
Chapter 225

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


The rest of the Care of Magical Creatures class spent with Hagrid talking about everything he knew about Hippogriffs, letting the students pet them after showing their respects to the creatures, not that it was necessary since the hippogriffs were so focused on me that they didn't even seem to notice the other students' presence, even when they were being petted.

Hagrid also asked some simple questions about the laws of creating magical creatures, and I was pretty sure that part was required by the Headmaster.

If there's one thing I know about Hagrid, it's that even though he's a big gentle and fluffy, he's still a 'bit' irresponsible when it comes to the laws of creating magical creatures, as evidenced by Norberta, Fluffy, and Aragog.

But moving on...

The class continued as normally as my presence allowed, and because Hagrid was so focused on me and in the case of the Hippogriffs bowing, he didn't even offer us the option of riding a Hippogriff for a short flight, unfortunately.

But I didn't bother with that, as I knew where the Hippogriffs enclosure was, and I could ask them to take me flying anytime, obviously without letting the teachers find out.

When the class ended, all the students sadly said goodbye to the Hippogriffs, but I think the ones saddest with the end of the class were the Hippogriffs themselves when they realized I was leaving.

They only calmed down when I promised through Beast Talk that I would visit them again some other time.

But beyond this momentary sadness, all the students returned to the castle full of joy and good things to talk about Hagrid's class, which in my opinion, was really amazing.

And speaking of Hagrid, he stayed with the Hippogriffs saying he had to feed them, but I and probably the golden trio knew he just wanted to be alone so he could cry with happiness over the fact that his first class was a success.

Even some Slytherins came out of class saying some nice things about the lesson!

Obviously those in Malfoy's group said nice things begrudgingly, not forgetting to offend Hagrid in someway, but their feelings of anticipation didn't fool me.

Well, with that I can say that I'm happy for Hagrid, and that I can't wait for his next lesson and the creature he's going to show us.

Who knows if he continues like this he might actually be allowed to bring a dragon to one of his next lessons.


-Following day-

After my Transfiguration class with the Hufflepuffs, I was heading to the Great Hall for lunch, while reflecting on my Beast Power boost.

As I walked through the halls I noticed someone sitting in front of one of the windows, holding his knees to his chest and looking out at the castle.

I could feel the sadness and disappointment coming from this boy from miles awy, and looking closely at him I realized that this boy was Neville.

"What happened Nev?" I asked the boy, who turned to me startled, before relaxing to see it was me.

"Oh, hi Ethan," he said, and I noticed dry tear marks on his cheeks.

"Why were you crying?" I asked with a worried frown.

"I-It's nothing," he said, rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his robe.

"Try again," I said dryly, approaching him and sitting down opposite him, "You and I both know you're a terrible liar, so I'll ask you again… Why were you crying?" I asked, looking at him seriously.

Neville then looked at me for a moment with an uncertain face, before sighing.

"Snape," he whispered softly, as if he was afraid that mentioning the man's name would somehow summon him.

When Nev said Professor Snape's name, I immediately remembered that Gryffindor had double Potions this morning, and I grimaced.

"Oh" I said. I then saw Neville looking away in embarrassment, and I sighed, "Nev, tell me what happened"

Neville then looked at me for a few seconds before lowering his head and starting to talk about what Professor Snape had done.

Neville told me about how Professor Snape treated him badly in the Potion class, much worse than he ever had before, and how he threatened him and used Trevor, his toad, to test his potion.

Listening to all this I was silent for a few seconds. I then turned to Neville and started talking.

"Professor Snape probably knew your potion wouldn't poison your toad," I said, and Nev looked at me with a mixture of surprise and disappointment, probably because I defended Snape, "But I said 'probably.' I'm not sure about it, and even if I had, it still wouldn't change the fact that what he did was wrong, cruel and childish"

At those words of mine Neville's eyes widened, and then I put my hand on his shoulder.

"He's a teacher, and no matter if he's having a bad day, he should treat every student with the least decency. If he doesn't get that, he shouldn't even continue as a teacher," I said, seriously looking into the eyes of the shy boy in front of me.

"Talk to Professor McGonagall, she's your Head of House and Deputy Headmistress, and it's her job to solve this problem" I said, "And I'm sure if you explain everything to her, she'll talk to Professor Snape. Maybe she'll even teach him what self-control is like," I said with a sarcastic smile, and Nev laughed a little.

