire Sword Protection out and got ready to fight him.

We grew wings behind our backs so that we could fly. I mean we can fly without it but we wanted to try cool things.

"Ready guys" me saying nervously.

"YEAH.." said everyone nervously.

I kicked the beast and then gave a taste of my mitical fire punch.

Johana took her arc out.She was getting ready to aim the beast's eye correctly but he the beast punched her with his fat arms. She fell in the ground and started to bleed a lot.

"How dare that brown monkey beast do that to Johana!!" I said angrily.

"Guys lets take all of out weapons out!!" me shouting angrily.

Fatima took a double big hammer out,James took boomerang out,while Serena took a spear out and I took an axe.

We were allowed to create atleast two weapons from the MagiRi bracelet.

We all attacked in the same time.I was so pissed that i forgot the blood around him.

He looked scary and strong eventhough his not.His weak and fragile.

"Guys STOP" shouted Madou and Madorika.

I finally came to my senses.

"Oh shit what have i done!"

"Im so sorry,i went too far" i said to the beast.

The beast fell to the ground.

"I never knew the beast was this weak" said Johana.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yh dont worry" said Johana.

"Now that his weak,i'll tell you guys how to get his real self back listen to me carefully" said Madou.

We listen to him closely and carefully.

"The side of your bracelet has a triangle shape there.Say "spell of peace get reliesead" while clicking it" said Madou.

"SPELL OF PEACE GET RELIEASED" said everyone at once.

Some pink light came out from our bracelet.It was going towards the beast.

Then the light,more like sparkles,suddenly spread all over him and vanished.

His bruces and blood was gone withing a minute.He looked somewhat different,but i couldn't understand what it was.

"The evil spell is gone" said Madou.

"You guys have done a great job. Oh and next time dont use even half of your power" said Madorika.

"Thanks and ok" said all of us at once.

The beast started to stand up.

"Thanks for relieasing me from this evil spell.My name is Baia" said the beast.

"It was our pleasure" I said.

"Since my brothers are also under a spell,is my duty to release them.You guys dont have to do the hard work anymore" said Baia.

"Oh no!We want to do it" i said

"Why is that?" asked Baia.

"We have to test our stenght and ability" I said.

Later we sent a bird type of thing that the villagers gave us before we went to the forest.

We wrote "We defeated the beast so we are going to the next one"

After the bird flied away we started going to the next beast.

"Guys,me and Madou are going back to the village as well" said Madorika.

"Why?" asked everyone.

"I want to see if you guys can do this by your selves" said Madorika.

"We'll see you through the magical sphear" said Madou.

"Oh....." said everyone sadly.

"Ok" said James,Baia and I.