

Two different worlds. They don't know what happened but all this because one of them wanted peace. "Where am I?" "You are in my world." Said Sara through the other world. "But I don't want to live in your world, I want to go home." Said, Hana crying. "I am sure you will handle everything. I was watching you all these years and you are special." Said, Sara smiling and the light that was showing a virtual Sara began to disappear. "No, I don't want to live like that. I want to go home." Hana got on her knees crying helplessly. No one knows how did that happen? Bringing someone into another world is a mysterious Power, no one knows about it or even imagines that it will be real. Sara Hana Both of them are from another world and another dimension but the same person... Read the book to know what will happen in both worlds when Sara will be Hana and Hana will be Sara. Do Hana's parents notice the changes? Does the soulmate of Sara know that it isn't Sara his love? Read and you will see...

The_author21 · Fantasi
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14 Chs

Chapter (14)

She got out of the bathtub with a wet body. Her strands were wet and she looked at herself in the mirror looking deeply at her wet features also. She admired that she is way similar to that princess because they didn't notice that she is another person and kept calling her Sara. Nani knocked on the door snapping her thoughts out and handed her her clothes.

On the full moon, only the stars and the moon is bright in the dark sky, and all the maids in the palace are sleeping and only the silence is over. She walked to her big balcony with the long white chiffon dress that has cut sleeves showing her arms and her chest making her look like an angel in the middle of the night. Nani was standing behind her smiling at her figure. She is really beautiful and flexible just like the princess but with more deep brown eyes and more audacity, she thought.

"I didn't know your name yet." she looked at the sky admiring the loveliness in it.

"Nani, my princess."

"Can you not call me Princess? I am not your princess and I will never be. Also, you will not love me as you loved the real princess." Nani looked at her with nervousness and still, Hana is looking at the sky.


" We are alone, you can call me by my real name." Nani hummed still she is thinking about what Hana just said and yes! Nani is trying hard to accept Hana and just she is treating her well because it's not Hana's idea to switch bodies but Nani was wanting to make her princess happy and she is sure if the princess were here she will tell her to love Hana. She decided with herself that she will take care of Hana and support her.

"I want to see the king." suddenly Hana said and turned to Nani who got surprised and nervous.

"King Eric?"

"Oh yeah!" Hana looked at her seriously like she will not agree if she waited for tomorrow, she knew that Hana wants to say things to the king so she nodded to her and they headed to the king's room. All the way Hana was admiring the corridors until they reach the king's room.

"Here." Nani looked at her and felt like now Hana is feeling nervous after she was so audacity to meet the king again. She gulped and knocked on the door then opened it and get in. She looked and found the king with his charming look standing in his balcony admiring the sky like she was doing a while ago. She shrugged off all the nervous feelings and went to him standing next to him and looking at the sky as well.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" She tried to make this situation not awkward but he didn't respond and prefer to look at the moon. She thought that he might be mad about what happened today and wants her to apologize as he still thinking she is Sara.

"I know that I shouldn't say and do that... I am really sorry but I was stressed and tired-

"Where did you go yesterday?" He again refused to listen to her and shoot her a question that she doesn't even know about it anything and got nervous about how she can answer that sudden question?

"I-I was... at the palace." Silence got over again and still he doesn't look at her.

"I told you I'm sorry-

"Sara-" He turned his head and they were so close to each other that he git surprised by this close distance, her browny eyes that become darker and her silk face with her nightdress that shows parts of her body.

"I have just had a bad dream and I wasn't feeling good." she looked at his eyes and he gulped feeling his heart will bump from his chest. He grabbed her waist lightly.

"I-" She stuttered and her cheeks turned bright red as he got her close to him and left her to chin up to make a full view of her shy face, suddenly he pressed his lips on hers gently. Hana got panicked, she doesn't know what to do he was kissing her deeper and she was shocked feeling guilty to kiss him and she knows that he was Sara's soulmate. He cut the kiss and chuckled.

"You are still shy." she looked at the ground and her cheeks become so warm.


The sun shines to let us know that a new day is coming, Hana woke up and get showered then at her breakfast. Her door knocked, she went to open and a young man with long yellow hair and green eyes was smiling warmly at her.

"Hi, Hana." Hana got shocked, she is sure that this young woman wasn't with her yesterday and how she knew the real name of her and not calling her Sara?

"I know that you are now confused so let me in and I will tell you everything" Anni chuckled and Hana let her in.

"I am Anni and I know everything about you so I think you want to know right? Hana nodded and they sat on the bed.

"So our dimension has Princesses, in each kingdom Princess must have her powers and witches also have powers. Our kingdom is called 'KINGDOM OF KODA' and princess Sara is the most powerful princess here in the whole dimension. Her powers can't be described and we don't see it before but according to what the witch Mary said and this witch is also the power in the kingdom. I have also power but it's not that useful, I can see the future of someone when I touch him..."

"Before 4 years ago we were living in peace but... my mom was a spy to the 'KINGDOM OF NARVA' and a battle happened. Sara was the one who was calm and tried to make Eric calm down after my mom killed the king, Eric's dad" Hana opened her eyes widely listening to all this drama.

"And she wanted peace, all this because of me and because it's My mom-" Suddenly the door knocked cutting Anni and opened the door revealing Mai. She closed the door behind her and bowed.

"We must go to the witch Mary..."