
Sasuke in Runeterra (League Of Legends)

2 years after the 4th Great Ninja War, Sasuke continued his research on Kaguya. What would happen if he found himself in one of her dimensions where life exist but the world was completely different? World : League Of Legends aka Runeterra, also Genshin impact but later. Otsutsuki elements from Naruto. Little harem (3-4 girls not more) but one main ship. Sasuke x Ahri Timeline : During Ionia's invade by Noxus. Even if you don't know League of Legends, you can still read. Nothing belongs to me, each element belongs to their respective authors.

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11 Chs

6 - The Two Vastaya

Sasuke's confusion quickly turned to concern as he realized the gravity of the situation. Two rebels infiltrating the prison could mean chaos and danger for everyone inside, including the imprisoned Vastaya.

Without hesitation, Sasuke sprang into action, his senses on high alert as he made his way towards the source of the alarm. He moved swiftly and silently, his steps echoing through the corridors.

As he rounded a corner, Sasuke came face to face with one of the rebels. She has animals characteristics, her fierce gaze meeting his with determination and resolve. He knew it was her, because only guards are at liberty.

'Vastaya? Would she have come for her own people?' Sasuke looks at the Vastaya with curiosity, his appearance is still that of a guard.

"Who are you?" Sasuke demanded, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword.

The rebel didn't answer, her eyes narrowing as she assessed him. The Vastaya felt a powerful energy from the man in front of her. We can see purple feathers stuck between her fingers.

'Just one guard is not a problem, I have to hurry, Rakan won't last long'

But before Sasuke could react, the rebel lunged at him, she swung the feathers with deadly precision, with clear murderous intent.

Sasuke dodged her blows with practiced ease, his Sharingan guiding his movements as he parried her feathers with his sword.

Having had enough of his appearance, Sasuke reverts to his original form. His single arm could easily block these feathers, the Kusanagi sword is very durable.

A look of surprise could be seen on the face of the rebel, who immediately threw a flurry of feathers. She didn't want to waste any more time than that.

Sasuke thinks this fight is useless, this woman mistook him for a guard, he had no reason to confront her.

"Amenotejikara..." He whispered, instead of Sasuke, there was now a feather while he found himself in front of the stunned woman.

´Impossible, space magic? Shadow Order followers possess shadow magic, so how can a guard can use it !?'

In her stupor, the woman found herself pinned to the ground with a sword pointed at her neck. Sasuke had knocked the Vastaya down with just a well-placed leg kick.

"Your objective is the prisoners, right?" Sasuke looked at her with pity. It was probably an unforeseen impasse in their plans, although he had no intention of preventing them.

The rebel's eyes blazed with defiance, but she remained silent, refusing to answer his question.

But before he could press her further, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed down the corridor. More guards were coming, drawn by the commotion.

With a frustrated curse, Sasuke knocked the rebel unconscious with a swift blow to the head, his mind racing with thoughts of his next move.

He couldn't afford to be caught in the middle of a fight with the guards, he can always ask this person if she know the Otsutsuki symbol.

With the unconscious rebel slung over his shoulder, Sasuke melted into the shadows, his movements swift and silent as he slipped away from the approaching guards.

As he made his escape, Sasuke threw Vastaya to the ground, waking her up from the sudden shock. He will not be lenient towards a person who tried to kill him. Unlike the fox woman, this one showed obvious murderous intent and disdain.

He pulled out an Otsutsuki symbol from his storage while pointing his sword at the woman on the ground.

"Do you know this symbol? You better answer honestly." Sasuke's cold and dominant voice echoed down the hall.

The Vastaya remained silent, refusing to answer the man.

"Okay, listen to me. Either you respond, or you suffer. Someone is waiting for you, am I right?" Sasuke didn't miss the change of emotions on the woman's face, "Do you know, yes or no ?"

"I think I've seen this symbol somewhere before..."The Vastaya finally resigned herself to answering, Sasuke's eyes showing astonishment.

"Where..."Before Sasuke could respond, a voice boomed towards him.

"LET HER OFF, YOU DIRTY BASTARD !!" A rush of gold seemed to rush towards him, Sasuke prepared to fight.

'Probably her sidekick...' Sasuke mentally sighed as he already saw the problems coming.


Rakan POV:

Rakan's heart pounded with worry as he waited outside the prison, his ears strained for any sign of Xayah's return. Time seemed to stretch on endlessly, each moment feeling like an eternity as he paced back and forth, his thoughts consumed by fear and uncertainty.

Rakan's role was to attract the attention of the guards while Xayah took care of rescuing the Vastayas.

"She should have been back by now," Rakan muttered to himself, his fists clenched with frustration. "What's taking her so long?"

As the minutes ticked by, Rakan's concern only grew, his mind racing with a thousand possibilities of what could have gone wrong. He knew Xayah was more than capable of handling herself, but the thought of her facing danger alone sent a shiver down his spine.

