
Save Me, My Prince

A princess, who looks perfect from the outside, falls in love with a mysterious 'it', how will she confront these new feelings?

MAZKD · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


"And the princess's curse was cured by the prince, waking up the princess. When they realized their feelings for each other and inevitably married, they lived happily ever after." Juliet had read to herself, lying on her bed.

Though Juliet had read this story multiple times, she had never grown tired of them, rather, she grew more surprised every time she had witnessed the power of 'love'. This concept of 'love' was fascinating to her, as she had never seen one like it, more fantastical than anything else.

'Love sure is amazing.' She said to herself after rereading the book. The book had been given by her, now deceased, grandmother. It was her most precious possession, which she held very dearly.

'I wonder if one day, my prince will be able to come to save me.' Thoughts like these always went through her head every time she read the book again. The book was always the object of her romantic fantasies. It was her dream to someday be saved by a prince and marry one.

*Knock* *Knock*

There was a sudden knock on her door.

Caught off guard at the knock, she quickly hid her book beneath her pillow.


"Young mistress, it's already past 9, you should get up and get ready for breakfast."

"Alright, I'll get ready." She said in a smooth voice.

Juliet got out of her bed and took out the book she held dearly, putting it on the nearby shelf in her room. She walked to her closet in her spacious room.

She went looking at all her fancy dresses in her closet, trying to choose her outfit for today. It was always hard to find her perfect outfit for the day. She quickly got into her dress and left her room for breakfast.

There, at a dinner table, 4 people quietly ate a freshly cooked breakfast.

"How are you doing, Juliet?"

"I'm doing fine as always mother, thank you for asking," Juliet said politely and continued eating her food.

"How about you, Julius?" The mother asked, focusing her attention on her second child.

"Same," Julius answered rudely.

"Now, now, you shouldn't be so rude. Be polite when you're talking like your sister, aren't you part of the royal family?" The father scolded his son.

"Why does being polite matter?" The son asked, looking at his sister, jealous of her affection from his parents.

The food was always decorated in a fancy way. Though the food was always the same, she didn't feel any different every time she went and bit the food. The food, while looked different, when she had bit and gulped through her mouth, anything was barely different. She quickly ate all the food, leaving the plate clean.

"Are you struggling in any of the classes?"

"No, mother. I'm acing as always." Her answer produced a colder stare than before.

Though not saying anything, Juliet could spot the satisfied look on her mother as she heard her daughter's response.

Juliet quickly ate all the food on the plate and left the fast out of the 4 people at the dinner table.

Today, as it was Monday, she had music class.

"Is that the princess?!?" One of the students shouted.


A sigh could be heard coming out of Juliet's mouth, annoyed by her classmates' gossip.

"It is the princess, always acing all of her classes." "That's the princess for you." "She would be such a great wife if she ever got married." "Of course, she'd get married, isn't she a princess?" "Will she marry the prince in the next city?"

Juliet went to the chatting girls.

"Isn't his name Romeo?" The girls continued.

"How are you doing?" She asked the girls politely interrupting them.

"Umm, we're doing fine, thanks" The girls could do nothing but answer, always surprised at her shining kindness aura surrounding Juliet. The class soon started, quieting everyone in the class.

It was lunchtime and went to eat her lunch.

"The princess is so beautiful even when eating" "She looks so fancy when she's eating." The chatting never ended even at lunch.

The lunch, always fancily decorated, had the same bitterness as the breakfast had. She felt no emotions when she ate it. She quickly and quietly emptied the plate, leaving it clean.

After finishing her classes and her lunch, she was free to do what she wanted. She always went out for a walk outside. And when she had, she had always spotted something very dark. Even in daylight, 'it' was pure darkness. Even though she could always see the outline of 'it', she could swear it was a living being. 'It' was always outside, far from home. 'It' was always far, where she couldn't reach, but always close enough to be spotted by her. She did not know why, but she always felt like going to see 'it' again, every day. She never grew tired of it, like her book from her grandmother. It was so interesting.

'How could it be?' She often asked herself. 'How could someone be so dark? Nothing but dark? I've seen nothing like it.' 'It' has always intrigued her. It was never like anything else she saw in her routine. 'How is it so simple?' She asked herself, shocked by 'it's pure darkness.

After she had returned, it had been time for her dinner. Same as breakfast, all of her gathered at the dinner table, quietly eating the food they were given.

The dinner was even quieter than it had been at breakfast, as everyone was tired.

"When will I get married, mother?"

"In time, Juliet. We will try to find the best candidate for the next king, you don't have to worry about those things, just focus on your classes."

Just like breakfast, she was the first one to finish.

"You always leave the plate so clean," The mother complimented. "Julius should try to be more like her."

"Who gives a damn?" Julius rudely said.

"Julius!" The father shouted.

"What?" Julius said, surprised by his father's reaction.

"Go to your room right now!" The father continued.

"Alright," Julius said and he gave a cold stare at his sister as he left the dinner table.

She looked at the window outside, as it has already been dark outside. She was sitting in her chair looking at the distant skies. Though it was nighttime, it was nothing compared to the 'it's darkness.

*Knock* *Knock.*

A knock was heard through Juliet's door, she, unlike last time, was not surprised.


"Mistress, it's time for you to sleep."

"Alright, I'll get into bed." She said in a smooth voice.

She got out of her clothes and got into a more comforting outfit.


She blew the lamp, leaving the room completely dark. She lay in her bedroom and covered herself with her blankets.