
Sasuke Arashiden

Realising I, was born as Sasuke Filthy Uchiha, from the hell called naruto, I pleaded towards the god like any sane person would do. Their were good, bad and terrible news. Goodnews: He agree to give me an early power boost by unlocking Sasuke (which is now me) MS early and an then swapping it with Fugaku, giving me EMS early on which I can able to use. Bad news:I can't get access to Rinnegan or Indra chakra. Terrible news:I can not follow the cannon event and face events that not supposed to happened due to butterfly effect and I have to tolerate Konoha 12 and their sensei due to some sick joke. "Now I sympathised why he left village." All well, I can't complain after having EMS, and surely things won't be this difficult right? Note:1000-1500 words per chapter. ·Boruto and Naruto the Last events will not happened, so no aliens fight. ·Story events will began to differ after first Arc, thanks to butterfly effect cause by MC. ·RR means re-rewritten while number attached suggest amount of times I done it(the more the better). Plot however stays the same regardless.

DaoistcaqwL5 · Komik
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45 Chs

Operation Cooperation(3) (RR1)

Sakura's face went pale, trying to hold her tears. Naruto was puzzled over Sasuke's sudden attack on Sakura but didn't dare to argue.

Although Sasuke seemed to be berating them, no one knew their potential better than he did, which was only held down by their personality and mentality.

If he was going to stay with them, both their personality and mentality had to change.

"Listen, unlike you guys, being shinobi is not a joke to me."

"Just as Naruto has a goal, I have a goal, which I am serious at reaching, so if you guys keep fooling around and don't cooperate, don't blame me for being harsh towards you two." Sasuke said to them, making himself clear with his stance.

Surprisingly, Naruto nodded

While he did not like Sasuke's rotten attitude and his recent harsh remarks, he somewhat understands the frustration he feels, just like how Naruto felt when he was not able to do clone technique, which prevented him from becoming a shinobi which ultimately could had stopped him from becoming Hokage.

Sasuke, seeing him nod, decided to give the olive tree:"Other than what the Academy taught, I know my clan's taijutsu and shurikenjutsu, as well as a strong jutsu usually learned by Chūnin called Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique"

"I only know how to do Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu." Naruto revealed, willing to cooperate with his so-called rival, for now.

Sasuke looked at Sakura, expecting her to answer.

"Honestly, I did not learn more than what the Academy showed." she replied with an embarrassed face while having a glimpse at Naruto.

'I didn't think Naruto would be able to learn that jutsu.'

While she was not fully aware of what jutsu Naruto talked about, she did hear from her father about Shadow clone jutsu, a B rank jutsu used by Jōnin.

Knowing Naruto's nature, who only says the jutsu name if he understands them, she believed him this time.

"Since we shared it, let us talk about what we should do for tomorrow."

"At first, we should eat our breakfast as our sensei is infamous for coming late."

"Second, Sakura, you should learn a D rank jutsu called Genjutsu Binding, which you can learn by going to the library."

"Okay" Sakura smiled, confident in her Genjutsu skill that was praised by Iruka.

"Third, I will tell you my battle plan tomorrow. Until then, don't strain your body."

"Wait, why later?" Naruto questioned.

"Because I can't guarantee Kakashi sensei is not watching us in the corner, so I don't want to risk spoiling the plan."

Sakura and Naruto nod then part way from Sasuke with an enthusiastic mood, already letting go of the harsh words they heard from him.

Just like Sasuke guess Kakashi was watching over them from a corner

'Your informants do not seem to pay attention to them.'

Initially he believed the new Team 7 would be similar to one he was on when Hokage mentioned them.

But after seeing them, he felt it was an exaggeration from the Hokage.

'Hope you guys don't disappoint me.'


'Let's see, which jutsu should I learn?' Sasuke contemplated, while staying inside the Naka shrine's underground floor, in the Uchiha compound.

While the Anbu have taken all the jutsu scrolls the Uchiha had in their separate library, in the pretext of safeguarding them, original copies of those scrolls were always stored inside underground floor of Naka shrine in case of theft, where the stairs, blocked by a stone tablet, can only be accessed by someone whose Sharingan's chakra was registered onto their Fūinjutsu, the Naka Shrine Pass Technique, and know sequence of hand signs.

Since Sauke has Fugaku eyes, which was registered in the Fūinjutsu and remembers the sequence he saw from anime, he gains access to it.

