
Savage Saga Part 5 Savage VS The Military Part 1

The events with Nightmare and Fear are over however the aftermath begins and how will things be now that those events are over?

Vindog_Lewis · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Page 11

Savage looks down at her in disgust goes to her then beats the shit out of her he then kicks her to the ground she says "WHY FATHER I LOVE YOU!" Savage extends his hand out createing an Energy attack he says "I don't care I would never be with a daughter of mine what you did to me and made me do will never be forgiven you disgust me and so I will destroy you here and now" Jade says "If I wasen't your daughter would you have loved me father?" Savage says "Maybe" She says "Why was I so weak?" He says "You never trained now die!" Savage destroys Jade then leaves Hell with the three girls. Jade's soul was rebuilt in a new body unrelated to Savage and retained all of her abillites and everything else she smiles and says "I'll be with you again real soon my darling" Jade retook her place as Ruler of Hell and trained to become even stronger then Savage was. However the Lone Wolf stayed with Savage because she had nowhere else to go she watched how he treated both Insanity and the Spider Goddess. One day they made a mistake but Savage simply said "It's ok to make mistakes every mistake helps us learn" Savage forgave them when she made a mistake Killer would yell at her and beat her to a pulp then insult her. However Savage was kind to the girls understanding careing and loved them both he even treated the Lone Wolf well and far better then Killer ever treated her. She began to devlop feelings for Savage which grew until she became one of his lovers.