
Satan's Journey After Reincarnation[放开]

Who told you that Satan has no end? Everything that has a beginning also has an end. But. . . Is that really the end of satan? --------------- Satan who ruled hades for over centuries ago has grown weak over time, so weak that he no longer had the power to rule his kingdom and control the earth as he always did. And so because of how weak he had grown, his ministers teamed up and destroyed his life, throwing him into the pit of nothingness. But is this actually the end of Satan or was this a mere wishful thinking of his enemies? ------------------ It's a must-read!! This book is all about Satan's reincarnation and his adventures.

Ruby_banks02 · Fantasi
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Taking Him Home

After the phenomenon that occurred years back when the space cracked open and Elsarro was invaded by monsters and super beings, life afterwards changed. The once ordinary Elsarro planet became a place of superpowers and humans suddenly began to do extraordinary things — Things they weren't able to do before. Soon after, beings like vampires, werewolves, elves and many more appeared as well.

Ebba town is the smallest town in the whole of Elsarro with only two villages, Allenwood and white village. Linda was born and brought up in Allenwood — A very small village with fewer developments. Of all the towns on planet Elsarro, Ebba town was the only town without superpowers. When the other towns were able to awaken their superpowers, Ebba town failed.

Kendra, Gale, Delphine and Silver towns were the only towns with superpowers, humans who could do things the ordinary humans couldn't.

But even at that, the people in Allenwood didn't fail to live well, people like Linda who cherished her life, family and work. Despite the low pay, she didn't fail to do her job perfectly. As a person who loved books, she tried so hard to educate herself with books her friends got her from the big towns. With the help of her friends, she was able to school in one of the towns for just a year and because of how smart she is, she made it and became a nurse.

The moment the small infirmary was built in Allenwood by their town head, she was among the first people to be employed. And because of how knowledgeable she is, they paid her more than the others.

Later in the day, the young lady left the infirmary as earlier said. Linda didn't try to persuade her because she knew it was pointless. The young lady had already made up her mind and no one could make her change it, the only thing was to help her by allowing her to leave the place.

After the lady might have left, Linda rushed her work so that she could finish on time and focus on the baby. The other nurse persisted and kept following her around to make her change her mind but she already had her mind made up and she wasn't ready to change it. The nurse out of frustration left her angrily, this made Linda more confused but then she thought the nurse was being overcaring which seemed suspicious.

After she was done with her day's work, she packed her things and left with the baby. Her home was only an hour's journey from the infirmary and so she boarded a cab as soon as she left the place and headed straight home.

When she got home, an elderly woman was sitting outside of an apartment, the moment the woman saw her younger version, she stood up and went to welcome her.

"Linda, my dear," she called as she hugged her younger version.

"Mother," Linda called as she returned the hug.

"You look so pale already," the woman said as she stared at her daughter. While she was staring at her, her eyes fell on the baby wrapped in a cloth. "Whose child is that? I know that my daughter isn't in any relationship and you weren't pregnant before you left home two days ago so how come you are returning with a child?" The woman asked with a look of confusion on her old face.

While the woman was talking, Linda was trying her best not to laugh at her and so she waited until she finished talking before she could burst out. "Mother, you are funny!" She said as she laughed.

"Keep laughing until your belly tears open," the woman replied and turned around, she stormed into the house.

"Oops!" Linda muttered and hurried into the house." Mother! don't mind me, I won't laugh again," she said as she approached her mother who had her hands folded and a frown on her face. "Come on, mother. . ."

"Are you going to tell me now?" The woman asked.

"Yes, yes!" Linda hastily replied and went to sit down next to her mother. "Do you remember the pregnant lady I told you about in our last call?" She asked after sitting down.

"The one you said is having difficulty in giving birth?" Her mother asked back.

"Yes, that one. . . She finally delivered during the morning time but. . ." Linda paused as a sad look appeared on her face.

"Did she die?" Her mother who noticed the look on her daughter's face asked.

Women dying during childbirth were common in the village and so the woman was expecting it to be why her daughter looked sad.

"No mother, she didn't die," Linda replied with a sigh.

"Then what happened, tell me at once!" The woman who was becoming impatient said.

"After delivering this baby, she rejected him. She said she didn't want him and I could do anything I want with him," Linda replied with another sigh.

"But why? I haven't seen where a woman gives birth and then rejects the baby," the woman said with confusion written all over her face.

"Mother, honestly, I don't know and she refused to tell me anything. She only wanted to leave the infirmary as soon as possible."

"And so you decide to take care of him?"

"Yes, mother! I wish to take care of him as my child," Linda replied and looked down at the baby in her arms. The boy was sleeping soundly in her arms. "Hope you won't say no?" She turned and asked her mother.

"My child, if you wish to take care of him, I won't say no. The boy is innocent and doesn't deserve to be maltreated, I just hope we will be able to provide his daily needs."

"Don't worry about that mother, I will do my best to see that he grows well," Linda replied.

"Very well then," the woman said as her way of ending the matter. "By the way, I've prepared dinner, make sure to have some and rest well," she added as she stood up.

"Thanks, mother! I'll rest well, besides, tomorrow is the weekend and so I have enough time to rest," Linda replied and watched as her mother smiled and went into one of the rooms. "Darling, don't worry, I'll be a good mother to you and so you won't have to worry about not having a mother to take care of you," she mumbled as she caressed the sleeping baby's face.

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