
Savage: The Night Wizard - (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

I was an ordinary boy with a simple life... That is, until the day I died... and now I don't even know what is common in my life anymore! But in reality... I prefer it like this. Who would like to be normal if you could be a wizard? Especially if you're the greatest wizard ever! Well... I don't. ****************************************** Also help me in Patrë-on /Se7enX, there are advanced chapters for you and it motivates me to write even more. Thanks for reading! ****************************************** Attention: I don't own Harry Potter or his world, and all of this belongs to JK Rowling. The only thing belonging to me are the OC's characters and some changes in the story.

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458 Chs

Chapter 246

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


When we got back to the castle after visiting Hogsmeade I was expecting Harry to come to me right away to get the answers to his questions, but unexpectedly he didn't.

I was confused, and even thought that something had happened, and that's why I went looking for him.

I found him with the help of the ATLAS on the Wooden Bridge with Ron and Hermione, and I stood in the distance looking at them curiously.

Using my enhanced hearing I overheard their conversation, and I realized that Harry was talking to them about what he found out about Black and his parents.

He also talked about the conversation we had and how I agreed to help him learn his own story.

I didn't want to continue eavesdropping on their conversation as I knew it was an invasion of privacy, but when I turned my back to leave I heard something that made me stop in my tracks.

Harry, with feelings of nervousness and fear, started talking about his feelings, about the things that had been stressing him out since the end of first year, and also about his nightmares.

I knew he was suffering mentally and emotionally from some doubts and indecisions, but hearing these things being said by Harry himself made me realize that his situation was actually worse than I thought.

I wasn't expecting the happy boy in awe of the wizarding world I saw in my first year to be under so much pressure and anguish. Nor would it get to the point where he would start to question his own morals.

Having heard enough of their conversation, I left, leaving the trio of friends to carry on with their conversation, knowing that Ron and Hermione would console Harry and help him with his problems in a way that neither I nor the Headmaster could.

Returning to the castle I felt an immense desire to destroy something. A willingness to release some emotions where I could also think in silence.

And knowing that I couldn't go to the Room of Requirement since Sirius was there, I immediately went to the Chamber of Secrets, the only other place in the castle I could cast destructive spells at will.

Today had been a very stressful day, and I just wanted to clear my mind by doing some training and blowing up some Salazar statues.


-Hogwarts Library – Monday after afternoon classes-

I was in the library looking for one of the Arithmancy books that Sue had recommended to me, and as I looked at the covers and titles of the books on the shelves, I heard a book hit the floor next to me.

Turning around, I saw a little blonde girl wearing Slytherin robes carrying several books in her arms. She was looking with an irritated pout at a book that was lying on the floor.

'Astoria…' ​​I thought, frowning.

Seeing her trying to pick up the book from the floor still holding the other books in her arms, I sighed, and then started walking towards her.

Coming in front of her I bent down and picked up the book, and Astoria looked up to look at whoever had taken the book for her.

"Thanks," she said, seeing that I was holding the book out to her.

"You're welcome" I said.

She then took the book, placing it on top of the pile of books she was carrying, and with all of them in her arms she started towards one of the empty tables in the library, and I could see how much effort she was making to carry all that Weight.

The books she was carrying weren't very heavy, but I could feel her weakness, and it made me frown.

'Sigh... I've already decided that I'm going to rid her of this Blood Malediction, but even so it's still sad to see her like this' I thought.

I then shook my head and walked over to her.

"Here, let me help you," I said after reaching her side, extending my hand in a gesture that showed her that I wanted her to hand me some books.

"Oh, don't worry, I can carry them myself" she said, but I could see her arms shaking.

"Yes, I can see that," I said sarcastically, and then without waiting for her to say anything else I took the books from her arms, surprising her.

I then started to walk towards the table, and Astoria stood there looking at my back.

Sensing that she wasn't following me I turned to her.

"Well, aren't you coming?" I asked, and Astoria blinked before nodding and following me.

"Thanks for helping me," she said as she reached my side, "My name is Astoria Greengrass, first year Slytherin'"

"My name is Ethan Night, third year Ravenclaw" I said, and then looked at her out of the corner of my eye, wanting to see her reaction when she realized I wasn't a pureblood.

"Are you Ethan Night?" She asked in surprise, "My sister talks about you a lot" she said, and that made me stop in my tracks.

"She talks?" I asked with a strange look.

'She won't even talk to me, why would she talk about me to her sister?' I asked myself confused.

"Yes, she does" Astoria replied, "Actually it's more like her complaining about you always getting better grades than hers" she shrugged, a wry smile on her face.

'That makes more sense, and yet it's surprising' I thought.

"I didn't know your sister cared so much about grades," I said, and Astoria snorted.

"As if" she said, "She studied a lot when she was home before coming to Hogwarts, and she thought she would be the best student in her year... But apparently things didn't go as she planned," she continued, now with an amused smile on her face.

"Yes" I chuckled, coming to the empty table, placing the books on top of it.

After that I turned to Astoria, looking at her with an analytical gaze.

"You know, you're very different from your sister, in a good way," I said.

"Really?" she asked cocking her head.

"Yes, you're more cheerful and talkative, and unlike her you show emotions other than a cold look of indifference" I shrugged.

"Oh... I see," she said. Astoria then looked at the floor with a frown, "Actually, I don't like it either when she acts indifferent and cold... It makes her look like she's a lifeless doll."

