
Save Planet MagiJuri!

Rika, who is passionate about magic and an energetic character in this story, will she be able to complete the given task along side her companions? Who will she have to confront, someone she knows or some extraterrestrial from another world? Where will her fate bring her to? Learn about few life lessons while you're at it! Read to find out more!

Riakax · Fantasi
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18 Chs

Discovering the truth and afterwards

We asked Madorika and Madou to show whether or not we could trust what they said as right now none of us can trust anyone from the village.

Madorika told almost everything in detail, things that happend up until we came to this village.

As Serena was listening to the conversation, she made sure that the lie detector was on.

So,we thought that maybe they were the real ones. Everyone was relieved after finding those two because we were seriously dead worried.

We started whispering to them,and told them that this might be a fake village and that we got tricked. We mostly used silent mouthing and whispered things that aren't suspicious, as we didn't know if there was anything hiding in this house. Me and Fatima used other languages to communicate.Is convenient to know other languages.When the lady returned we went outside,near the forest. Madorika and Madou enchanted an ancient spell with their hands moving as fast as lightning.Our eyes couldn't keep it up. Either way,after they finsihed enchanting they said is an actual village,but also not.This village came from another dimention.It got stuck in our world because of the balance between the two dimention was collapsing due to the ones who attacked MagiPuri previously.The ones who we are getting ready to fight and trained so hard for.

The tri-beast-brothers accepted their existance here untill the order between the world will be re-stored.

We gathered the whole village and told them everything including about the tri-beasts.We obviously apologized since we lied to them.

The village told us that it was them who excidently enchanted that spell because they didnt know where they were.So,they decided not to let creatures,or animals inside the barrier. Althought they enchanted the wrong spell. That didn't matter to us since we took care of them.

Our training payed off,although we didnt use half of our power because Madorika prohibited us to use large amount of power on them.

We told the villagers to worry not since it was our job to defeat those unknown creatures and restore the balance between the two dimentions.

When we were about to go the tri beast gave us a ring,where if we needed anything or needed company they would come straight through the rings to help us out.

So,after they gave us the ring we went to the real place,where we were supposed to head.

I have to say,this city is naturistic,and it wasn't our type. The name of the city it self was mudane 'Matura'. The word 'Ma' stands for 'Mother' while 'tura' stands for 'natura' which means nature. The word comes from Italy.

Hopefully,the other 2 cities are not like this.

When we were about to book a place to stay, someone stopped us and said "Payment or no food or sleep". As if we weren't going to pay. We gave them money as they wanted, however they didn't accept that.Madorika said to try with pearls,but even that didnt work.

"I swear we are supposed to use pearl or money to pay,so what does this guy wanna bout"

"We only accepy leaves,plants,flowers and other things,if you didnt know" said the receptionist.

"Like heck we have those" said Johana.

"Wait" I said.

Taking my bag out,I took the things that the abitants of the valley gave me.It was a good thing that I still had it. After taking those out,i asked if this things were sufficient enough for room of 7 including 3 meals for each day. Luckily we had more then enough, so we were treated like VIPS here.It was quite funny,afterall it was only 'nature' things we handed in. Sure,enough this city is getting entertaining, bit by bit.

While we were looking arond the city there was this huge tree that resembled a human being.

However, it had claws type of roots sprouting from the trunk,as well as from the roots.

When we looked at it,we thought it was fascinating but for Serena,as a scary cat she is,she found it creepy. She was so scared that she runned away from terror,screaming like a maniac.We followed her as she can't handle direction too well,and somehow we ended up surrounded by mirrors all over the place. When Serena saw her self surrounded, she started to scream her lungs out,and guess what? Her screaming made the windows crack in agony and shatter in terror. This made a huge impact because we had to pay due to the damage we made,afterall,it was for tourists.

Well,all that aside it was dawn so we headed back,took a shower and went to eat dinner.

The following morning, after breakfast,Johana said that there was a talent show around here.

When we went there,we saw a group of people using magic to grow plants and another group taking their own plants out that was already ready to be shown. It was very beautiful except for one of the plants as it looked like it was about to eat us all. Either way, it was a free street talent show,so anyone could join at any time. We had fun watching the show since they did use magic. When the last performer (so far who joined) came up the stage,my bag started glowing like crazy. It emmited a strong yellow and greenish light. It was embarassing as almost everyone in the show was practically staring at me. I looked inside my bag and saw ALL of my plants glowing. Out of nowhere the plants were floating without me doing anything. Everyone gasped and looked at me with curiousity. All of my plants were changing shape.No!They were becoming one.

There was too much raidiance at that time,so none of us could see what was happening to the plants. When it started to settle down,so less light emitted, everyone looked up and started to talk. When I looked up, I saw a gold trophy with grass that was green and red around it. It looked so holy. The grass that was green and red were like horns spouting from the trophy,it was in mid air. It was more like wings than horns.