Inside the underground floor of Naka shrine, there were numerous scrolls of the jutsu copied by the Uchiha clan.

Arguably the most numerous and diverse library in the shinobi world, which even gained envy from the 3rd Hokage, nicknamed the Professor.

While it had few S rank jutsu, Sasuke did not care to learn since he knew how to perform Kirin which had minimum downside in exchange of long sets up and he had his MS which instinctively informed about his ability.

His right eye gave him absolute control over any flame he produced while his left eye maximizes his affinity to fire, allowing him to use Amaterasu easily, a S rank jutsu which surprisingly can be learned by anyone, though only in theory.

Only rare few individual can learn it in practical usage who has highest level of fire affinity

Even Madara failed to use it, but Kagami, Shinsui's grandfather, managed to do it as his signature move, because his affinity to fire was the highest in the clan.

So Sasuke's cheat ability not only allows him to use the strongest fire jutsu, but he was also able to control them to a degree where chakra consumption will be at the low end spectrum of A or rank jutsu, at least this was what he believed in theory as either his current chakra or chakra control deter him from practicing it.

"I should try to learn Wind Release: Gale Palm, Wind Release: Breakthrough, Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique, Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique and Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson with Wind Release: Great Breakthrough as my finisher for now." Sasuke concludes, after seeing numerous scrolls, that it would be easier to explain to others how he learned them, since around half of them were just variations of jutsu 'gifted" to him by the Hokage.

Curious about how his EMS looks, he holds a mirror in front of him.(see comment for the design)

Sasuke was not sure what his father's abilities were as it didn't instinctively inform him yet, however he found a peculiarity when he looked at instructions of one of the scrolls.

'Wait, does the Sharingan copy this fast?'

While MS does enhance Sharingan base abilities, Sasuke noticed he can use that jutsu without actually practicing it.

'Wouldn't I copy it after seeing it with my Sharingan?'

His current learning with Sharigan was far more abnormal than usual, hence he decided to test it out and began to wave hand signs.

"Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique"

He spits a volley of small fireballs into the air. At a glance, it can appear as though there was only one fireball that then bursts into many. The many small flames move wildly through the area, Mesmerizing Sasuke as they surround him.

'Does it have the ability to copy any jutsu?'

Feeling greedy, he pulled out the scroll containing Lightning Release Chakra Mode, which is one of his end goals.

Seeing the scroll, he felt he could use the jutsu just like the previous jutsu and decided to try.

And like he predicted in secret, he failed.

Not even a single thread of lightning chakra was flowing outside.

After this failure, he understood some function of one of his eye.

'It only seemed to increase my ability to analyze aspects of Sharingan to a significant margin.'

'But unlike Sharingan, it gives a false sense of accomplishment.'

However, Sasuke still couldn't activate the 'future seeing' ability of Fugaku that seemed to be present in the same eye either because he lacked practice or chakra.

Still, he was satisfied that his eye provided a good learning tool to skim a couple of hours of work to learn jutsu within minutes.

While looking at the mirror, he notices his eyes revert to 1 tomoe Sharingan.

'How is it possible?'

He chakra was depleting far more than standard Sharingan, but surpringing part is seeing the 1 tomoe.

'Shouldn't it be 3 tomoe?'

And just like that it reverts to base 3 tomoe Sharingan.

Seeing the change in the mirror, he decides to imagine it as 2 tomoe Sharingan and it reverts to 2 tomoe Sharingan as well.

Considering his vision was still the same as using MS rather than the standard Sharingan, he understood the second ability of his father, the ability to change the design of MS to Sharingan of any number of tomoe.

'A simple yet effective ability to explain why no one on the battlefield found out his secret,' Sasuke nods, pleased by this ability, no longer has to restrain himself from using EMS and even his Sharingan when dealing with threats.

Combined with his father's other abilities, he now has an increased chance to learn and understand at a far faster rate than canon Sasuke did, just that he needs to remember not to get caught by the false sense of accomplishment he feels from time to time.

Though he was left disappointed when his eyes revert to normal, after two minutes of using EMS due to lack of chakra to maintain it.

'Definitely need to increase my chakra reserve.'

Due to having no chakra at the moment, he decided to train in taijutsu and shurikenjutsu for today. He planned to try to learn all the jutsu he selected whenever he was able to use EMS.

'Kenjutsu needs to wait for now.'