
Satan's Journey After Reincarnation[放开]

Who told you that Satan has no end? Everything that has a beginning also has an end. But. . . Is that really the end of satan? --------------- Satan who ruled hades for over centuries ago has grown weak over time, so weak that he no longer had the power to rule his kingdom and control the earth as he always did. And so because of how weak he had grown, his ministers teamed up and destroyed his life, throwing him into the pit of nothingness. But is this actually the end of Satan or was this a mere wishful thinking of his enemies? ------------------ It's a must-read!! This book is all about Satan's reincarnation and his adventures.

Ruby_banks02 · Fantasi
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2 Chs

His Birth

~Nyee, nyee, nyee~

The cry of a newborn baby filled the entire room as a baby boy dyed in blood came out of the womb of a young lady.

"Miss, congratulation. . . Your baby has arrived!" A nurse happily said to the young lady.

"What baby!" The young lady weakly spat as she stared at the innocent baby in disgust.

The nurse as expected was taken aback by the young lady's outburst but then she quickly collected herself and put back her usual smile.

"Miss, it took you 48 hours to deliver this child, have you forgotten?" She asked still smiling.

"I didn't forget!" The young lady replied.

"Then why are you upset? Aren't you supposed to be happy?" The nurse questioned with a confused look on her face.

"That it took me 48 hours to deliver this child is one of the reasons to hate him. This child is nothing but a curse to me, I don't know how I got pregnant with him but I regret having him as a child!" Anger, hate, disgust and sadness filled the young lady as she spoke. It was vividly clear that she hated the baby but no one knew why.

The nurse after she might have heard what the young lady said, sighed, not for anything but for the fact that the lady was pained. She looked at her and she felt pity for her, she knew nothing about the lady or what happened that led to all this but she knew for sure that she wasn't going to look after this child.

"Miss, what then do you want?" The nurse asked after a moment of silently watching the young lady.

"I want to leave this place, you can take the child, kill him, throw him away. . . Or anything at all but I don't want him!" The young lady responded.

The nurse who suddenly had nothing to say to the young lady quietly wrapped the baby in a clean cloth and then left the room with the boy. After some minutes, she returned without the baby but was holding a set of clean clothes.

"Although I don't know what has happened to you in the past, but after thinking about it, I decide there's no point blaming you or getting upset. Here are some clean clothes, change into them after cleaning yourself and then you can leave. As for the baby, I'll see to it that he lives well," the nurse said while handing the clothes to the young lady.

The young lady collected the clothes without saying a word and so the nurse had to leave the room after letting out a sigh.

Outside of the room, a nurse was waiting by the door and so after the particular nurse walked out of the room, the other one rushed over to her.

"Linda, what are you going to do now?" She asked, looking panicked. "The baby has been crying since you left him in the other room," she added.

"I need to go see him," Linda replied and walked away, leaving the other nurse completely to her thoughts. As if forgetting something, the nurse ran off in the same way Linda took.

Getting to the room, Linda rushed and carried the child who had been crying since she left him to attend to his mother.

"I'm here now, you can stop crying," she mumbled as she stared at the baby with loving eyes. The baby feeling the warm embrace stopped crying and opened his eyes to stare at the person carrying him. "You've got pretty yellow eyes," she mumbles in admiration, "Wonder who got them from."

The baby seeing the smile on the woman's face, stretched out his little hand to touch her face, the nurse in response, brought her face down to his reach and then he touched her face.

"Linda! You sure are a fast walker," the other nurse spoke as she walked into the room where Linda and the baby is.

"I was rushing to carry the child," Linda replied without looking up to see the nurse.

"It's no problem, I can understand," the nurse replied and walked closer to the woman and child. "So back to our discussion, what are you going to do with this baby?" She asked as her eyes fell on the baby.

"I don't know, I've got no idea for now," Linda replied with a heavy voice but even at that, she didn't stop smiling at the baby.

"My dear, you should come up with an idea. . . Maybe, take him to some orphanage or something, I could be of help, you know," the nurse stated.

"How?" Linda asked, looking up to meet the nurse's gaze.

"I know some orphanages for babies and kids, it's a nice place and I'm sure they'll be able to take good care of him," the nurse responded.

Linda after hearing what her co-nurse said turned and looked at the baby, his loving yellow eyes directly focused on her. She would have loved to take care of the child but she knew she wasn't up to the task, her nursing work only paid her ten silver coins a month because the infirmary she works in is built in a village and everyone knows that life in a village is not funny. She was even lucky to be paid the highest amount — the other nurses are being paid six silver coins monthly while she is paid ten and so as a result of this, she slowly became hated by some of her co-workers.

"You aren't saying a word," the nurse said, interrupting her thoughts. "What's your say on this?" She added.

"I wish I have a choice but I don't," Linda replied sadly. Staring at the baby one last time, she sighed and handed him to the nurse who stretched out her hands to carry him but just as she was about to carry him, the baby began to cry.

The nurse frowned slightly but that didn't go unnoticed by Linda who pulled back her hands, "See, the baby doesn't want to go," she spoke. "Since it has gotten to this, I might as well just take care of him."

"But Linda, you know that training a kid ain't easy, especially a boy. You are yet to feed yourself and your family and still, you are bent on adding more problems to your head? Come on, sis, think about it," the nurse urged, trying to persuade Linda to change her mind but what she didn't know is that once the latter makes up her mind, nothing could make her go back on her words.

"Dear, I understand that you care about me and don't wish bad for me but don't worry okay? You don't have to remind me of how poor I am and of how difficult it is for me to take care of my family. I've been surviving and so this time around, I'll survive, not just me but him as well," Linda replied and then pointed to the baby during her last statement.

After talking, she adjusted the baby boy and then walked out of the room, leaving the nurse with a complicated look on her face.


AN: Hello guys, it's your author here(Author Ruby). I've come up with another masterpiece and I'm hoping you all enjoy it as much as I do. Well, are you guys tired of the normal OP Satan? Don't worry, this one is different. I won't say much but just sit tight and watch as things unfold. Warning: This book is slow paced but it'll be worth the wait, get your PS and of course, GT ready to vote ;-)

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