
Chapter 41: Jeremy Stanton vs. Ryan Hicks Feral attraction in the midst of hatred… Back to school!


Ryan came awake to delicious wetness on his face. He opened his eyes and saw a huge wolf licking his face. Jeremy. Ryan came wide awake and giggle through their link.

‘Isn’t it too early to be awake?’ He purred, enjoying the feel of that amazing tongue on his coat.

‘It’s actually late prof.’ Jeremy nibbled under Ryan’s neck. ‘You’ll be late for lectures if you don’t get ready now.’

‘Oh snap.’ Ryan groaned as he jumped up and stretched.

‘Hey, don’t forget our plan to go for a run.’ Jeremy said nuzzling Ryan’s neck, breathing in his well-loved scent.

‘It’s a date.’ Ryan said and promptly grimaced. To think his first date was going to be as a wolf.

‘We can always go on a real human date.’ Jeremy said softly.