When Astoria said that, I could feel the sadness coming from her, and I realized that the phrase "lifeless doll" had a deeper meaning for her.

I then looked confused at Astoria, trying to understand the hidden meaning behind her sentence, and after a few seconds the answer came to my mind.

'Damn, that should have been obvious' I thought, feeling like smacking my forehead, 'For someone who is like a fragile doll whose days are numbered, to see someone so close acting so lifeless must be sad and frustrating'

Seeing how Astoria's head was down, I sighed and placed my hand on top of her head, causing her to look up at me.

"Don't worry, I promise you that I will try to get your sister to give up that cold facade" I said with a slight smile on my face.

"And how would you do that?" Astoria asked me.

"Well, I can try to get her to open up to me, or I can piss her off so much that she'll try to hex me... Either way she'll show some emotion" I shrugged, and Astoria chuckled

"Yes, I think that would work," she said, smiling at me, and I could tell she was grateful.

'Hmm, she reminds me of Lily' I thought, but then I shook my head.

"Well, enough about that" I said, and then looked at the books that were on the table, seeing that most were on Transfiguration and Charms, "From the books you picked up I can assume that you like Transfiguration and Charms, right?"

"Not really, I suck at those subjects" she said looking away sheepishly, "I'm good at Potions and History of Magic, but Transfiguration and Charms are two subjects I don't do very well... And unfortunately I have to finish my homeworks that Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick have given us before Christmas break arrives."

"Oh... Well, then why don't I help you with your homework?" I asked, and then looked at her with a proud smile, "I'm not trying to brag, but I'm one of the top students in my year in these subjects."

"Huh? Really? Would you help me?" she asked me, her eyes sparkling with anticipation and hope.

"Yes" I nodded amused at his expression.

"Thank you so much for that" she said hugging me, something that took me by surprise. She then broke the hug, and now she was looking at me smiling happily, "You don't know how relieved I am that you're going to help me with my homework"

"Oh, well... I'm glad to hear that," I said, but then looked at her questioningly, "But now I'm curious. Didn't you ask any housemates of yours for help?" I asked.

"I asked" she said with an annoyed pout on her face, "But either they were too busy or they didn't want to help me"

"And your sister?"

"Well... To tell you the truth I didn't ask her for help" she said looking away.

"Why not?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"Because she's really busy with her electives, and I didn't want to disturb her," she replied with a shrug.

"Sigh... Silly girl" I said with a slight wry smile, "As an older brother I can tell you with certainty that your sister would love to help you, and you obviously wouldn't disturb her"

"...Yes, I think maybe you're right" Astoria said looking to the side not quite convinced, and I sighed.

"Well, but there's no use thinking about it, now I'm here to help you" I said, and then I pulled up one of the chairs and sat down, "Come on, we have some homework to finish"

And listening to me, Astoria looked at me with a slight smile. She then sat down in the chair next to me, and I turned to her.

"So what homework do you want to do first?" I asked.

"Hmm" Astoria started thinking with her finger on her chin, "Maybe we start with Charms?" she asked.

"Perfect," I said, picking up the Charms books as I put the Transfiguration ones aside, "Now tell me, what do we have to do on this Charms homework of yours?"

Hearing my question, Astoria took some parchment, a quill, and an inkpot from her bag, placing them on the table.

She then took one of the parchments that had something written on it.

"Well, for starters we have to..."

And after that Astoria started telling me what we had to do and research for her homework, and with that my study afternoon became an afternoon helping an unexpected new friend.


-Later in the Great Hall - Dinner-

Daphne Greengrass and her friend Tracey Davis were having dinner at the Slytherin table when she saw her sister walk through the doors of the Great Hall.

She was so focused on her sister's happy expression that she didn't even notice that she had just said goodbye to an amber-eyed Ravenclaw student. She then saw her sister coming over to the Slytherin table, taking the seat next to her.

Her sister had a cheerful smile on her face, and that made Daphne raise a surprised eyebrow.

"Where have you been all afternoon? And why are you so cheerful?" she asked her sister, with her usual indifferent expression, though you could see a softer look in her eyes when she looked at Astoria.

"Oh, I was studying with my new friend." Astoria replied smiling as she picked up some scrambled eggs and sausage.

"New friend?" Daphne questioned, and then she looked around, trying to figure out which Slytherin her sister had befriended.

"Yes, I met him at the library today, and he helped me with my homework" Astoria said, and then a small mischievous smile started to creep across her face, "Actually you know him"

"Oh, do I know him?" Daphne asked, sipping some of her pumpkin juice.

"Yes, his name is Ethan Night" Astoria replied.

And Daphne who heard this, choked on her drink.

"Cough! Cough!... Ethan Night?!" she asked in shock, looking at her sister.

"Yep!" Astoria nodded, her lips twitching in amusement at the sight of her shocked, red-faced sister.

"That... You... what?!" Daphne said with a confused look, totally breaking her ice queen persona.

And seeing her sister in this state, Astoria started to laugh lightly.

'Well... Ethan promised me that he would make my sister show other expressions, and in a way he succeeded, even indirectly' Astoria thought with amusement.



(End AN: A few days ago I watched Puss in Boots 2, and I can say with conviction that this was one of the best animations I watched in the last 5 years.

Nowadays there aren't many movies that managed to move me and amuse me, but animated movies manage to make me smile, cry, and laugh, and that's why I say... Animated movies are better than regular movies.)