
Chapter 306

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

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Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


I was still confused by the things I had just seen, or rather, confused by the memories I had just experienced.

I knew who these memories belonged to, and if the name Tom Riddle didn't make it clear, I witnessed some moments in the life of the current Dark Lord, and the reason for my confusion was why I had seen these memories.

In fact, if I had only seen the memories I wouldn't have felt so strange, but I witnessed and lived these memories as Tom himself.

"How?" I asked myself, reflecting as I tried to organize my mind.

I could think of a few answers, and the one most likely to be correct was that I had only seen these memories because of the incident with Slytherin's Locket..

With the other Horcruxes strange things also happened, but nothing on this level.

None of them did anything so…abnormal.

But deciding that thinking about why at this moment would only cause me more headache, I decided to use my Occlumency to review the flashes of memories I now had in my mind, and so I closed my eyes to concentrate.

After a few minutes I finished organizing these memories, and they had a lot of information about Tom, but unfortunately they were not complete, but fragmented, and because of that I couldn't gather much important information.

And another problem was that these memories didn't contain Voldemort's entire life. They only showed Tom's life up until the moment he split his soul to store it in the Slytherin's locket, which made sense.

Probably the locket besides storing and containing Riddle's soul also stored some of his memories, just like the diary, and because of that they were limited until the day he killed Hepzibah Smith, when he was still working at Borgin and Burkes.

'Sigh... So now my head is full of unnecessary memories about the life of a self-centered and narcissistic teenager who was on his way to becoming one of the worst dark lords in the world. But everything I saw I already knew because of the books' I thought, crossing my legs.

And in this moment, when I crossed my legs, I noticed that I wasn't on my soft mattress.

"Huh?" I looked down confused, seeing grass all around me. And not understanding what was happening I raised my head.

Immediately as I raised my head I realized that I wasn't in my room, but in a clearing, surrounded by fog.

"Sigh, so I'm in another one of those dreams" I mumbled, too confused and tired to think about what this dream or vision meant.

I continued to look around, trying to see if I could find anything, or more specifically, any creatures, but I heard nothing and saw nothing, mostly because of the fog.

It seemed that I was so focused on finding the answers to Tom's memories that I didn't even notice the change of location around me.

"A dream within a dream" I huffed, before laying down on the slightly damp floor, looking up at the stars above me which were the only visible things in this forest.

"My magic looks like it not only reacted to the Horcrux in the locket, it also connected with it" I muttered, thinking back to the memories implanted in my mind, "And that's both good and bad at the same time. Good because now I have a better understanding of Tom's past, even if it's not much, but bad because I don't know what other effects this connection might have on me"

Raising my right hand I started to look at it, remembering that it was the one I was holding the locket box with.

"Perhaps the Horcrux will start to affect my mind like it did with Ron and Harry on the Horcrux hunt" I said to myself, and immediately a grimace came over my face, before I sighed.

'I don't feel anything strange or wrong with me, so I guess the Horcrux couldn't get into my mind to manipulate me' I thought after doing a full body scan with my magical sense, 'But I'll just confirm that after some time, so until then I just have to keep doing the things I do'

And with that in mind, I took a deep breath before letting it out and relaxing, knowing there wasn't much I could do for now.

And as I relaxed I started trying to feel my surroundings, trying to get an idea of ​​how big the clearing I was in, and if there was anything nearby.

Just like all my other dreams, my abilities were limited, so I couldn't extend the range of my senses very far.

But with what I could feel, I realized that I was really alone, and that made me stop to think.

'Hmm, so I'm basically in an open field with no good view and nothing to do... Perfect' I thought.

And looking around at all the fog that covered my vision, I shook my head with a sarcastic look, 'I've heard of hazy dreams and visions, but I didn't think they would be like that'

'But well, I guess since there's nothing for me to do here, I just have to wait for this dream to end and I wake up' I thought.

And that's what I did, I waited.

I waited for this dream to end, and to pass the time I hummed or looked up at the stars.

But after a long time, which could have been hours or minutes, I realized it was going to take longer than I expected.

And because of that, I decided to close my eyes, trying to sleep and see if that way I could get out of this realm of dreams faster.

And trying is what I did, but it seemed that in this place it was impossible not to stay awake.

With my eyes closed, and not knowing what to do, I started to play with my senses, feeling the grass below me, the humid wind passing through my body.

But at a certain point I began to feel the fog surrounding me, feeling its coolness and dampness, realizing that it was like a cloud, the air, and the steam, but different too.

And as I thought about that, unconsciously my magic started to release, as if something was pulling it out of me.

When I realized that, I thought about suppressing my magic back, but whatever was controlling it had a gentle, familiar touch, and so I didn't stop it.

"Let it flow..." I heard a female whisper, which spoke in a calm and loving tone, "Don't think about the mist, think about the feeling of being free... The feeling of magic"

And for some reason I decided to listen to this mysterious voice, and just as it instructed, I let my magic out, not thinking about the mist but the feeling of being nothing but free.

And after a few seconds I felt a lightness come over me, and the voice whispered again.

"You did it my child..." she said with a touch of joy, "Now open your eyes... And be the mist"

And as soon as that voice faded I opened my eyes, realizing that I was now on my feet.

But even standing up I didn't feel like I was stepping on the ground, and because of that I looked down.

"Am I... Am I in mist form?" I wondered, lifting my arm to see him.

Looking at my arm I could see it kind of whole, like it was dissolving, but at the same time not.

With a strange look I closed my hand, feeling it. I then used my other hand to feel that arm, and strangely I could touch it.

'Huh, so the transformation failed' I thought, stepping back.

And the moment I did that I felt my body move in a way I wasn't used to.

And because of that instead of taking a step back, I actually ended up flying.

"Huh?!" I exclaimed in surprise, managing to stop my body.

And standing still, staring straight ahead in shock, I blinked.

"Wait... I just moved... In this form?" I asked myself, before looking down at my body again.

With a strange look I lifted my head, looking at a tree that was now close to me.

With a curious and confused look, I tried to walk, or better say, float to that tree, and very carefully not to go flying again I arrived in front of it.

Looking at the tree I focused on my hand, wanting to touch it.

And stretching out my hand I touched the tree, feeling its hard bark.

Pulling my hand back, I looked at it before thinking about the feeling of lightness I felt through my body.

And focusing on that sensation I slowly raised my hand to touch the tree again.

And as soon as my hand got close to it, I could see it dissolve like mist.

"Fuck" was the only thing I said.
