
Sasuke Arashiden

Realising I, was born as Sasuke Filthy Uchiha, from the hell called naruto, I pleaded towards the god like any sane person would do. Their were good, bad and terrible news. Goodnews: He agree to give me an early power boost by unlocking Sasuke (which is now me) MS early and an then swapping it with Fugaku, giving me EMS early on which I can able to use. Bad news:I can't get access to Rinnegan or Indra chakra. Terrible news:I can not follow the cannon event and face events that not supposed to happened due to butterfly effect and I have to tolerate Konoha 12 and their sensei due to some sick joke. "Now I sympathised why he left village." All well, I can't complain after having EMS, and surely things won't be this difficult right? Note:1000-1500 words per chapter. ·Boruto and Naruto the Last events will not happened, so no aliens fight. ·Story events will began to differ after first Arc, thanks to butterfly effect cause by MC. ·RR means re-rewritten while number attached suggest amount of times I done it(the more the better). Plot however stays the same regardless.

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45 Chs

Chapter 27:Chūnin Training(2)

Next morning, after having an early breakfast, Sasuke went to the training ground.

As he expected, Hinata was there waiting, creepily activating her Byakugan for no apparent reason.

"Before we start, let's first make a schedule for your training." Sasuke asserted, pulled out the schedule he wrote on a piece of paper.

"Kakashi sensei train us from 10am to 2pm, and while it takes us 1 hour to finish a C rank mission and 2 hour to finish a B rank mission"

He also explained the amount of hours it would take for them to return back to Konoha depending on location of their mission and clarified that mission timing was random where they sometimes change timing of their training if it happens around that time.

Moreover, he points out that they are only aware of the rank, content as well as number of upcoming missions at night.

With additional training they now have thanks to the Kakashi arrangement, Sasuke only could afford to train Hinata 2 hours a day as long as he was fine and their mission was not lengthy.

If it was lengthy or he was sick, he would notified her early.

After Hinata agreed, Sasuke decided to train Hinata, seeing she had no problem, though he still could not figure out her reason and didn't waste his Bunseki just like he did to Kakashi and Sakura, which of course did not work.

Bunseki could only analyse perfectly if enough information was provided, and just those two, Sasuke had no info about why Hinata was acting differently.

Especially since he doesn't recall interacting with her to a similar degree to Sakura and Kakashi.

"So what should I do?" Hinata asked, who still did not deactivate her Byakugan.

"First of all, I will train your ability to dodge and train you to move faster."

"Right now in your first training, assume I am your enemy chasing to kill you, so run while you can, with your life on the line." Sasuke said, while unsealing shuriken he sealed near the tip of his sword.

"Now, run!" Sasuke yelled, giving off the intense killing intent he learned from Kakashi.

Hinata ran, just like Sasuke instructed while being intimated.

Due to the difference between them, Sasuke wore weight around the body, but this one weighs 50% of his body mass to artificially slow him down.

However, Hinata fell instantly, when Sasuke struck her down with his shuriken.

"Wh-y di-d you do it?" Hinata harrowing, for her wound on the left leg.

"Because I am an enemy, who obviously wants you dead, so you should thought dodging them while running."

"Now, if you can not handle it, then return your headband and don't waste your sensei time by being a shinobi." Sasuke coldly said, showing no mercy to her.

And Sasuke twitched his eyes when he remembered Byakugan ability.

'How terribly Kurenai train you were, you can't even dodge it?!' Sasuke contemplated, who was actually struggling to move his body due to weight the whole time.

Sasuke did not believe Hinata would be so slow that she could not even try to dodge, especially with her dōjutsu.


Hinata, weeping out of pain, making Sasuke considered whether he actually thrown harder than usual

After standing up, she ran again.

This time however, Sasuke instead tries to catch up with her, gauging her speed and to his surprise, he was able to catch up with her!

'Either I am actually quite fast...or she really....'

"Hey, when was the last time you trained?" Sasuke questioned her, which made Hinata sweat more than usual.

Only after Hinata nervously showed 3 fingers and utter 'years', Sasuke understood she needed a lot more than training.

'I am not sure, should I be impressed that Kurenai did not train her and yet dared to let her team participate on the Chūnin exam.'

'Or scared if Kurenai did it on purpose?'

But Sasuke was even more confused when Hinata refused to explain why and insisted that they continue training.

'Either because of his father or Kurenai...'

"Alright, let's carry out the training." Sasuke said, resuming the training.

If Hinata does not delve on it, Sasuke won't delve on it as well since he does want attention from her sensei who could be a spy of the 3rd Hokage.


"How long do I have to practice?" Sasuke asked Kakashi's clone.

Sasuke had practiced Konoha Style sword style for more than 1 month now and somewhat mastered and made adjustments that fit his fighting rhythm, mostly thanks to Bunseki utilising his memories on OG Sasuke fights.

"Until it becomes as normal as breathing." Kakashi clone replied witg amuse face.

Sasuke sighs and carries on with his training.

Sasuke did asked to learn Chidori/Raikiri from Kakashi since Sakura seen it so he used it explain why he knew, but Kakashi outright refused to teach him, saying it was 'imperfect'.

Sasuke knew Chidori works well with Sharigan, which makes it more confusing for Kakashi himself to say Chidori imperfect.

However, it did made Sasuke excited since if Chidori was really imperfect jutsu like Kakashi claim, then it meant Kakashi had a perfected version of it, which Kakashi may teach him at a later date.

On Naruto's side, Kakashi was evading and rating each of the traps, where Naruto usage for strings was his specialty since he used them a lot when doing pranks.

On Sakura's side, Kakashi was sparing her, praising her Taijutsu, which was now decent against Genins, but still not intention letting her go.

All three were surprised however, when Kakashi clones disappeared.

After a minute of wait, a new batch of his clones came and began to train again.

However, not the one those three were practicing.


"Hey what kind of chokutō you gave me?!" Sasuke said, confused why it was extremely heavy, where it was difficult for Sasuke to wield.

"The kind that will help you learn my clan style." Kakashi calmly said, which Sasuke stunned.

"Before you say something, I am only teaching you the basics of my clan style, not my father's one, so don't feel any debt towards me." Kakashi lazily said.

Sasuke understood the clue and stayed quiet.

"Is it a chakra insulator?' Sasuke thought, where none of his chakra was entering.

"Since you have learned Konoha style, then it means you have already completed 50% of my clan technique, since Konoha style originated from my clan fighting style." Kakashi clarified, making Sasuke disappointed.

However the next line caught Sasuke's attention: "However, Kokoha style lacked the very essence of why my clan was once famous because of its Kenjutsu and why my father's moniker derived from his blade."

"Which is mastery of Chakra infusion, where the sword became one of the 'limb' of its users."