
Chapter 178

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


Even though I was very surprised by Marcel using Magic Insight, and with many questions running through my mind, I still kept watching to his memories, hoping to find some answers.

The memories passed quickly, with often skipping days or weeks, and in one of those many memories I saw how Marcel added his memories to this diary.

At the end of a day, in which Marcel spent the whole afternoon reading the books he had ordered, I saw him pick up his diary, which happens to be the same diary I am in possession of now.

Marcel used his wand to pull a silver thread, like a mist, from his head, and I knew those were his memories. He then placed the memory in the diary, where it was absorbed.

I still don't know what spell, rune or enchantment Marcel used to make the diary store and display memories, but what I've seen here shows just how smart and determined Marcel is.

Not only did Marcel achieve this feat, he also spent day and night studying and taking notes about his experiments, but I didn't know what for.

"Hmm...no, that blood is still very diluted" I heard Marcel speak.

He was at a workbench, with various items around him, most of them for potions or nursing.

Was what Marcel was doing now an attempt to divide... Well, an attempt to separate something from a creature's blood.

I have no idea what he wanted to get from that blood, and I even tried to read those books of his over his shoulder, but unlike him, my Magic Vision doesn't allow me to understand all languages.

'Sigh, if only this language was a magic language' I thought.

"Where am I going wrong?" Marcel muttered in frustration. He then picked up one of the books that had a black cover with blue accents and a drawing of a crow on the front.

"It can't be the enchantment… And it's not the blood or the creature either, so what's causing this experiment to fail? The spell should have been able to distinguish the blood, so what's missing?" he wondered, but then I saw his eyes widen, "Wait... The blood... It's also magical!" Marcel exclaimed.

He then got up quickly and ran to his bookshelf, where he picked up two small books with black covers with dark red accents.

"Magic blood, magical blood" Marcel muttered, flipping through the pages, "I found it" he said.

"Hate and anger, rancor and suffering, pain and revenge. Many things are capable of awakening a latent desire in a wizard, but only the worst and strongest feelings can allow them to use all their magic and the blood of their enemies to his advantage" Marcel muttered, quoting an excerpt from the book, and as he did, I was looking at the title of the other book.

"Curses of Body and Soul, by V. Krystovich?" I muttered, recognizing the name of somewhere.

'Isn't that the name of a Russian dark wizard from the 11th century?' I thought, but I decided to put that aside and continued to pay attention to what Marcel was saying.

"Magic, just like when we were children, will act based on our emotions, and with that, it will itself become the executioner of the one our negative emotions were directed at" Marcel then stopped to catch his breath, and I looked over his shoulder to read the book with him.

"Chapter 23, Blood" I muttered.

"With your magic recognizing the target, with the right equipment and preparations, and with certain conditions met, the blood and flesh of the one we want to see pain will be cursed, and that curse will run through your soul, and your offspring, thus making the curse an incurable virus, that will hit the enemy's entire family." Marcel continued reading.

"Another name given to these curses, which annihilated many families and kingdoms, is..."

""Blood Malediction"" Marcel and I said together, with him gaining a satisfied, excited look and me gaining a terrified look.

"What?" I asked out loud.

And before I had time to reflect on what I'd just seen, Marcel's memories shifted again.

"Hmm, very quick and not very painful," Marcel said, crossing something out of his journal.

I quickly looked around, and saw that we weren't at Marcel's house anymore.

We were in a closed place, like a chamber, or a cave, it's hard to explain as the place was dimly lit and I was paying attention to other things.

In addition to some items, ingredients, and books that were scattered around a table, this chamber also had several cages with many magical and non-magical creatures.

In the center of the chamber was a stone platform, with some runic symbols carved into it. On that bloodstained platform lay a wolf cub and a large wolf, which was probably one of his parents, obviously dead.

It didn't take long for me to understand what was going on.

"You worm," I growled, glaring at Marcel, even though I knew everything here was a memory and he couldn't see me or hear me.

From the amount of blood on the altar, and the many empty cages with traces of other creatures, it was easy to discover that this family of wolves were not the first creatures Marcel sacrificed in his experiment.

"Even though the effects weren't what I wanted, at least now I know how to eliminate one part of the blood, and how to awaken the other," Marcel said, a happy smile on his face as he burned the wolves' bodies at the altar.

"Just wait for me mom, I'll still find you." Marcel said, to my momentary confusion. He then looked at his journal, "And wait for me 'daddy', I'm still going to destroy your life and everything you've built" he said with a sadistic look on his face.

Following his gaze, I saw something that startled me.

The journal had several notes on Blood Maledictions, talking about how to cast them, what the criteria were, and what effects these curses would have on the affected family.

"Holy shit…" I muttered, "You're a fucking crazy bastard," I said, trying to remember when that kid who loved to read under a tree became a sadistic psychopath.

"How can someone like you have the Magic Insight?..." I started to say, but then I remembered what the Flamels had told me about Magic Insight.


"You know, Ethan, every wizard and witch who has the Magic Insight has always been involved at the center of some important event in the world, both wizard and muggle. Penny and I think awakening Magic Insight is a way for magic to tell us that wizard who awakened him will do big things in the future" he said.

"And the Headmaster wasn't one of those people," I muttered, making Nick sigh.

"I know, I also expected Albus to have this ability. But Magic Insight doesn't choose a hero or a great wizard, it chooses someone who will change the world, whether positively or negatively."


"Well... Fuck," I said, "The big thing Marcel is going to do, or rather, did, was create and annotate all these Blood Maledictions, and for some reason, I'm pretty sure these curses didn't just remain stored and noted in this diary."

As I thought about the ramifications of what Marcel just did, I started to think about something.

"Wait... If even someone who created an dark spell or an curse is considered important and can have the Magic Insight, then that means many dark wizards have awakened him..." I said to myself.

"Hah, come to think of it, I don't doubt that Herpo the Foul was one of the people who awakened the Magic Insight" I said to myself.

'Sigh, things are only going from bad to worse' I thought.



(End AN: Today is my dad's birthday, and today my sister also had a family lunch to reveal the gender of her baby.

I had made a bet with my mother that my sister's baby would be a girl, and I won that bet, hehe.

I was 100% sure that I was right and that I would win the bet, and now that I got it right, I feel like I've discovered a dormant gift.)