
Chapter 470

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After placing my hands on the suitcase locks I unlocked them, and recognizing my magic the locks opened with a clicking sound.

And now that the suitcase was no longer locked, I opened it, and with the suitcase open I could see that it was already in the compartment I wanted, which in this case was the compartment where my personal library was.

"So Harry, these are the books and diaries I want your help translating," I said, stepping aside to let the boy with the scar on his forehead approach while gesturing to my open suitcase.

And Harry, hearing this, approached the suitcase, and after looking inside it he made a confused face.

"Huh? I don't see any books or diaries here, just a hole that seems to have no bottom," he said, turning to me with a strange look.

And looking at his confused face I snorted lightly, "You don't know how a magic suitcase works, do you?" I asked.

"Magic suitcase?" Harry repeated, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes, a magic suitcase... Which is a suitcase that has several enchantments, spells and even some runes on it, and they make the suitcase more protected and secure, and most of the time they even add some extra functions to it," I explained slowly.

"Oh... Ooh!" and upon hearing my explanation Harry nodded with slightly wide eyes, looking back at the suitcase.

And seeing his surprised and amazed expression I shook my head a little amused, before taking my wand from my holster.

And now with my wand in hand I tapped the suitcase twice, and as soon as I did that the suitcase shook slightly.

And Harry, seeing this, brought his face closer to the suitcase, curious to see what was happening.

But before he could get any closer I grabbed the back of his coat and pulled him back, and before he could ask me why I had pulled him the suitcase shook more violently.

And then, in the next instant, several books and diaries shot out of the suitcase like an erupting volcano, before starting to fly all over my room.

And that surprised and frightened Harry, causing him to jump back and reflexively assume a defensive position.

'Looks like our training sessions are paying off' I thought with a snort as I looked at the wary boy.

I then raised my arm with my wand, and shaking it lightly a small and brief blue light flashed at the tip of my wand, which caused all the books and diaries around us to freeze in mid-air.

"And these, Harry, are the books and diaries I was talking about," I said, looking at the green-eyed boy who was looking around curiously.

And looking at the books and diaries in the air, Harry realized that they looked very old, and he couldn't recognize any of the books by their covers or titles, which seemed to be in a different language.

"Where did you buy these books?" He asked me, reaching over and picking up one that had a dark green cover with black detailing on the edges.

"Oh, I didn't buy them, I found them abandoned in a secret place in the castle," I replied.

"Abandoned? Secret place?" Harry looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, but we can talk about that another time," I said, ignoring the young boy's questioning look.

I then approached Harry, and taking the book that was in his hands I opened it, before handing it to him again, "Now I would like to know if you can read what is written in this book"

"Hmm," Harry looked at the open book in his hands, seeing that it was in an unknown language, full of strange letters and symbols.

'Strange...' he thought, frowning.

When I asked Harry for help translating some books and diaries, the Gryffindor golden boy was initially confused, wondering why I thought he would be able to read anything written on them when even I couldn't.

But now that he had a book in his hands and was looking at the texts on its pages, he felt an abnormal sense of familiarity, almost as if he had a connection with the words that were written in the book.

'Why am I getting this feeling?' Harry wondered, grimacing slightly.

And the Potter heir then decided to focus his full attention on what was written in the book.

And after some time looking at the letters and symbols in front of him he began to notice that they seemed to become more understandable to him with each passing second.

And I, who was in front of him, just stood there waiting to see if my guess was right.

And looking at Harry I could see his look of concentration, and after a few seconds of him staring at the open pages of the book he paused, pulling his face away from the book and blinking in confusion.

"Huh?" he tilted his head with a strange look, before looking back at the book.

"What's wrong Harry?" I asked, approaching Harry curiously.

But the defeater of the dark lord did not answer me, completely immersed in the book.

'§Ssshas... Assha...§' Harry tried to read, feeling the text slowly become strangely more legible to him, '§Sss... Sschapter One: The creasstion of a Ritual Altarsshs§'

And as soon as Harry finished reading this short paragraph from the book he stopped, before his eyes began to widen slightly, with a glint of surprise appearing in them.

"How?" he said, stopping reading and looking at me in complete amazement.

"How what?" I raised an eyebrow.

"How am I able to read this book?" he asked.

"Oh, you are able to read this book because it's in a language you understand," I replied.

However, my answer did not end the Gryffindor boy's confusion, who continued to look at me with a grimace.

"A language I understand? But I only speak English, and this book is not in English," he said, showing the book to me, "And in fact I don't even know what language it is!"

"Actually you do know what language it is, and you just need to think a little more to find out which one it is," I said, not giving him an answer directly.

And upon hearing this, Harry frowned, not knowing what I was talking about.

But he trusted and believed in me, and so he began to think of all the languages ​​he knew, trying to figure out what language the book was written in.

And as Harry looked down with a thoughtful look I leaned back at my table, and looking at the poor boy I could feel his neurons firing feverishly.

And after a few seconds of thinking, something in Harry's mind clicked and he remembered that there was actually another language he could speak. A very rare and unique language.

And thinking about that language his eyes widened in realization, making him quickly lift his head to look at me.

"Wait!" he started to say, looking at me with a shocked look, "This book is in Parseltongue?!" he asked.

"Yes," I nodded, "And not just the book in your hands, but all the other books and diaries around us as well."

"Really?" Harry started looking around in surprise, looking at every book and diary that floated near us.

"Uh-huh, and it's because they're written in Parseltongue that I need your help translating them for me," I said, which made Harry turn to me.

"Huh? Why do you need my help translating them for you? You also speak Parseltongue" he looked at me without understanding.

"Actually, my ability to talk to snakes isn't exactly the same as other Parselmouths," I replied.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me confused.

"Well, for starters my ability is much more complex than it seems, and it allows me to talk to more than just snakes," I began to explain, before being interrupted by Harry.

"Wow, wait a minute.... You can talk to other animals?" he asked me in surprise.

"If you didn't interrupt me and let me talk you would have your answer" I said with pursed lips, which made the green eyed boy look away a little embarrassed.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I was just a little surprised by what you said," he said, scratching the back of his neck with a small, apologetic smile, "You can continue, I won't interrupt you again."

"I hope you don't," I said with a huff, before deciding to continue my explanation.