Finally, unable to bear the waiting any longer, Rakan made a decision. With a determined set to his jaw, he set off towards the prison, his wings shimmering with golden light as he soared through the night sky.

Arriving at the prison, Rakan wasted no time in finding his way inside. He moved swiftly, his senses on high alert as he navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the fortress.

As he rounded a corner, Rakan's heart froze in his chest at the sight before him. There, in the dimly lit corridor, stood a stranger and Xayah on the ground,

the stranger's sword pointed at his beloved's throat

Rakan's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as he took in the scene before him. Anger bubbled up inside him like a raging inferno, his feathers bristling with fury as he realized what had happened.

"LET HER OFF, YOU DIRTY BASTARD !!" Rakan rushed towards the stranger with fury, he will not forgive anyone who touches his love.

As Rakan rushed towards Sasuke with fury blazing in his eyes, Sasuke's instincts kicked in, his body moving on pure reflex as he braced himself for the incoming attack.

Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation, his mind racing with possibilities. He had no desire to fight these strangers, but it seemed he was not willing to listen to reason.

As Rakan closed the distance between them, Sasuke raised his sword in a defensive stance, his eyes locking with Rakan's in a silent challenge.

But before Rakan could reach him, Xayah intervened, her voice cutting through the tension like a blade.

"Rakan, wait!" Xayah's voice was urgent as she pushed herself up from the ground, her eyes pleading with Rakan to stand down.

Rakan hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between Xayah and Sasuke. He trusted Xayah with his life, but he couldn't ignore the threat posed by the stranger before him.

"He doesn't seem to be a guard," Xayah looked at Sasuke suspiciously, "who are you?" He disguised himself as a guard and then in the middle of the fight, he transformed again. That's why she suspects he's not a guard.

Sasuke met Xayah's gaze, his expression unreadable as he weighed his options. He knew he needed to diffuse the situation before it escalated any further.

"I'm not your enemy," Sasuke said finally, his voice calm but firm. "I don't care about your objective or who you're here for. I just need information about this symbol." He held up the Otsutsuki symbol, his eyes never leaving Xayah's.

Xayah's eyes narrowed as she studied the symbol, a flicker of recognition crossing her features before she quickly masked it.

"I've seen it before," Xayah admitted reluctantly, her voice low. "But I can't help you. I don't remember where it came from."

Before Sasuke could press her further, a new voice echoed down the corridor, drawing everyone's attention.

"Someone touch my man?" Ahri's voice was laced with amusement as she sauntered into view, her tails swaying behind her in a provocative manner.

Sasuke's expression darkened as he took in the woman cocky attitude, his annoyance evident as he shifted uncomfortably under her gaze.

'Where the hell does she come from ? She's worth than a stalker, she's crazy.' Sasuke was in a cold sweat, why is she here? How did she find his trail?

"I don't belong to anyone," Sasuke retorted sharply, his tone cold and dismissive. "And I have no interest in whatever petty games you're playing."

Ahri's smirk only widened at Sasuke's response, her eyes gleaming with mischief as she stepped closer to him.

"Oh, I think you'll find I'm playing a game you'll want to join," Ahri purred, her voice dripping with honeyed sweetness. "But first, let's deal with these two." She nodded towards Xayah and Rakan, her eyes alight with anticipation.

Sasuke's irritation grew with each passing moment, but he knew he couldn't afford to let his emotions get the better of him. He needed to stay focus, he finally managed to find a clue about the Otsutsuki after 2 years, he couldn't let go of such an opportunity.

Ignoring Ahri's provocations, Sasuke turned back to Xayah and Rakan, his expression unreadable as he addressed them once more.

"I don't want to fight," Sasuke said firmly. "But I need answers. Tell me what you know about this symbol, and I'll leave you in peace."

Xayah exchanged a wary glance with Rakan before nodding slowly, her expression guarded but resigned.

"I don't really know anything, I just know that I've seen it before. Maybe in Navori you will find answers."

Rakan was still looking at Sasuke angrily, not having forgotten that he had beaten his wife.

"Thanks, the prisoners are in that direction. There shouldn't be any guards." Sasuke put the symbol away without forcing anymore, staying here any longer will attract unnecessary problems.

'Navori then...' He ignored the three and began heading towards the exit of the fortress without losing time.

The two Vastayas seemed surprised by his statement, they didn't think he would be non-hostile against them.

"Hey, don't leave me, wait for me dear~!" Before leaving, Ahri winked at the couple before chasing after Sasuke, leaving a speechless Rakan.

"Why are you looking at her like that?" Xayah looked at Rakan with a murderous look, making him sweat in panic.

"No-nothing, lets keep our mission darling, remember ? Hahaha..." He laughed nervously, trying to avoid the subject. Rakan was thinking about the man.

'Even if you're an asshole, take care of the woman who's chasing you.'