
Save Planet MagiJuri!

Rika, who is passionate about magic and an energetic character in this story, will she be able to complete the given task along side her companions? Who will she have to confront, someone she knows or some extraterrestrial from another world? Where will her fate bring her to? Learn about few life lessons while you're at it! Read to find out more!

Riakax · Fantasi
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18 Chs

Another world (Day 5)

After school, me, Johana, Serena, Fatima and James went to the abandoned building near the school since it was the place to meet the owner of the dress. When we were nearly there, my group asked me what was the fuss about when I screamed about magic. I told them what happened with Caleb where they found it hard to believe.

"I see you're here" said a random voice which wasn't even Caleb's.

That voice came from our left where we saw a random person who was dressed in black. Every thing was black: hat, gloves, coat, dress and shoes.

"I tagged my friends along if it's fine with you" I said, casually.

"Is totally fine. That stupid Caleb forgot to give something to your friends." said the women.

"May I know your name before we start" I asked.

"With pleasure. My name is Magi Madorika, call me Madorika. I'm 42 as you terrestrials describe it. I'm not from this world .Just to let you know, I'm half human and a witch."

"Oh my days!!That's so cool!!" I screamed.

"I hope this isn't a joke" said Johana,

"Stuff like this exists!?" asked James.

"Duh. Even though I saw it in anime, cartoons and movies only." said Serena.

"No joke, I believe her, it looks so realistic. She literally looks like a witch,not being rude!" said Fatima.

Suddenly we were somewhere else. We weren't at school at all.

"This is the world we live in. You guys will be exploring it with me and my partner Madou. His 43 in human world."

"How old are u guys in this world? What's the planets name? Did NASA discover it?" I asked in curiosity without even asking about the main stuff.

I did realize how everything was going quickly, especially the conversation rather than place it self.

"I'm 142 and Madou is 143. We are 100 years older then you humans. Our planet is called MagiJuri planet. Lastly, NO, they did not! If they discover it, I think they would experiment our people" said Madorika, firmly.

"Oh by the way! We have similar names, my name is Rika and your name is Madorika, Mado and Rika.If you know what I mean."

"Yes I know" said Madorika with a smile.

When Madorika's partner came (Madou), we started to talk more seriously and also got to know each other little better. Aside from the friendly communication, Madou and Madorika started to talk about their planet.

This planet has 10,000 people living in it. Is not yet 10,000. When the new baby will come, it will make it 10,000.

We will be the first one seeing the baby apparently. This world is small and has 1 small continent and 1 big continent. The smallest one is as small as Vatican city, or even smaller than that. The biggest continent is as half as Italy. The continent that is as small as Vatican is called Ventur and the other continent is called Earid. Earid has 9000 people living there while Ventur has 900 people. The rest of the 99 people are living in some Islands.

We visited several cities, but didn't go both continents since we don't have time for that. After all, it will take time for a human to travel around the world.

Mainly, out starting aim was from the biggest continent, Earid. This was because, getting rid of bigger things would save us from trouble. But while we were at it, our two new friends made our travel very enjoyable in a short amount of time. We got to experience teleportation first hand like can you imagine!?