
Chapter 62

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


"Why did I let them convince me of this?" I asked no one in particular as I walked through the empty hallways of the school.

After talking my idea to my colleagues, they ended up choosing me as their spokesperson to speak to Professor Flitwick, and even though I didn't want to get involved in this story, they somehow ended up convincing me.

"At least I'll get a box of lots of Honeydukes wizard candies," I said happily. After eating some sweets on the Hogwarts Express, I gained a huge passion for wizard sweets, and as I know Honeydukes has a wide variety of candys, I couldn't be more happy to get a box full of those wonderful treats, hehe.

After taking some shortcuts, I quickly made it to Professor Flitwick's office door, and using my senses, I could see he was in the room, so I knocked on the door.

*Knock! Knock!*

"Come in" Professor Flitwick's voice came from inside, and then I heard the door click unlocking.

"Hello teacher" I greeted him as I entered the office.

"Oh! Hello Mr. Night, what can I do for you?" the diminutive teacher asked me with his usual hyperactivity, sitting behind a desk correcting some lessons.

"You can call me Ethan, Professor. Being called Sir makes me feel old," I told him with a smile, taking a seat in the chair across from his desk.

'But if I think about it, putting the age of my two lives together, I'm almost 30' I reflected to myself.

"Okay! So Ethan, I suppose you want to talk to me about something really important since you can't wait until the next day," Professor Flitwick said, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Well, you see Professor, my classmates found out that Potter was joining the Gryffindor Quidditch team, and they think he was getting preferential treatment," I told him, and I could see he started paying full attention to me, so I continued, "So after we debated a bit, we came up with the idea to ask your permission to let the other first years participate in tests for the Quidditch team" I finished, and I could see the gears moving in head of Professor Flitwick.

He then started looking at me analytically, and after a while a knowing smile began to appear on his face.

"Did you guys have this idea or did you?" Professor Flitwick asked me.

"Hmm, well...I kind of came up with the idea...but the others agreed" I relented and answered him honestly.

'Even though I don't care about Quidditch, I still think Potter shouldn't be allowed on the team. The rules are that the first years can't have brooms, thus preventing them from joining the Quidditch teams, but Potter goes out there and breaks some rules and gets put directly as Seeker' I thought, upset at the favoritism of the teachers, ' Also, what about the Gryffindors who planned to join the team as Seeker this year? Couldn't they because Potter was already chosen? Since he didn't even tests? Sigh'

"Hmm, I understand why you guys are dissatisfied, and as for me letting the first years de the tests for the team...that's a good solution," Professor Flitwick said, drawing my attention to him.

"Serious?" I asked him, as I didn't think he would agree so quickly.

"Yes. It's not too difficult to allow the first years to audition," Professor Flitwick said, and then moved closer as if to tell a secret, "And besides, I also think Mr. Potter's entry into the Quidditch team was a little unfair," he finished pulling away and winking at me, to which I smiled at him.

'So he was informed of Potter's entry as a Seeker'

"Thank you teacher, I think my classmates will be very happy about this," I told him with a smile, and then I continued, "But I also think that to be fair, the first years of the other Houses should also be allowed to auditioning for the Quidditch teams of their Houses"

"Well that's going to have to be discussed with the Headmaster and the heads of the other houses" Professor Flitwick said after thinking for a while, "And since you were the one who came up with the idea, I think you should be at this meeting too " he finished.


"Do I have to be at the meeting too?" I asked uncertainly, since when I came here I didn't expect to have to attend a meeting with the four Heads of Houses and the Headmaster.

"Of course! Since you were the one who came up with the idea, and you were the one who came to talk to me, you obviously have to be present at this meeting," he replied happily. And if I didn't know better, I would think he was just doing it to see me suffer.

"Sigh... It's okay... I'm going to this meeting," I said, not even trying to argue against it.

"Perfect! So come tomorrow to my office after lunch so we can go to the meeting" a happy Professor Flitwick said, clapping his hands in satisfaction, and now I'm really thinking he's just doing it to piss me off.

"Okay," I said with a resigned sigh. So I got up from my chair, "Well... see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow, Ethan!" he excitedly responded back to me, and now I'm 100% sure he's doing it to piss me off.

So after saying goodbye to Professor Flitwick, I started walking back to my common room.

"Why did I have to get involved in this matter? I could have been quiet and let things flow normally, but noooo, I had to open my mouth" I said to myself, "Next time I'll sit in my corner and stay be quiet" I grumbled.

As I grumbled, I took shortcuts and it didn't take me long to reach the common room. As soon as I stopped in front of the door, the knocker that called the riddles came to life.

"It's alive, but not–" started the knocker, but I cut it off impatiently.

"The sun" I replied.

"Smart and shrewd as always," the knocker said to me, and then the passage opened.

As soon as I walked into the common room, all the conversations they were having stopped, and everyone turned to look at me with hopeful eyes, especially the first years.

"So…how was it?" Terry was the first to ask me.

"You owe me two boxes of candy," I said. And then I started upstairs to my room, ignoring my classmates' confused look and mumbling something that sounded a lot like a 'Short and Annoying Teacher'.



(End AN: I'm publishing tomorrow's chapter right now, because I think I'll be busy tomorrow and so I won't be able to get it published. Consider this a late reverse chapter, hehe.

Question of the day! Considering only the HP world, what is your favorite magical animal? And from all the worlds and fictions in general?

Hope you like the chapter!)