
Savage Saga part 21 Full Savageverse

This is the entire Savageverse combined for those who want to enjoy it all together instead of in the original broken down version.

Vindog_Lewis · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Page 13

That only served to make him that much greater well Monster Everlasting Rage topped it all off like a cherry on top of a massive ice cream sundae thus Perfect Savage was far greater then ever. He made the ten Savage's look like pushovers and soon beat them all he then looks at Omniversal Angel and Omniversal Savage then says "Take your friends and leave this universe is off limits!" Omniversal Angel yells out "HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO MY DARLING FAILURE SAVAGE!" She attacks and manages to bring Perfect Savage to his knees effortlessly she says "You are nothing" That's when his eyes change they become blue he backhands her sending her to the pavement she says "What are you?" He says "I am Savage Everlasting and this is my home universe that you tried to conquer that was the greatest mistake you've ever made" She goes all out and attacks he is pushed back but counters with a tail slap she says "You hit like a girl!" He says "I am still not completely used to this form yet" she kicks him in the balls then uppercuts him before hitting the back of his skull with a spin kick she smiles however his eyes turn green as he powers up becomeing a new version she says "What are you?" He says "I am Savage Everlasting Perfection" with a single tail slap he defeats her then looks at Omniversal Savage the other ten Savage's ask for his help he smiles then destroys them he says "Your not strong enough to live" Savage Everlasting Perfection says "You killed your own friends do you have any shame?"