Nev then looked at me for a moment, and the small smile on his face was replaced by a sigh.

"But what if Professor McGonagall doesn't do anything?" he asked.

"She's going to do something," I said.

"But what if she doesn't?" he asked again, and I stopped to look at him, seeing uncertainty practically written all over his face.

"Well, in that case then you'd just have to talk to another teacher. Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout are also Head of House, and between the two of us, I'm sure Professor Flitwick would love to put Snape in his place," I said, winking at Nev at the end.

"And among the three Heads of House, and even the Headmaster, someone has to do something, or rather, someone MUST do something about Professor Snape's behavior," I said, and Neville seemed to think for a moment about what I'd said before sighing, in a mixture of relief and fear.

"O-Okay" he said, and then looked at me with brave eyes, "I-I'm going to talk to some professor about Professor S-Snape"

"Yeah, that's the Gryffindor courage I wanted to see!" I said happily, patting him on the shoulder proudly.

"B-But maybe after lunch" and he reverted back to his shy personality.

'Well that's a start' I shrugged.

I then took out my wand and cast a {Tempus}, seeing that lunch time was almost half over.

"Well then I guess we better get going soon, we don't want to arrive when desserts are being served, right?" I said smiling.

I then stood up, and held out my hand to Nev, helping him up.

"Oh, and don't care too much what Professor Snape says about you. He wouldn't be able to tell if someone is good or talented even if that person created a potion that raised the dead before his eyes," I said, and ignoring the shocked look Neville was giving me I kept walking, and after a while Neville recovered from the shock and followed me.


-Defense Against the Dark Arts Class-

On our first afternoon class we went to the DADA classroom, only for Professor Lupin to arrive and tell us to put away our books and follow him.

As we followed Professor Lupin to the Staffroom, we saw Peeves clogging the door lock of a room with gum.

We kept walking, and when we got within two meters of him, he turned to us, his eyes immediately falling on Professor Lupin, and when he started to open his mouth to taunt him, he saw me out of the corner of his eye.

With me looking at him with dangerously narrowed eyes, Peeves let out a startled cry, and under the gaze of the other students he turned and fled, not daring to look back.

The students then started looking at each other strangely, with confusion on their faces, and only Terry, Anthony and I knew why he had run away.

"Dude, that happened in our first year, and he's still scared of you," Terry commented beside me, and I just shrugged.

"And I hope it stays that way. I don't want my first big achievement in the wizarding world to be figuring out a way to destroy a Poltergeist," I said, and Terry and Anthony both looked at me strangely.

"I don't know what's scarier, you saying that or me not doubting that you would actually do it," Anthony said, and I turned to him with an innocent smile on my face.

I then looked ahead and noticed that Professor Lupin was looking at me with a raised eyebrow, and I shrugged my shoulders at him with a mysterious smile on my face.

'Werewolf hearing... Cool' I thought.

Professor Lupin then decided to put the matter aside for the time being, but inside he was curious to know what I had done to scare Peeves, something that no student and no teacher has been able to do.

Professor Lupin continued to guide us through the corridors, until we arrived in front of the Staffroom door. He then opened the door and told us to come in.

The Staffroom was a long room, with many old chairs, tables and even sofas scattered around it. The room felt old but cozy, and the only person who was in the room when we entered it there was Professor Snape, who was sitting reading a book.

But I didn't pay attention to him, as what caught my attention was a wardrobe that was leaning against one of the walls of the room, and I could feel the magic of a Boggart coming from inside it.

'Hmm, now that I think about it, isn't it a bit stupid and cruel for Professor Lupin to make us face our biggest fears in front of the whole class?' I wondered.

I actually have this opinion because I know that some people are afraid of embarrassing things they wouldn't want anyone to know about.

And I have no doubt that there are also some students who would love to know what their classmates' biggest fear is, just to have more reason to tease and even scare them.

And with that said, Malfoy came to mind, reminding me that he would try to dress up as a Dementor just to scare and harm Harry at one of Gryffindor's Quidditch matches.

'Hmm, but on the logical side having many people in the room makes the mission to defeat Boggart easier' I shrugged, and then looked around, 'Well, now I just need to stay at the end of the line so I don't have to face the Boggart'



(End AN: Of all the books, series, anime, movies and comics you've watched and read, who do you think is the biggest villain of all these works?

A lot of people say Joker, others Darth Vader, but I'd like to know your opinion.)